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Everything posted by Hikuro
K iv'e been reading the manga, I'm up to almost finishing Volume 3, and I got 4 and 5 (found a good cheap place to get 'em) and I admit while I was against Naruto from the word go, I'm slowly getting into the Manga atleast. But from what I watched of the TV series I really wasn't getting into it, mostly because the time slot fo rthe shoe keeps changing on CN so I'm not able to watch it cause when it finally comes on, I'm at work and already had my lunch so I'm busy. I managed to find the DVD's like the uncut box sets, but I don't wanna pay 50 bucks for 13 episodes and WAIT 4 months for another box set. So I found more DVD's online that are Japanese/English subtitles (no mention of Chinese subs) for like first 25 episodes for 30 bucks which is a good price. So I wondered if this is something I should invest in or should I just go and buy these box sets from Viz and just hold my patients each release?
Ok well to keep up with topic Transformers not Macross.......I finished the Ghosts of Yesterday book and to top off my day I surprisingly enough got Issues 1 and 2 of the prequal comic book in the mail from IDW....I really need to buy from them more often, VERY nice looking package oh and the comics looked great too. Anyways here's some stuff on the Book and it's also a spoiler sort of so yeah. Ghosts of Yesterday takes place at the time when Apollo 11 launches to later land on the moon. In the Arctics SSAB (Sector Seven Arctic Base) launches it's more sophisticated top secret project, Ghost 1. A highly advanced transport with a 4 man team to space. The Ghost 1 resembles a bit of Decipticon/Cybertronian configuration, possibly more that of Megatron. Of course speaking of Megatron...I'm sure many are aware who keep up on the news, Megatron is code named "Ice-man" who was found near the end of the 19th Century by Captain Whitwicky on an arctic Voyage. The US Military digs Megatron out and build a base around his solid remains then attempt to reverse engineer what technology they can pry out of Megatron while locked in Stasis. Meanwhile, the Ghost 1 during a sling shot around the sun is suddenly sucked into a worm hole and sent across the galaxy where they by chance come across the Autobots and Decipticons while searching for the Allspark. Back on Earth, Sector Seven is underway of moving Megatron to what seems to be area 51, but word on the street is that a possible russian infiltrator has snuck into the base and sure enough one has. While enroute to transport Megatron to the US, the convoy is met with a horrible accident by the russian infiltrator and soon enough KGB elite come to get Megatron for themselves. In space, the crew assess what's happened, run into the transformers, lands on a remote partially uninhabitted world as a means of trying to escape from the battle between both factions. However the Decipticons find it mysterious that an alien ship resembales that of cybertronian decent. Starscream takes it upon himself to look for himself and discovers Bumblebee well ahead of him and they engage in a small skurmish. However Bumblebee vanishes in a sink hole and sucked under the planet surface. Starscream takes it upon himself to have some fun and gains the Ghost 1's crew's trust making them believe Starscream is the bad guy, and discovers that Megatron in short, lives...now Starscream has to find a way of destroying the humans while taking out the autobots. Finding out Bumblebee is in trouble, Optimus manages to find his little companion fighting off huge snake like monsters and later having to hide from Starscream as he and the Ghost 1 exchange salvo. The crew of the Ghost 1 start to figure things out and try to find a way to stall for time to think things thru without hopefully pissing of Starscream... Back on Earth, communications with Ghost 1 and SSAB command are short lived as the SSAB find out that Ghost 1 had encountered "Ice-mans family" and then the Convoy carrying Ice-man has not reported in. So a search and rescue team is sent out. At the Convoy makeshift camp, they discover that it's only a short time before the Ice-man thaws himself out since the container keeping him frozen is beginning to shut down due to damage from the accident. But things only get worse as the russian press on at their assault with the convoy needing help and fast. At the other world with Ghost 1, the crew encounter Prime and Bumblebee and things begin to make sense. Now the Ghost 1 crew befriends the Autobots and leaves the planet as Starscream and his crew attack the ARK and the other autobots. However things don't go as planned back on Earth as the Russians seem to be getting the upper hand and the rescue crew is still just shortly behind. But things go from bad to worse as suddenly Megatron is up and moving and begins to do short amounts of destruction around him. One of the soldiers, a man named Nolan and the main incharged Kennar manage to stop Megatron just in time sacraficing themselves by using a spare Liquid Nitrogean tank to seal Megatron into stasis lock again. A group of Army Rangers then take out the Russians and they later retreat. In space, Ghost 1 regains contact with SSAB command and are ordered not to return unless they know for sure the Transformers wont follow them. However time is running short as the worm hole that sent them to theother end of the galaxy is