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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. I'm still waiting to see Movie III released subtitled, kind of startin to piss me off a bit. I think I know what you're talking about....I believe in 2000 or so, I had to download as much anime as possible in a weeks time and take it with me so I had something to watch while I was on the road to my grandparents place in Montana. Turn A Gundam 1 and 2 were part of those collections.....and it was missing subtitles and was poorly timed, so I think I was watching the exact same one you were. But the other group who released and finished Turn A I think 2 years ago did a great job....I can't remember the guys name who did I think the translations, but he was going to help me out in Macross some years ago but had to drop out because he was working on Turn A.
  2. AnimeJunkies comes to mind, I use to think they were good, then I watched SEED and even their fansub release of Macross Zero Episode 2, I then thought I'd rather watch StarOceanEX from my friends bootleg HK DVD's where every bit of dialouge couldn't be read without being drunk to somehow understand a portion of it.
  3. Pretty much available for download...if I sold it I could get in rather big trouble if it was discovered I was selling illegal copies to people... I'm estimating when the movie is complete in the summer it could easily be about a Gig in size....which means I'll have to have it on Bit Torrent for easy downloading.
  4. X was decent, but due to low raitings it was cut short, however I think there was a rumor that X will get a sequal OAV......but I don't think it was ever confirmed. The concept idea of it being a "remake" to the original Gundam series as a "What if" was good, but it drags on alot. Turn A, if you don't mind the character animation cause it is sort of blah, and a different look at what a Gundam can be, you'll love it...it's got a truely unique storyline which somehow tries to tie in EVERY SINGLE GUNDAM SHOW from before 2000 into it's plot.....very interesting. G Gundam, if you like cheesey designs and the typical beat 'em up bad ass emo characters, it's a good show....it's good to pass up time atleast. Gundam Wing, while there are many fans, and it seemed to do REALLY well in the states (one of the best dubs around) I personally don't recommend it....I didn't care much for Wing.
  5. That's why I stayed away, the whole concept in my opinion felt like just a need for a black samurai to go around and gang bang some ninja's....passed.
  6. From the looks of it, that's the 1/60 weapons version isn't it? I remember how dumb I felt buying the first 1/60 Strike without the weapons kit, then 2 years later buying a weapons version and not havingn a third strike to display everything......but I diffenetly made my second Strike MUCH nicer looking then the first.
  7. Pretty impressive new line coming, neat. I managed to scrounge up some space while moving stuff today, however I got nit picky and only put my MG Strike Rouge, Strike and Freedom back on display after a little whipping down of the dust...and put Freedom on one of the Strike catapult stands, and Strike on Freedom's stand......meh. I really miss building MG's.
  8. Looks like a combination of both a prequal and sequal.
  9. Meh, a month until it's released.....who wants to bet it'll get pushed back again?
  10. we could tell Good phase poo down rendition.
  11. About as good as Evangelion coming to the big screen without looking embarassing. That would be pretty much a ig NOT GONNA HAPPEN. Gundams always been a focus on humanity and it's acceptance of others and what happens when that ain't going to occure
  12. Yeah I thought someone might ask for that or get a flood in my im box....not gonna produce a link sadly since the picture quality of the dvd box was pretty poor....you couldn't tell if she was holding a vibrator or a microphone.
  13. Well it's not really Gundam show related, but sort of is......a friend of mine (cause she's a huge GSD fan) was cruising an auction sight when she stumbled across a Meer cosplay DVD which was actually a cosplayer doing porn in a Meer/Lacus costume......0_o.......I didn't see that one coming.
  14. yeah I'm sure Amuro could of used it in the tail end of CCA.
  15. I pretty much stopped watching I think right after the bounts creator which looked like that one bount chic appeared.....after that.....I lost interest.....I'll watch it once the manga storyline kicks back in.
  16. That and I think they should of kept the original ending, I wasn't too thrilled of Camille walking away without a scratch and the only thing bugging him was having to change his helmet.
  17. Well Gundam is virtually a house hold name in Japan, big difference there, not too mention Animation such as Gundam isn't recognized as something for a "Child" but for a Teenager or adult versus here in Western culture when nearly everything animated is for childern. And while MSG is looked upon as being one of the top sellers, it does piss poor in relations here...also fans didn't have much interest in the english adaption only being available on DVD while the Triology box set of MSG was given a remastered version with the japanese audio and no english track despite an English version produced many years ago. As for the Zeta discs, I recall them saying if the boxsets sell well they'd do the individual sets. But I can't really remember that being said or where I read it....
  18. Well seeing as ZZ wasn't one of the popular UC stories, I don't care if a triology is made for it in the next few years....or ever...course I'd watch it.....but I have no interest till then. Course to wanting to redo CCA is like wanting to take the Mona Lisa and make her high def....or adding lipstick on her......why screw with a masterpiece when it's already a masterpiece? Or why try redoing a movie when it's already a movie? What else could you do different? Have Amuro, Char and Quess live? What point would that bring? Why change the animation when the animation for the movie was pretty damn top quality stuff? : / I'd say leave that movie alone... If you want something redone or added too, either finally turning F91 into a TV series, or doing an OVA series of Crossbone.
  19. Well something Bandai/Sunrise has been doing with the older shows are releasing a limited edition box set, such as Zeta Gundam....once the box sets ran out, they knew there was some sort of a following, hence about a year later Individual Volumes began to emerge....however it was originally stated, that because UC stories and the older animation from Gundam don't sell compared to GW, G Gundam etc, they would only do the box set.
  20. Zomigod just like M7 quick someone photoshop Mylene in the bathing suit and slap her on there somewhere
  21. During the summer I toyed with the idea with a fellow Gundam fan...3 movies 1 and 1/2 hours each is a stretch when DYRL will probably take me till late spring or summer to complete....and Zero will probably take 3-4 months per episode after that.... Not too mention, the Zeta movies are already being worked on for English release in the states...so it kind of ruins the fun you know?
  22. Some guy at work asked me if I'd take his 60 gig PS3 for my Wii, I laughed at him and told him not a chance in hell. I've got nearly 11 hours on Zelda but still far into the beginning, I'm just more focused on trying to get everything I can out of the game, and it's really the first Zelda game I think I ever actually got into...
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