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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. I had to stop working on my I-Justice due to the weather and lack of money to get anymore paint.......real bummer too.
  2. I'm gonna really try to put some money aside and get a new PSP, I was thinking of getting one of those Japanese Blue ones....wonder if its worth it.
  3. lol haha I should of, she was pretty cute, but she was like nearly last in line. I think, I can't remember, she said she was trying to get it for her boyfriend for christmas and how he would be pissed off if he didn't get it. Hmph, if she really wanted it she knew what she had to do haha. Yeah....surviving in crazy 13 hours of weather, I'm glad it didn't turn out like it did today, we're well below freezing in my area of oregon, but no snow or anything, just fog and lots of frost and ice....atleast I'll be warm and happy with my wii. My only gripe is being able to get online cause I don't have wireless abilities here....and I don't think my provider is able to do wireless......
  4. People in line were shocked that someone would hang outside for 13 hours when it's below freezing for one of these. Luckily we closed up work early that night so it gave me lots of time to prepare, sleeping bag, lawn chair, hot food, well fueled car incase I needed a blast of heat. Then just before midnight the first guy showed up, he was a nice guy, we both huddled in our cars at about 2 AM to get some heat, then before we realized it it was 3, and another guy showed up who I used to work with at FRY's. Since employees there aren't allowed to get Wii's or PS3's till Feburary, he decided to come here. Then at 4 the next guy showed up, and at 5 the final abled guy appeared who was going to give (not sell but give) his to a radio station for aucition for Make a Wish foundation to repay them for all the help they did for his 5 year old son whose had a bad form of cancer having a kidney and a chunk of his lung removed. Around 8, you could hear a small group of Target buyers cheering, but they got muffled REAL quick by the larger group who didn't get the Wii's. Rumor had it there were suppose to be 23 units, and only 18 of them confirmed...so lots of ppl were crying Foul. So some of the large group came over here, but quickly left when they found out the first 5 ppl waiting in line were getting the Wii....some stayed to get a PS3 instead.......and some stayed thinking they could "Get one" even though they were number 20 or so in line. One girl just before I left said she'd give me 500 dollars, told her "Since you're cute, I'd make a different offer for it. But sorry, this is a christmas present not paid with my own cash. Good luck in Feburary " lol Some guy patted me on the back going "You are officially a man" I just looked at him going "Nah, I'm officially insane for doing something like this."
  5. waited at the dreaded Argyle Square Gamestop. And no I didn't get a game, I already bought 2 a few weeks prior for it, but now I have a classics controler so I'm really happy.
  6. Wiivolution! I just goto back from 13 hours of waiting in line in 20 degree freezing weather, my joints are stiff as hell, my nose is running and I'm afraid I might be catching my cold again. So out of those 13 hours, 5 Wii's were in stock, and I was number 1. I bought the Wii and a classics controler. I am set for christmas.
  7. I'm leaving here in an hour and a half and campin outisde for 13 hours just so I know I can get one....I'm really that desperate right now to make it a christmas present. My only problem is I couldn't get anyone to come with me for backup if something happens....this is really really sucky.
  8. I perfer it Mackross, that VA said Muhcross, I'll let it slide, mostly because I think that's teh only time it's said by her character.
  9. tomorrows the day, I guess most stores are getting less then a "dozen", but if you come across a store with anything higher then 8, consider yourself lucky. After work I'm gonna do some stuff to prep up my camping deal, get a lil bit of sleep then check things out at about 3/4 AM and if no ones in line I'll stick around, if ppl are in line and it's over 6, I'm kissing my chances goodbye.
  10. Cool that'll be helpful. Okay poll time, I've been argueing on the pronounciation of Macross tonight with a cast member, they pronounce it as Muhcross, I'm telling them Mackross as everyone is use too. Which would you be okay with? Muhcross (like in ADV) Mackross (like Robotech, Macross II and Macross Plus)
  11. HE TOUCHED MY BREASTS! *points*
  12. Klien: Peace! Live with the naturals! Zala: KILL! KILL! WE'LL USE A GIANT DISH TO SEND RADIATION WAVES AT THEM!!! REVENGE FOR MY WIFE! Dillandul: I shall rule you all and determin thru your genes what you shall do in your future! Lacus: .......ara....
  13. Yeah, that's why I'm camping out saturday night, well.....I'll probably get up around 4 or 5 AM see how it looks and just get some breakfast on the go, something lil light and move from there.
  14. Well after inhailing alot of paint and 2 coats of red, it's not turning out too bad, I can consider this a "pass" so far....I still got another tree to go and I still can't even assemble the model probably another week since I need more paint for the rest of the model. The white though looks good. I think I'll pick up Maroon for the flight pack.
  15. I thought there was a strap or something you put around your owrist that's connected to the Wii to prevent it flying from your hand.
  16. Just did a lil clean up on the I-Justice, I really made a bad choice I think going with an Italian Red to cover up the pink......but it's only the first coat and I wont be putting in the next till the morning and then touching up after that...but it really looks too damn glossy. My choices were Metalic Red, Italian Red, Dull Red, Mica Red, Maroon, RedBrown, Bright Red. I should of gone with the Dull Red....it looked great when it was on my Sazabi.
  17. My last chance is this sunday. Hopefully this will be the lucky one since I missed out Friday....after this if I fail, I'll be waiting till the holiday rush is over when it's more circulated.
  18. Personally I don't see much of a difference between the two besides armor differences, but I would think the skeletal build up of the frame would be exactly the same.