beginning to close. Captain Walker and his team while hesitant decide to follow orders and try to help the Autobots even though Prime refuses their help. Later SSAB command tells the Ghost 1 crew to hurry home, screw orders just get home. However Captain Walker refuses to retreat and the Wormhole closes. In the end, the Ghost 1 manages to safe Prime in the nick of time by firing a missile into Starscream, but in return, Starscream blasts the Ghost 1 and crew into Oblivion, but giving just enough time for Optimus to recover and send Starscream and crew retreating and badly injured. Optimus decides while back in the ARK with Jazz, Ratchet, Ironhide and Bumblebee that it woudl be best if they could find earth and destroy megatron...that and to protect the planet since it's likely Starscream will want revenge for what the Ghost 1 crew did, injuring him so greatly that he could not finish prime himself. Also, to regain the Allspark. The book was good, the character developement was great for the human factor, and the Transformers seemed very spot on to their original G1 counterparts, but still keeping with some sort of individuality. The one Transformer who seems to keep up at his G1 counterpart though was Starscream...in every way when I read his dialouge, I just heard G1 Starscreams voice, cursing, yelling, screaming, ordering, laughing, the whole nine yards. If the movie is anywhere near as good as this book and the comics thus far...I think the movie will actually do decently in the box office...maybe not a mega hit, but I thin will do well.
Well I'm just about done with Ghosts of Yesterday, if the movie is almost half as decent as this book, I might leave with a smile going "Well, it was ok"....the book is well written, but it goes back and forth between the robot and human elements of the story, just when things get really good on one end it switches to another. Hopefully I'll have some sort of a review up when I finish the book.
I just picked up "Ghosts of Yesterday".........looks like the Prequal comic takes place even before this novel....ugh and IDW is only on Issue 2. Atleast I got those coming in as well.
Yeah it is considering how much I really enjoyed the classic line and how some of these are the only closest appearance to the G1 characters possible....hell closer then the movie coming out. Still, buying a spare SS to turn into a thundercracker would be great. But with the flashy paint schemes they've given Skywarp and Starscream, just what the hell would work for Thundercracker? Doing his original G1 style would almost be bland wouldn't it?
lol I'd probably agree on that. The only way I got mine was having an insider to tell me when shipments came in, and then stood in line for 13 hours to be sure I got it. Every store in oregon that would carry a Wii pretty much doesn't even have much for any clues that a Wii ever set foot there other then asking a store clerk. However I'm surprised on the number of accessory parts available now that were originally hard to come by. Very interesting.
wow even for a fan done repaint it's not bad. I caved in and picked up Deluxe movie Starscream and Prime Cybertron forms on Hasbros website. I've heard some decent reviews so it's something to keep me tied down till June.
The Sword of Omens is calling. Thundercats to return in 2007!
Hikuro replied to UN Spacy's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Oh god this has GOT TO BE a joke......please no : / stop dicking with my childhood ppl.....please stop it makes me cry. -
Well, I don't have a single problem with this version of the Enterprise...but I could honestly give less of a crap about the franchise in general anymore.
The situation is like that here in the state side...Wii's are ultimately the hardest to come by....you'd think almost every household would probably have one at this rate. Im' very grateful that I got mine when I did......phew.
Hey question, any toy sites doing preorders of the Movie figures yet? I'm finding them on ebay listed "In Stock" but they're those "Prototype" figures and thinkin about getting one just for the hell of it. But I'd rather wait but have a preorder supply of 'em you know? I'm pretty sure the stores in oregon wont even carry them until the movie comes out.
Meh.......I'm thinkin either I'll buy 4 MP Starscreams in time, get a cartoon accurate Starscream, Thundercracker, Skywarp and Sunstorm.......or I'll get a few Classic versions and redeco those myself.....but my collection really feels complete now with jetfire.
God I hate pink, but I can't deny the fact it's Amuro....
I tried to get back on lastnight but for like 5 minutes it's waiting to freakin connect into the Wii shop......I was like "JESUS!" The only way I could get it to stop was shutting off the power to surge protector and then turn it back on...but meh I'm having fun on mario atleast
I'm having fun with the Wii Shop, picked up Mariokart and Super Mario, next is Sonic, then a few lil minor NES games... I'm having fun.
From what I've understood is that Megatron's doing a good job holding on it's own in poses...but I myself still hold myself in reservation seeing how I'm not even going to get mine for well over a month from now. As for me changing my mind on Minicons...my mom bought me a package of minicons during christmas, while I found them cute, their ability was rather childish for transformation and use....good for lil kids but not for me.
