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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. I'm actually getting a Wing and FMP vibe myself. Setsuna really reminds me of a mix of Hiro and Sousuke, and boy the guy piloting Gundam Dynames (sp?) sounds like the VA from FMP too. Hmmmm. Well I say in the coming month we'll know the first direction Double Oh will push us too.
  2. Well it wasn't bad for a quickie, they admit too needing to redo to fix errors, still....for what's in this episode, I actually feel like I wanna watch this Gundam series. It doesn't reallycontain the typical aspects of Gundam...no ones tried to steal a Gundam, there wasn't any of that high and mighty "I'm going to kill you" or "OMIGOD! HE'S MY CHILDHOOD FRIEND FROM ELEMENTARY SCHOOL! I HAVEN'T SEEN HIM IN 3 YEARS!" BS.
  3. Possible, but doubt youd find the right ones cause of thread count. I would just contact the seller and go "yo bogus product."
  4. huh, well, that sucks moneky scrotum. I almost bought the first volume but changed my mind, guessI made a good move.
  5. A redeco G1 wuld be great, dont think id buy one since I dislike having two of the same characters unless there was a mold change or be cheap price wise. ex of g1 jazz and starscream with a new and better looking head. Hell I might pass on ciffjumper cause the only change is the vynl on the hood. My only concern right now is waiting for MP G1 SS from walmart cause well, frakin G1 paint, gotta get!
  6. Well, I'm saving up money for a 360 again, I'd really like to get one since I had no qualms with my first, I just had to give it up to pay bills. I never could figure out how to go live, I use one of those third party providers called CenturyTel.....apparently we can't get Comcast or Verizon or Qwest or whatever in my area cause we're so far into the sticks *shakes a stick* So I contacted my ISP's the other night, got a response pretty quickly: Their response: You guys think they maybe misread what I was asking them? cause....well that response was pretty weak sauce.
  7. BeastWars Unicron, the most holy of all holy grail transformers toy. having the prototype is like having the cup of christ.
  8. Thought that was one big steaming pile of crap.
  9. Hmmmm......for a movie I'd say "HAH! This is gonna blow"...but if it were a Miniseries done in a fashion like BSG only less dialouge and a little more action....I'd probably watch it even if chubby tobey is Rick Hunter.
  10. I picked up the Autobot/Decepticon games for the DS, I'm liking it. This stuff will diffenetly keep me tied over until the console game hits and the movie.......I'm really digging the voices, cept for Blackout, that guys a freaking mamoth and yet he doesn't sound like one. Could care less about Brawl, that guy sounds like .........damn I can't remember, the tank from Armada.........ugh....I wanna say Devestator but it's not, meh Ironhide in Japan
  11. I couldn't wipe my own ass with that design........
  12. I think he'd look better ifyou could take the wings off........or keep folding them......some stupid thing then to have them stick out in robot mode and take up needless shelf space for the other figures.
  13. From what I've heard, Lead Class Megs is pretty bad, head can't turn, it was also remolded so it doesn't match the box, the launcher arm doesn't work and alot of the parts dont line up right in flight mode.
  14. Hilarious. I was just reading last week a HUGE exclusive in one of those muscle fitness mags on Arnold from his birth to the present, very interesting work out schedule he had and what his life was like growing up. Espically his military career, how he loved it cause he got to eat all the time and skipped out to go to a competition and came back punished then later they congratulated him for winning lol.
  15. Well I got Leaderclass prime........my pal Peter at TFCog kept tormenting me on how fun the toy is and keeps using his lil quote "And he's got a big cannon up his ass!" (you would have to hear the toy review to get the joke really) So yeah, he kept tormenting me and at the time I was thinking "Crap...I don't have alot of money to play with for this thing, and I really wanan get him and megs" but he told me Megatron was pretty much a piece of chunky worthless plastic. So, I went to target, picked up Prime, then I went to Gamestop, found the prime DS lite skin, got that, came home, put the skin on and that looks GREAT with a black DS, I mean freaking perfect. Then I played with Leaderclass Prime for a good hour. The instructions blow, they don't tell you to line up the arms to the shoulders at all.....so you gotta play around and figure it out. The only actual automorph gimick is the head and the cannon....but really I'm surprised how well this thing looks and the colors don't bug me at all, I'm very use to prime with flames.
