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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. I doubt it but if it does arrive I'll get it for sure.
  2. whiel I LOVE highlander to death, I just don't like Adrian Paul
  3. While I think the TV show should be killed off cause it's so far one of the longest running shows in syndication and just starts from step 1 too 100 every season....I do enjoy the games. This is probably the first time I touched Pokemon since Advanced game out hmmmm 4 years ago or so. I wasn't even goign to consider this game until a pal of mine wouldn't shut up about how great the game is going to be. So I did end up picking it up with a DS lite headset mic and I must say I am enjoying the game. In the last 4 days I've nearly completed the story working on my 7th badge, fending off Team Galactic etc etc. So to bash the game is a tad unfair when I do think it tends to be a little more fair and just full of a fun factor compared to the angsty RPG's we get on the Consoles.
  4. lol yeah you kind of beat me too it. Peter asked him when we got the clip....but Daniel is sticking firm on saying he's not starscream and asks him to drop the subject several times. However, on his website, he's got some "big announcement" instore for everyone about the movie.
  5. A friend of mine and I recieved that clip a few weeks ago, we have an idea of who it is, but we're not going to discuss the name of who that voice belongs too till we're absolutely sure it's him, out of respect for him since he's a friend of ours. Afterall, if I said his name, and then later found out we were wrong, we look like asses Rumor has it from what sources we gathered, this will be Starscreams voice for the video game....but nothing yet if that'll be also the movie.
  6. Really there were orguss clips on there? the only ones I could ever find were openings. But I also heard Youtube and Google developed some sort of a program that sniffs out copyright materials and has been deleting them from peoples accounts now....that could also be a possibility. As for Orguss coming out, I'd probably get the dvds' if the chance arises cause I didn't really like the sub job on the bootleg dvd's. For the toys though, if they're really as small as I've heard, 40 dollars is really pushing it.
  7. Oh I will diffenetly order it, just don't see why it's gotta take 5 months on a freakin repaint...... But isn't this kind of gay? Skywarp gets what looks like an anime accurate scheme, yet starscream got jipped on his color scheme.
  8. I'm gonna gree, GitS would be the better choice.
  9. Then you should check out transformersgame.com and watch the behind the scenes movie, then you can tell me if he sounds the same or not cause he sounds exactly the same.
  10. I was gonna pick up Paper Mario today at Hollywood Video.....but they accidentally forgot to label a "Display Box" and placed it ontop of another display box so when i went to check out they told me it was a mistake : / but meh I got cooking mama......that should be um fun.
  11. I'll honestly tell you I got mixed feelings for Teknoman because of the number of episodes cut out and then the others where they'll cut out half of one episode and the other half of another and merge them together poorly and somehow finding a way to make it works when it really doesn't....sort of reminds me in moments during the Saban DBZ dub when Nappa destroys the News Helicopters and Teinshinhan goes "Look they're okay I can see their purachutes!" While......all you see is a few puffs of smoke and a clear sky. "What purachutes? Tien your blind."
  12. I'm sorry I meant to say that in a past tense, yeah all 3 volumes are in 2 disc per volume....I just haven't seen the last one cause stores wont carry large quanitities of it. But yeah it's out if you want it in English.......I think only the first volume of Tekkaman subbed is out since March.
  13. the entire Teknoman series is out in a 3 volume 2 disc set....I think retail is 14.99, generally containing 13 episodes...I think the final disc will contain 12 I can't recall cause I only have volumes 1 and 2.
  14. Ouchies, glad I snagged it before it was taken down.
  15. The final two episodes were hacked and combined....infact t here are a few episodes in the dub that were hacked and combined...I got the discs. The Media Blasters DVD's of Teknoman are the Australian redubs.
  16. I remember hearing that last year that there was to be a MZ23 TV series just like how the first one was planned before the sponsors pulled out and they had to reanimate stuff to make it a feature length OVA. Oh wow now I really can't wait to see what this game will look like.
  17. I'll maybe pick up Paper Mario the same day I go pick up Pokemon Diamond for my DS....I really need another Wii game since I only got Sports and Zelda left : / I just couldn't get into Trauma Center at all.
  18. I thought the dub in Australia was still the Teknoman dub but they went ahead and made the very few name corrections to it? Slade went back to Blade, but still had Star, Ringo, Magie, and Mac etc. Teknoman PLUS!
  19. To be fair, it's a complete retelling of the episode with it just being Blade and Evil in an all out brawl. It was also done by the same animation group that did Tekkaman Blade II. I've got all these episodes Raw and Subtitled, and I have Twin blood and Burning Clock dubbed by my own group...though both are lacklusters for their time...I know one day I'll complete it. I was in the works on Missing Link.....but I can't remember why I never went ahead with it......I had it all scripted out and ready to go........hmph.
  20. Actually yeah the game was always difficult for me, I'm a straight forward guy and htis one ya gotta move around and dodge your enemy cause they're always walking up to you....the part I really hate cause I could NEVER get passed it was the disarming of bombs at the dam...I always was killed by 1 of 3 things, 1) Time expire 2) Electric Seaweed, 3) Electric bars.
  21. Finally was able to go back to the Wii shop channel......apparently I didn't download the internet browser so I did this time, and I got TMNT from the old 1989 nintedo version, man this game is utter crap lol.
  22. And I'm sure in a Transformers forum, they'd get a 9 while Macross would get a negative number that would be out of this world. I just don't care about hwo they look anymore cause they're not gonna change it or anything...so I'm learning to live with what we've been given.
  23. I just got my Protoform Optimus and Starscream in the mail from hasbro...I like 'em 0_o my only big complaint is 1, Starscreams arms can pop out of the sockets because of his shoulder armor continues to get in the wayand his arms involve alot of twisting to Cometary form. The poseability and articulation for these figures are just FANTASTIC, and I think it's really because of all the balljoints on the bodies, espically the hips. I'm really having fun messing around with the toys. I think, personally, I should of been hired for the movie. Starscreaming taking one RIGHT IN THE FSKIN MOUTH! "Roll out some of this and smoke it"
  24. Yes it's rather odd that Welker will repraise his role after 20 years for Megatron, yet Hugo Weaving will be doing Megatron for the movie release....it's like they want fans to buy the game and not see the movie I'm actually gonna set up for PS2, and both versions for the DS.
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