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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. I'm gonna be wii'ed out for a while, I REALLYI hurt my shoulder playing Wii sports for 3 days straight.....I'm kicking ass in Boxing, Bowling and Tennise......but the bowling has really killed my right arm complete..hurts to move it much at all. I got wii elbow!!!
  2. So far, Blackout, Prime, Megatron, BumbleBee, are on the want list....I just hope ALL of them are released instead of doing Wave after Wave.
  3. Ya know, I remember, back in those old days, both films were rather scary....well Alien and Aliens, and Predator (not 2).........but as I watch the franchise expand.......I can only laugh and go "Man....worst 8 bucks I ever spent this summer". The only thing to maybe make me feel frightened while watching this movie is if I started choking on popcorn or a milkdud.
  4. What's funny is that Hirai was very popular for a few years with Fafner, Gundam SEED and Syc-red or whatever it was called...(didn't watch that one) But his anime designs were all so damn similar I think people got very tired of him. Somehow, I dunno how he ties into this, but he also worked on The End of Evangelion.
  5. A minor update on production. SFX's are 95% complete, minor touch ups in certain areas have been marked for remixing during final production. All audio is being kept in a safe place just incase. I managed to substitute the acoustic bar version of My Beautiful Place with a Kareoke version which works just as well as the original, you can't even hear the original audio I used for sfx's since I didn't have anything to sound like the phones used in the movie. So far i think my favorite scenes are going to be the ones with huge amount of dialouge, like the Bar scene with Roy being plastered (Should be interesting to see how that turns out) and where the squad wants the juicey details on the 3 days alone with Minmay from Hikaru. (I tried to make myself sound so innocent on that one) Vocals are now being inserted Hikaru and Hayao lines are complete. I'm still waiting on a few for Segment 1, and Segment 2 isn't due till Feburary 4th. I'll try and give you guys a taste once Segment 1 is complete.
  6. Oh yeah, diffenetly getting the toys.....even if the movie sucks hard core.....I will get the toys.
  7. Well......*sigh*.........guess I'll get the toys when they come out, heh thankfully it'll be a long time before that happens
  8. I think they're actually australian, Hikaru's VA in the movie has been heard in Jackie Chan dubs many of times back in the 80's....and I think a good portion of his films are actually shot in Australia aren't they? I'm starting to connect the dots la la la connect the dots, *herman laugh* *shakes fist like iron* Soon, Bionoids will be the thing of the past! As my dub will reign supreme! ......................................oh god now I just got nervous.
  9. 110 was okay, Ive pretty much been decensitized to this kind of pace since it's really starting to remind me full on of Dragonball Z and Naruto....so I'm starting to loose alot of interest if any is left of Bleach.
  10. The EX-Garland would be nice.......I'd like to see the original Garland, but it didn't look like it could transform.
  11. Hirai has t hat kind of style where everyone looks the same in the animes he does, he'll even slightly reincarnate previous anime characters into his next job....it's sad when you don't got much of squat for originality
  12. They're just using the typical sound recorder that comes with Windows, nothing special. I'm stuck however, I can't seem to find the song (I thought I had it) at the bar scene between Roy, Claudia, Misa and Hikaru. Anyone know the title to it? I've got just about every Macross song I could get my hands on, and I'm not having problems finding the other BGM's in the movie, but this one is just tricky for some damn reason. Otherwise, besides THAT song, and Zentradie foot steps, the segment is ready for vocals. Not bad in just 1 night huh? Crap, I've got everything I need done except that one BGM....I know it's like an acoustic version of My Beautiful Place, but I just can't seem to find it. Anyone got any clues?
  13. Hopefully soon Macross Zero Ep1 will be available thru Bit Torrent, course the original file right now is in VSO format and is over 700 megs when unzipped. I'm currently in the process of getting this handed over too my provider I'm also on the way of giving the second part of DYRL to my cast members giving them till Feburary 4th to complete their lines. I should easily have that part mixed SFX/Music wise alot sooner. Like <<<<working on it now.
  14. Nothing really big to report sadly. I'm waiting on 3 Voice Actors to turn in their lines so we can all move on to the next stage which is chapters 6-10 which consist of Minmay and Hikaru stuck in the enginen block for a few days, to Hikaru secretly meeting Minmay at the park. I do plan on finishing the next segment before the end of Feburary, and plan on finishing every segment every 3 weeks. Most of my actors are pretty quick, the others are horrindiously SLOW.
  15. Ah interesting, so you either buy the first kit, or wait till this upgraded version comes out instead lol.....OR BUY THEM BOTH AND ALTERNATE LIKE A FOOL! MUWAHAHAHAHA!
  16. It made it into MANGA's rendition of Macross Plus in English, but it still never made it to Robotech. The only thing that made it into Robotech was "My Boyfriend is a pilot" as Minmay's Debute Album title. Harmony Gold never ONCE introduced any of the original music into Robotech...
  17. Seeing that most of my time is consumed in looking for useable soundeffects for fandubbing, I DO have the newtype ping. NEWTYPE PING I managed to come across this over a year ago doing a Gundam EVOLVE dub where the ping was needed. I found it in one of the last I think 12 episodes or so of G Gundam. Lucky me huh?
  18. So wait, is this crossbone version the same just with added equipment?
  19. Hi-Nu looks fantastic, seriously, if I have to get back into the MG fad, it'd be with THAT.
  20. I kind of disagree on some areas you spoke of....I thought action wise, the fight scenes were good till the end, then it was just "Good guy beaten up everyone" senario. The start of the movie I think was fantastic, espically Hoppers transition into the movie. The actors are good, these are pretty top ranked Drama actors in Japan, and I've really taken notice that some of these actors got their start on Sailor Moon too 0_o The story does tend to die off with to many character introductions, and could of benefited with a triology form like many big shows....afterall we're compression ALOT of the original series into a feature length format. But yeah, the Cobra/Snake side story was worthless and could of been better with them straight introduction into Shocker instead.
  21. Media Blastors got the rights to Kamen Rider The First and is due out next month 0_o....I didn't see this coming. Also looks like Kabuto's going to end soon now that all the players are back, and the final appearance off Dark Kabuto.
  22. Wow only roughly 4 inches tall? and 4K yen? That's pretty damn spendy : /
  23. Bit Torrent is pretty much what everyone uses to download movies, it's pretty simple to use. The biggest reasons I don't think I'll really persue a DVD release are these 1) It's illegal, it's bad enough I'm doing the movie when Harmony Gold is shouting they own the rights to everything Macross related. My friend has been working on Casshern for nearly 2 years even when Go-Fish announced they were persueing the rights, and the original Japanese film company actually emailed her saying to stop. 2) The quality would blow for a DVD release because I have to render the video format like 3 times, from WMV, to AVI/DIVX then to VSO, that really degrades the quality of Video and Audio. 3) Takes me roughly 4 hours to make the highest setting on my burner, and I gotta basically sit there and watch it till it gets to the burning process where everything should work out fine...it just mostly fails during the encoding process cause I might have something the program didn't like. Then when it does complete I gotta make sure it plays on my DVD player for the total length of the DVD, be it DYRL, about two hours per copy. So it's really a pain in the ass to make a DVD. And either way, we're looking at a release date 6-8 months from now.
  24. Ya know I've just recently become very interested in Orguss, however, the only movies I can watch are Orguss II and I heard the subtitles off the Orguss DVD collection are decent but could be better. So anyone know of other locations I can acquire watching the series? Maybe find a few toys?
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