  16. I strongly recommend if anyone has trouble picking a voyager to get Ratchet........he's so simple to transform back and forth in modes, and while his color isn't terrific, he's much more sturdy and articulated then most of the voyagers.
  17. So true, the instructions are really crappy in general. like they don't tell you about the feet on Barricade......or how the shoulders need to be rotated and angled.
  18. hey has anyone been going thru youtube seeing those "exclusive" clips? I just saw one of Bonecrusher versus Prime 0_o and it was rather sweet.
  19. I just picked up Blackout at FRY's, I was right though, they were gonna mark these babies up, 22.99 for Voyagers, 49.99 for Leaders, and 11.99 for Deluxe and 7.99 for scouts/Real tech Blackout isn't bad, I do like the idea that Scorponok can be attatched to blackout along with the lil mini figure version. I do like the rotating blade button location, it's much easier to use then EVAC was. However I don't like how his arms connect to his torso, the slots are to long for the pegs so his sides kind of shift up and down...and how he's pretty bow legged if I did the transformation right. Anyone noticing that these figures don't actually have weapons? like blasters and what not?
  20. Good point lol male characters that look like males is a plus! I'm gonna keep my fingers crossed on this and hope it turns out good since it's got NOTHING to do with seed in anyway Also, was I just hearing things or did the narrator sound like the guy who did Amuro Rei?
  21. The pegs you speak of only work while he's in vehicle form sadly...so his arms sadly just dangle from the swing bars. And yes, Ironhide has a floating chest....was really dissapointed to see that.
  22. Well, I hate that there's no place to set the arms in place, so they kind of just dangle from the shoulders. It took me a while to actually understand how to turn him into Robot mode but after I got it I felt pretty stupid for not realizing it earlier. mmmmm.....would I get the Leader Class? If the Leaderclass had alot of detail llllcompared to this and wasn't as chunky. Ironhide, was confusing towards the end, he's really not what I expected....clever transformation, but the upper bodies just......stupid in the end. and Jazz, well ppl are right, Jazz really isn't that good, his transformation confused me alot towards the end espically his arms....so I'd probably keep him in vehicle form. Next tuesday if I can, I'm gonna pick up the others.
  23. Well I left about an hour ago, got to Walmart, completely dead and notice they were restocking, so i finally got to the toy aile where the display was, and this guy no older then I came walkin out with a box saying "Action figures" and went "PLEASE tell me you're stocking the movie toys" and I took a sharp turn to my right and BAM, 4 by 4 rows of Transformer deluxe figures. then another 4 by 4 row of Real Tech. However he didn't have any of the Voyager or leaders, but the pallet he had by the aile was HUGE, there were probably 5 more boxes stacked high, and 3 or 4 across....so he had alot to go thru and said he had 2 more pallets of other stuff he had to go thru with Transformers labeled on it. So after 5 minutes of talking with him about some of the things the deluxes do like Bumblebee's automorph, he finally got out the voyagers, and whipped out Starscream and Ironhide. After that I left with Jazz, Ironhide and Starscream spending lil close to 50 bucks. He did have like 4 boxes of Leaderclass, so I think tuesday afterwork or something I'll go and pick up the rest of the line and be done for now. SO WOOT!
  24. Wow, I dunno if I ever said I never impressed with any piece of Kawamori's work, but here, as a Nissan guy whose worked since out of highschool for nissan....I'm a lil embarassed.
  25. Hey I remembered back in the 90's when Starwars prettymuch just was dead....they mad eto many games, which really sucked, to many novels, nothing made sense, so it just like stopped for a while. Wonder if that's gonna happen again?
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