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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. Wow holy crap I didn't realize he was gonna be even bigger then the 1/48's.........oh damn this is gonna be difficult to come up with room for him
  2. yep, went to 3 different freddies, Tualatin, Terwilliger and Johnsoncreek in portland, every last one of the stores I went too their employees didn't care about the print out I sent them. to a few who argued with me saying "We got a letter saying we don't have to obey that" I showed them the site posting itself, still nothing. I might call a few more places on monday in the downtown or beaverton area and see if I can get lucky....but I have my doubts since every store said "come back June 2nd". Something I did notice, the Target in North Wilsonville had a clearance on all of the Cybertron figures, just about all of them except some Red Alert Voyager class figures are gone....so I think that's a diffenet sign they'll be putting something up very soon.
  3. Well I'm a tad pissed off, I went to 10 stores, most of them Targets and Walmarts, just a note sorry to anyone who works at walmart, but it's full of retarded people who probably never graduated highschool and those who can't speak english. Anyways, every store said "no if we get them we'll release them on June 2nd" or "No we're not gonna check outback to see if we have any. Come back on the release date" So, I'm buying them online thru hasbro. I'm not looking anymore.
  4. Bastards! Damn you hasbro! You had to go release the deluxe figures cause you know I have no cash right now! GIMME YOUR POP BOTTLES!
  5. A movie version would be nice, but I'd rather see G1 Starscream with an F-22 body similar to the IDW comics. I'm so gonna set money aside if I can to get some of the movie toys in a couple of weeks. I think what I might end up doing on my day off is go hit every single toy store I can and pick up what I find available...if that doesn't work, guess I buy them directly off hasbro.
  6. I heard about this on the feed on G4, no arnie in it and it was suppose to be based on the future with the war between man and machine.......now if we could see some diffenet stuff on it that'd be cool, but apparently the movie wont even be out until 09.
  7. I got the chance to play paper mario.....I wasn't really that into it. mostly because I had more work to do rather then playing games. It really sucks that I don't got time between now and June 20th cause of insurance.
  8. Guess I can go ahead and mention it since TFW2005 did lastnight, but Daniel Ross is in the video game coming out next month and he will be playing the role of Starscream. he's also playing another character I think but I can't remember which one it was. phew feels good to get that out after a couple of months of waiting.
  9. hah I never knew it even reached the states. Cheesy yes, fun, absolutely, It's cutie honey so I never did expect much.
  10. Awwwwwwwww man I really want those freakin movie toys! I even had a friend of mine search for them in Canada but he didn't find any. The protoform toys are neat, I really like Prime, but yeah, SS isn't that great...he's got less flexibility on him compared to prime, and his shoulders pop out alot.
  11. Yes, Chickens can be frightening, thus we have Ichigo with CHICKEN LEGS! IT'S.......THE DIRTY CHICKEN!
  12. I just picked up my first Gundam kits in a VERY long time, since I-Justice which was just a horrible job in my opinion. I managed to get DSSD MS ASTRAY, and Stargazer 0_o I can't wait to put these together. I haven't built a 1/144 in a very long time and I wanna start getting back into model building again.
  13. Well out of the spite of Botcon exclusives, I went too Fredmyers and got a 7.99 Starscream that I'll repaint into Thundercracker and atleast "Complete" my Seekers set. But here's the issue.....I wanna plan it out on how Thundercracker will look so i was wondering if there was any Classics SS/SW line art available?
  14. Try torrentspy.com they should have everything still up and being fully seeded from 1-124
  15. Ah yes, 124 very a neat lil episode....the Hallow form of Ichigo starts too appear and it's kind of icky.
  16. Yeah I'll agree, not chomping at the bit, I've got my copies of ZZ even with the mediocre subbing. Along with most of victory and all of TurnA. Even had a project at one point of dubbing the 2 Turn A movies.....but meh that went to hell real quick.
  17. Heh I'm like 2 years older then him and he nearly throws a fit if I don't bring him a volume of Naruto every week. Exactly....I've faught my old man on using the computer in Highschool, and I've faught with a friend over Everquest cause he couldn't get it running so I borrowed his copy to play it and he wanted it back and told him to piss off I'm playing. The Wii can do the exact samething.
  18. I just watched the game trailer I caught myself salavating out the mouth.
  19. I'll say it again since I've said it many times before, I feel stupid for giving my 360 away so I could make bills, and I really miss having it...I was probably one of the few here who didn't complain about it in some little way...my 360 never had an issue, it never had a "Hicup" or anything....she was a good girl for over a year I miss her.
  20. A friend of mine at work said on Sunday him and a bunch of his buddies split up the price of 3 wii motes and 1 Wii console and picked one up in the evening. So it looks like some places here in oregon are starting to get a better supply of them now. My only gripe on what he did is that he's now gotta split that console with 2 other people......and the Wii is so much fun it could end friendships
  21. Heh all I can say is that I FINALLY saw lastnights episode which was the first episode I think I've been able to see in 2 months or so......maybe even slightly longer..........heh when was the last time I saw a movie? lol
  22. Then they've gone and just about completely reawakened his allow self and of course we learn the "true identity" of Zangetsu.
  23. Let's see......besides Zelda, Paper Mario, Cooking Mama, Sonic And the Secret Rings, DBZ Budokai Tenkaichi 2, Raymen Raving Rabbids, Excite Truck, that's all I can think of that're fun to play on the Wii...now for the games I'm really looking forward too Super Smash Brothers, Mario Galaxy, Transformers, Harvest Moon, Nights, and SO many others that will be coming out between this summer and fall!
  24. Yeah likewise, good luck if you get a chance. I'm just about done with Diamond...I got all 8 of my badges, only thing really left to do is 3 things 1) Defeat the Elite 4 and win the league, 2) Capture the 3 legendary lake pokemon and 3) Complete my Pokedex and get a National version.
  25. Meh pisses me off about those botcon exclusives.....just what I'd really like to finish my decepticon collection so the Autobots don't outnumber the decepticons. As for the prime thing, man that was mentioned so long ago when the figure was coming out. I recall several issues where Prime's faceplate in the Marvel comics was missing and exposing either a "Speaker grill" like mouth or having an actual face that was just covered up. Some key references I think is shortly after Prime defeats Unicron and returns badly damaged and dies...damn I can't remember the issue number........and I think Issue 12 of Generation 2 just off the top of my head as he's being consumed by the swarm.
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