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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. I got my copy last night in the mail and I went straight to the extras cause that's what fascinates me more than most films. I think we got a pretty good idea that Cameron really wanted a well rounded and as faithful as possible film of Alita. It's interesting to hear him say that it was almost like a coin flip between it and Avatar and the only reason he chose Avatar was for the motion capturing mechanics needing to be really put to the test and Avatar being a 99% CGI film made better use than Alita would. Or the 2005 Artistic Reel was kind of interesting....won't go into to much details to spoil it but they were changing some aspects while being very anime. I mean there was some really cool stuff and I really do hope that Cameron and crew make another film focusing on Alita becoming a member of the Tuned, her encounters with Figure, hell start it out with the end of her motorball championship which ends in a celebration where Zapan comes for his revenge with the help of Nova stealing Alita's beserker body leading to her becoming a member of the Tuned hunting Nova who had recently been banished by Zalum for his illegal experimentations or something. Do THAT and I'd be in it for another 10 years wait.
  2. But you could argue that one wouldn’t let the other sacrifice themselves and this when Barton had no other choice to let Nat fall he in turned didn’t stop her. I dunno. all I can say is moving damn quick to get more revenue even though they’re re-releasing the film with 6 stupid more minutes of footage.
  3. Devil Gundam. Get a second mortgage for that thing hah. im interested in the dominance but not right this moment. I heard a few local modelers cry and complain that the price is to high for a HG. I quickly swatted them. “You have bought a Neo Zeong and I think it’s nothing but fluff so shut up!”
  4. Some years back I remember watching movies of people talking about the US having a space force in the army and a force within the navy and the army denies the naval existence while the navy side is supposedly the most advanced. Ships that dwarf the Macross kind of size. i shrugged a lot of that stuff and didn’t believe it, then one day there was talk of disclosure approaching from an elderly man who worked for a number of military aerial contractors and even helped in the space program. low and behold trump brings up the space force and I was like “wait a damn minute....”
  5. Guess they never heard of the three seashells
  6. I’ve had a lot of friends go so far and one of them was the first to go before the opening and it’s actually really inspired her since she came back and after the video was released talk about it.
  7. not to mention the acting all sounds flat from everyone, but maybe cause it's a preview. I honestly was hoping Cold Forge would of gotten an audio drama not a different take on Alien 3. But I'll buy it anyways.
  8. How’d all this go wrong? I mean we didn’t even want a live action sonic. Mario, MK2 and doom should of been enough to realize this. Damn you detective pikachu! This is your fault
  9. While I was talking to one of my bosses (he's number 2 in the chain of command....heh number 2.....) I noticed he had some trek stuff in his cabinets and right on his desk was the eaglemoss XL discovery. He said he got it from a family member recently and so I got to take a good look at it. Wasn't bad in person, I mean I'm still not a fan of the ship at all, but was kind of impressed with the size. I'm sort of on the fence with this, do I really even wanna bother collecting these or what? I'm more interested in getting the enterprise line up and maybe that Avante class. I dunno. obviously though the smaller ships are not to scale which is a bummer. And I already got all of the old Diamond Select stuff....so again I dunno should I even?
  10. Dammit I’ve had the ex-s in my closet for 3 years unbuilt and now this.
  11. Is 2202 done yet? I’ve been holding off on watching so I can binge it like I did season 1.
  12. I know a lot of people who won’t watch an anime unless it’s dubbed because it’s to difficult to read the subtitles and watch what’s on screen and process the story.
  13. Yeah not the doom movie we deserve.
  14. Likewise my interest has severely dropped on several shows but with arrow after how powerful season 2 was and for me just could not be matched since then.
  15. I was wondering who number 3 would be, I must admit this did not come to mind.
  16. Agreed the show is rather luke warm in story and importance. I haven’t watched an episode since #5 cause it was so boring.
  17. Argue over the fair use clause if you haven’t already.
  18. after watching the film today, I gotta give props to Cameron for getting it super close. Yeah, there were things I didn't like that strayed, but for them to pack in so much content in 2.5 hours is an achievement. I had my doubts after the flop of Ghost in the Shell, but this worked out well.
  19. Mp bee is an easy pass for me, I’m pretty happy with the original. But so much of the seige line are buys for me I fact besides cog and magnus I already have the entire first wave in hand. Love them.
  20. Yes! Exactly! The “hot” young adults had almost little of none for screen time. The jokes weren’t awful and mindless like the other films. It felt wholesome in a way, coming of age. what sucks though and this is a competition ploy, China granted an extended play for WB and DC for aqua man that was to originally end this week and allow bumblebee to play from New Years to the start of February. This will hurt the film a bit more as it hasn’t been getting the revenue it was hoping for which is a damn shame. I felt this was a winner.
  21. saw this pile this morning....and pile is because I can't say how I REALLY feel about this film. Shane Black you can't direct yourself out of a paper bag with a map and flash light and voice assist.
  22. THAT is very interesting.
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