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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. Just got my UltraMagnus/Skywarp 2 pack and Ramjet from sh002, VERY cool repaints! Skywarp is freaking fantastic looking. And Ramjet is very nice........Ultramagnus though, he needs some more color to him, espically his smoke stacks....I thought it'd be just like Prime's, maybe I'll switch the two.
  2. Nice redeco on Wheeljack, Jazz and Mirage. I was in Northern Washington today doing a dealertrade on some cars, and I stopped at a Target store on my way back. I managed to snag classics Cliffjumper.....he's a nice repaint, but I really wish they changed the head mold into something more "authentic" to cliffjumper. So I'm back to just needing Jetfire. I just wont be able to get him until mid Feburary.
  3. My Breetia turned in his lines today, and you know if he can turn in his lines that's a good sign lol he's probably the best Breetia you'll ever hear outside of HG's Robotech voice.
  4. I recently read someone in SONY said the Wii is nothing more then a fad or impulse buy and ppl will stop buying it since SONY is selling 100,000 units a week of PS3's.........now I think SONY's buying back units to keep themselves looking cool lol. Cause honestly it wasn't the Wii or the PS3 that won the console war for the holidays, Xbox360 sold more units.....now in terms of next gen entertainment, I think the Wii is winning....better game releases and the whole interactivity of it all is much nicer then what the PS3 offers which is just another big computer.
  5. The final stretch for Part2....I'm still waiting on the final set of voices for Part 1 : / blah.
  6. HAH! That's hilarious that it went STRAIGHT to DVD.
  7. He's a Deluxe, so I'd have to say 6 inches.
  8. Blackouts still on my want list, he'll probably look better then Megs and Optimus. As for the Ultramagnus/Skywarp pack, I don't have to worry bout that anymore thanks too Sh002. Megatron STILL looks like he can't stand correctly without a damn stand for support....this is really starting to piss me off. If there isn't a confermation if he can stand on his own or have his own display like Starscream, I might just kill my preorder.
  9. Ah yes, Out of Control, it wasn't a bad OVA, but wasn't the best. I did like the OST for a while, and many years ago I did have some of the songs, but now that's gone away of the dodo bird.
  10. right, I mentioned that to them that other ppl have gotten them off the backroom. And they said if it was that it was from some holiday deal etc etc and they don't do that anymore so I was SOL.
  11. It is a bummer though to know that alot of stores shipping Megatron in the US will be undergoing the modification, but personally I'd rather that the cap can be taken off, to have it glued on or have spray paint really ruins it on being a "Master piece" in my opinion and wouldn't even be worth 50 bucks in my opinion compared to well over 100. I went to Target afterwork, and asked around if they would of had an Ultramagnus/Skywarp 2 pack in their back room. Their supervisor said "It was probably on our holiday sale and we don't do that anymore" : / I never said it was a holiday deal, I did tell them that the toys were recently released though, so they obviously didn't listen to what I had to say. But they did tell me if I had the product code it'd be easier....it pisses me off that they didn't wanna look, just quickly disregard it as existing. I did find it online though, but I'm not willing to spend anywhere over 50 bucks for them, that's like 2 Voyager class Transformers and 1 deluxe...to much for my tastes even for my first ultra magnus toy. When I got home I was pretty bummed so I took my Classics Starscream and started tinkering with him. I'm surprised how few of screws are actually on him....I was thinking, I could complete my trio seekers set by buying another classics starscream, unscrewing him and painting him to match Thundercracker....but it loos like that couldn't happen cause alot of his parts don't come apart unless I'm missing something. Only parts that come off so far are his wings, fuselage(inside the chest cavity and fuselage itself on the right side), and shoulders....not sure bout the legs, I see screws but nothing so far on taking him apart. Also need to find a good picture of Thundercracker and see how I wanna "update" his color scheme like Starscream and Skywarp have been.
  12. They did announce Target wasn't going to carry anymore of the Titanium lines, don't know why. But I think a month and a half ago was the last time I saw a Titanium at Target and that was Scourage, which isn't bad for a shellformer.
