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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. Yep I even looked at other Anime torrent sites with no luck so thanks for that, I might be able to see it tomorrow after work or something.
  2. Yeah it would be since it's from TV-Nihon and they're a fansub group. But it looks like TV-Nihon is down or my internet connection just sucks.
  3. I-Justice didn't turn out too bad, I used Italian Red and Pure white on the main body, followed by Aqua Green on the vents, and Mica Red on the flight pack which is just I think a few shades darker then Italian and it looks good. I think Athrun wouldn't mind piloting it.
  4. I just compelted the first dungeon, saved all the monkies and defeated the two bosses....ended it there so I can play later tonight. My old man and I have really gotten into this game and making sure we get everything we can.
  5. Well see, it's sort of weird, it's kind of like a buzz...see, Alternate Universe shows like Wing, G Gundam, etc etc follow a better fanbase because of the animation. the original Gundam show flopped because people didn't care of the animation it was too "Old" and "Ugly" compared to todays standards of animation. I remember the rumor that Zeta was going to be on CN last year, but that quickly died....and Char's Counter Attack did air on CN few years ago because the animation style was "new" looking though it was 15 years old or so. Just the style was alot sharper. Which is another reason why you don't see quicker releases of the UC stories like Double Zeta as well....the story gets to childish and no one would be into the animation... Now as for MS Igloo, CGI shows don't do very well unless it's very well known like FF7....and I think the CGI in MS Igloo is a bit dated compared to what we see now with movies using CG.
  6. I doubt we'll see MS Igloo even hit the states considering it's a very low key UC story line.... For the Zeta movies, I just need to watch Movie 3 and I'm done.....I don't really care for it...it just helps pass the time.
  7. Actually ILM has done all of the Starwars films. It was thanks to Starwars that they even still exist and are highly recommended for special visual effects.
  8. Well I said screw it on the paint for the rest of the main body of I-Justice....and it doesn't look too bad at all. Course I goofed in a spot I wanted to paint but I can either A) just ignore it, afterall it's only a HG, or B) paint it later when I have more free time. Course I haven't touched the flight pack because I diffenetly want to paint that and see no hurry at this time. I just consider this good practice till I'm reading to go back to Master Grades, and my first will either be F91 or Crossbone.
  9. I'm sureyou got more of a headache then anything else wearin that trooper helmet around. But still nice score.
  10. I love the Wii, my old man and I were playing Wiisports lastnight for a few hours and got pretty competitive, he beat me 8-5 at Baseball, but I kicked his ass Rocky style in Boxing, and then beat him pretty harshly at golf. But him and I have logged in a total of 5 hours on Zelda but we both got stuck in the same spot so we've been comparing notes. It's odd though, I never see him playing games, but he really likes how interactive the Wii is with the remote. Sadly however, I don't have a clue how I can get mine online since it uses only USB cables and I don't have that ability.
  11. Well I got the Hi-Nu, Crossbone and F91 on my want list.....but I'll have to wait sometime before I get anymore kits since I'm still working on I-Justice but I have no more paint to use.
  12. That's always up for debate on the best gundam show, many say Zeta, but LOTS say Gundam Wing and don't have much interest in Tomino's work.........however I'm a big Zeta fan, and much perfer the second half of Double Zeta.....actually almost anything Tomino has done for Gundam I've enjoyed.
  13. That's what I'm waiting for, I thought the military issue garland was suppose to have the 2.0 upgrade......but I could be wrong. And not too mention shouldn't this thread really be in the original garland thread that was created to discuss bout the toy?
  14. Woohoo, just a little while to go and I can play the Wii wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!
  15. I think that's w hat is being meant, the peg on the swing bar connecting to the shoulder snaps with ease....I'm still really upset when ever i think how mine couldn't do 2 transformations without the right shoulder snapping off the swing bar. That's pretty much why I haven't bothered going with the military version, I'll wait till the problem is fixed.
  16. I've been reading the scanlations of Crossbone Gundam, it's not too bad. My only gripe is that it's sort of hard to recognize the reappearing characters from F91...like it's just now dawning on me that Kincado is Seabook under an alias...if he isn't seabook then how did Kincado become the pilot of the F91 when you see a flash back of him against Zabine?
  17. Ooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhh neato.
  18. Yeah what he said lol.
  19. You can do that if you wish, or if you had a demo or something of your voice that works. http://www.megaupload.com/?d=H6CAZ4YF or you can click on this link with the last character audition I have at this time which is Kaifun...all you do is click on the link, enter in the code it requessts at the right hand area and then let it get set up and then click download. It's got azip file an when you unzip it it will include the lines to read and the original vocal sample of how the lines were spoken.
  20. neeeeeevvvvver heard of Daly City, so no.
  21. Can't wait, I sadly wont be able to see it till Christmas Eve when I got a day off, but it's diffenetly on my watch list.
  22. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n9nXttaekpQ this is a sample of the third demo which is the longest released so far....it's still rough but very good.
  23. Well that was actually very cute, do a lil pose then transform back into vehicle mode....cute.
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