  19. Interesting, moving from being Earth Alliance, to Orb and now to ZAFT....Kira just switches sides when ever he feels it's convient. Wonder how come I haven't seen any of these movies? guess they're already liscened for distribution here in the states right?
  20. Wing Zero custome, personally I thin kit's just the same as Version Kai but with the Angel Wings....not much you can do to improve that. Fazz is one of those beefy gundams I've always wanted but too expensive for my taste as a MG......now the IWSP, it's just like the other two Strikes just a better equipment pack in my opinion lol. Oh I just forgot, I got a HG 1/100 Inifite Justice dirt cheap at a gradge sale, hasn't been put together....I really feel for Athrun, poor guy with Pink Gundams......I'll diffenetly be fixing it to look less queerish then it does...I'll more it look more red, but the maroon.....hmmm that'll be tough to come up with a decent color.
  21. Hm, sounds good too bad I don't have 1) a PS2 anymore 2) The ability to play import games period even without a ps2 Answer, maybe in my dreams.
  22. Here's the scoop... 1) If you wish to take part in the production I'm really lookingn for male voice talent. No real skills is required, just have the common sense of knowing what is acting and what is pure cheese (ala Clash of the Bionoids would be cheese) 2) Decent mic, something that doesn't pick up alot of static background, puffs and hissing, and not sounding Nassaly...like you got a cold or a lisp. I would suggest Headset microphones, they're comfortable and can be adjusted...like Logitech is a good brand and it's cheap, 15-20 bucks. I don't recommend Desktop mics unless they're high quality, they tend to make you sound far away and pick up alot of noise in the background cause of that. 3) Timely fashion of turning in lines, alot of the stuff I have available are only extras, I'd like to get as much possible for various male talent instead of giving actors double or triple duty where the variety of voices in the film just start to become noticable that the same actor is being used alot. Since there are mostly just extras are available just send me a vocal sample ofyourself telling me you wish to become part of the voice talent cast, if the quality seems okay to me (you might not think so but I could be thinking different so it doesn't hurt to help) You'll get a reply back with a download link and what character you'll be playing. http://www.megaupload.com/?d=H6CAZ4YF here is a link for Kaifun the last character for this time I will beholding auditionsn for until I find out the other actors status (haven't heard from a few ppl recently) You can email me at ssj_dyson@hotmail.com and please title the subject line as "Macross Auditions" and send out either a WAV or MP3 format file with your auditions or shout outs that you wanna be apart of the cast and we can get started. I'm hoping to complete this before spring.
  23. Well the plan will always be to finish Zero, it just as a more realistic sound then traditional anime does, which makes it very difficult to mix. DYRL is going to be alot smoother then zero was, but don't get me wrong, Zero turned out really well, I probably have less nitpicking issues with it myself then I do with other dubs, but DYRL could surpass that. As for MII and PLUS, That's a different issue....see, in all technical aspect, Macross II the movie is already dubbed, and I think in most cases the dub is pretty good....not too mention I don't mind the music score...but it would be a pain in the ass to mix with the battle scenes in it. As for Plus....it never did get an English dub, I don't get why Manga didn't do that....if I knew where I could get a DVD of the Movie edition....I could possibly think about it and maybe mess around wit hit, but you'd be looking at maybe 2008/2009 before it'd be released....it's a very pain staking process for a masterpiece like that to stay as masterpiece by ameature mixing. But I have recieved a request for it already by another fan. I hear this rarely, but I do hear this, some fans enjoy the shows for what they are, but can't get along with either th eoriginal music or the japanese voicing cast of the original....I've heard this alot in shows like Dragonball Z, they just can't listen to Goku sounding like a girl etc etc...but they also don't like FUNI or SABAN dubs.... There really isn't a tutortial really to look up to get specifically what you want.....you sort of gotta shop around for programs that are gonna fit for whatyou want....then go thru a trail and error like I've done a dozen times....sometimes I'll like the menu settings, and then suddenly I'll figure out something else by messing around and perfer the new menu settings instead. Or I can get optimal picture and audio quality if I convert the file this way or t hat......you really just gotta shop around and try it yourself. I mostly use Nero7, Cool Edit Pro2.0, Windows Movie Maker, Adobe Priemier, DvixToDVD/VSO program etc etc to get what I want. Technically no it's not legal at all, even if the property liscenes is in japan it's still not legal. A good friend of mine was working on the Casshern movie in english, and while Gofish has been taking it's sweet ass time releasing the film which is nearly 3 years old, the original production group in Japan, it's name escapes my mind, has sent her a C&D order on the film just before she completed it. Is she continueing the movie or did she stop, I'm not at obligation to say for her sake, but the work she did was fantastic for a live action film, better then what I could do. Now seeing as HG believes they own the rights to DYRL, they could very easily give me a C&D order because it carries the likeness of Robotech in so many ways shape and form. However, the actual rights to DYRL are up in the air and because I'm not releasing this for profit and for purely entertainment....I don't see why I should be legalized in not doing it. I hope I don't....I don't think I'd stop even if I were to get it. As for my big posting....I'm holding it back till I get better and more clear headed.....I've got alot going on with the first 13 minutes of the film nearly completed, then I gotta recheck the script making sure everythings in order before i send it off to the cast.
  24. Hmmmm hopefully I'll get out everything I need for the big news deal tonight.....I caught a whicked cold since my last posting here and it's really affecting my brain 0_o I'm like zoning out from time to time.... Anyways....I'll get something up a lil later.
  25. Well I hope, honestly, no one does the DYRL dub, or else I'd make me feel like I've completely waisted mylife trying to bring out a proper adaption by fan dubbing it.
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