0_o dammit just when I forgot about the Rambo movie.......
Oh I forgot to make mention of this, I went to target tonight after work cause I was trying to find one of those shoe size thingy's for a project I'm working on. Sadly I couldn't find one...but meh I was in Target and there's a clearance on transformers so I took alook. There were 4 Ultramagnus/Skywarp packs for under 14 dollars...and thought "Crap there's not much left" cause I couldn't find the aile they were generally at. Then BAM I accidently found it while turning away and wha would you know? I found two jetfires! So I went and finally picked up Classics Jetfire and I must say you really just don't know how damn Macross inspired the sculpt is till you see it yourself. Not only that but how closely he looks to Stormbinger mini series. But now this completes my Classics line figures since I'm not into Minicons.
Ratchet, Prowl, Ironhide, Brawn, they were the first to go. Well if you wanna get technical, Brawn, Prowl/Ratchet, then Ironhide. And I'm also reminded of this tender scene between mirage and ratchet if you wanna talk about what good a robot medic is.
Can't wait to get my Megatron....... I just don't wanna rip off that cap, scrape off the glue and then try to repaint what I've chipped off for paint....
I got the DVD Sunday, I must say I was very impressed on the extras more then anything. What I enjoyed was that it really did take to the roots of the original film, and didn't feel like a complete waste of time like Rocky V did. Something that got me going "wow" was when they talked about the fight scene. Stallone goes on record "The previous movies, even when they were complete misses, there was a hit sound layered in" He goes on saying that they would just beat wet leather to get the sound effect, or cracking a stick when he's pounding the meat. "But in this movie, we were really hitting eachother, all the sounds you hear are not overlays or added sounds, that's me gettin the crap knocked outta me" I loved the cute part where Antonio and Stallone are sparing and Stallones lil daughter was like "Becareful daddy" "Yeah huh? Too late!" Stallone was heavily enthused on wanting to get hit, Antonio : / not so much...and at times Stallone felt a bit intimidated on hitting his rival cause each time Antonio looked like he was gonna beat the snot outta Stallone. The deleted scenes were okay, what shocked me was in the original morning scene, Rocky tries to drink the raw eggs, a classic seeing as he chuged those ecoli wanna bes down the hatch but this time he nearly up chucked it! Also didn't know Paulie was livin with him for a while 0_o interesting.
I accidently denied access to my Wii on my Wifi settings, so i gotta do the set up over again...but right now I don't have a need to go online with it except when Pokemon Revolution comes out in June.
Yo thanks, that's REALLY helped, I've now got a power house deck to last me until a really big event occurs...I gotta start prepping up on going against the "criminal" event. Sorry to get everyone off topic.
I couldn't get that glitch to work I'm pretty pissed off about that too, I'm only at Level 3, but near Level 4, won a good majority of my duels but when I get near the Obelisk dorms or the northern part of the island, I come across Krowler, damn him wasting my precious time. What surprises me about that game is that it's not like the Duel Academy game wher eyou got dorm exchange exams every 3 months.
WOW, just a bit off topic but here's how my day just went SHITTY: Woke up 3 hours before I needed too cause I had to pee and couldn't get back to sleep. Then forgot I was making breakfast, took a shower, shaved, came back to burnt biscuits awwww Spent, 30 minutes looking for my god damn belt which was BEHIND one of the double doors to my den. Had to get gas running on fumes but only had 5 bucks on me : / barely enough to get to work. SLIGHTLY BETTER: Got my paycheck...it was a lil better then expected but was cut 30 minutes (which is a few bucks for me) cause I forgot to clock in and they just set it at my default of 1 PM.......geh Spent 4 hours twittling my thumbs cause we had a slow afternoon at the shop. BETTER: FINALLY got to go to lunch. Put my check in the bank. EVEN BETTER: Went to a gamecrazy store in hopes of getting a Oynx Black DS, and BAM there it was...I went to 3 stores in my area yesterday who said "Not gonna get any until April" and this store just got a shipment lastnight? wtf? GETTIN EVEN BETTER: Went down to another electronic store, picked up Yugioh spirit callers, and a Wi-Fi USB connector. OH YEAH BABY!: Got home, installed the Wi-Fi connector and right now my Wii and DS are running strong! I can't believe it! It's the first time I didn't have to change my connection settings around for my consoles to work online. So right now my Wii is doing a much needed update, then I'll start adding everyone whose got a Wii code up to my address book I'm really excited!