  13. Hey I was curious, since the Ultra Magnus/Skywarp 2 pack is out, does anyone have that look up stock code for it for Target? I knwo some Targets in other states are getting them but ppl are having to go ask the store clerks who get reluctent to look in their back... I'd like to see if they do got them so I can tell the clerk "Go look you bastard" when I show 'em proof.
  14. I carry a vast array of Macross SFX's and other Mecha shows....almost every week I'm finding more. Sadly I'm at a give and take right now. What do you need these SFX's for?
  15. A few more ppl turned in lines this weekend, just one more week left to do so. While I had nothing else to do I've been working on the DVD cover and was gonna print it out and scan it since I can't remember how to do screen caps on my computer or where it saves. So I instead took a cheap picture using my digicam. Took me 3 hours to do all the font, and editing and picture gathering. I'm also in the works during my bordem periods on a Macross Music Video......any suggestions on the song? it can be any song Macross or none Macross related, English, or Japanese, but it must be a song you are either willing to send me, or can easily be found online.
  16. One would hope you could transform and fight on the ground. But good luck on this venture, that's a big step.
  17. Well if you wanna compare the old LA Hero dub to this incarnation, you'll love the LA Hero one from back in the days more.
  18. That I could easily accept, after they died and reset things in motion, all possible realities came out. I went thru as many orguss sites as I could reading up on what went on, so now things tend to make alot more sense for Orguss 2.
  19. More then likely not. ADV is the key to bringing out this series since they're the ones who said they wanted a new Guyver anime....and seeing how they JUST released it here in the states...it'll be a very long time if they decide to do a season 2 if at all. Not too mention I just watched the English version and it's down right horrible....I'm getting very sick and tired of these mediocre actors and bad name pronounciations.
  20. Finally finished Orguss just 5 minutes ago....I think I pretty much got the jest of the show and what they had to do without the bad translation. They say that the have to "Reinvent" the earth, but they really had to go and kill their past selves right? Or else they really didn't have to do what they did in the end and all get killed. It also looked like all of the parrell worlds came back to their original states and with that alternate versions of Kei and Orsen exist, kei as a Emaan, or Mimsy as a human, Kei with Tina, Orsen with Athena, ei with Mohm, etc etc. So in some essence, Kei and Orsen don't really die except in that original world they belonged too. It wasn't a bad show despite the horrible translation. What sort of got to me show wise was the rehashing of battle scenes and animation......LOTS of that went on.
  21. I never saw it as a huge problem, mostly because my set never cracked and I've owned it now for over 2 years...but I do perfer the AnimEigo set mostly because it's a true remaster and no longer in production so it's got a sentimental value to me. But I'm also on boycott of ADV because they continue to release crap dubs and continiously re-release their old work in different box sets promising lots of stupid boring crap not related to the japanese production of the certain show, just their relation to it being dubbed. I mean honestly, how many box sets of Evangelion do you want? It's the same thing with Macross/Robotech, they keep releasing box set after box set and soon they'll have a compact Macross boxset I bet with all these bonus goodies, then next year they'll release ANOTHER version with more crap, then the year after that you can probably get the original Macross with Robotech style editing! BLAH!
  22. lol I'm so gonna get the MP3 Soundwave......I mean damn.......who wouldn't? "Cool MP3 player! Where did you get it?" "MP3 player....?" *Soundwave transformers* ".....................................ah crap......."
  23. Talked to my friend at FUNI, she's actually pretty upset that FUNI bought the rights....she's afraid it'll be a very crappy cast put together. I think she's starting to hate her job lol.
  24. Looks like Okawara got his chance on the design and made it look like a stripped down F91.
  25. I thought I heard her voice, but I could easily be mistaken. But yeah I did notice that Kei's VA was Max Jenius. It's just odd hearing him in a different style of acting, going from a well spoken, well mannered character to a hotheaded womanizer.
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