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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. Yeah seen both now, TV and OVA and it left me going "Evangelion?" with a hint of "Dual Parelle Story" or whatever. I don't recall though if the TV series started out like it did in the end of the OVA, I guess it could of. Only problem is, there was never any mention of Scorpius in the TV series, it was always Apollonius and Celian.
  2. I'm pretty excited finding out that two TF's confirmed for the 2.0 Classics release are Prowl and Sunstreaker. Two toys I diffenetly wanna get.
  3. All I care about is tht we got movie toys. and a large abundince of them at that. Now though, I just want the line to end until 09 and for the mean time start shoveling out classics and animated.
  4. Thanks got it working finally. Now I'm trying to download some themes and demos but either my connection is horrible or the server is.
  5. Damn I just wanna call BS on this guy so much...."source wants to be annoynums" whatever....their source was G4. I just got that feeling Still yeah, I'm a little dissapointed going from a fancy sports car to yet ANOTHER american line...probably had something to do with transformers or whatever.
  6. Wow am I outta the loop, theres 3.72 firmware out....sadly I cant seem to load it to my psp...I gotta do the PC to PSP load feature cause i dont have wi-fi. Now what I dont get is how you get it to work. When I USB connect my PSP, I got a dozen folders, one saying PSP. So i tried to put in UPDATE in the PSP folder as it said, yet it didnt read it. Slid it into my game folder where it said "curropted data". I'm so missing something arent I?
  7. Hm, both THQ and the PSP store just freeze my browser.
  8. Actually I don't think you could get it lookin any better then that really, I think it looks very cool.
  9. I think I use some sort of Media Manager program I bought a little over a year ago. It works just fine to convert your files into the proper format to play on the PSP, I think it'll do everything cept MKV's. Now, how the hell do you get demo's? Is this some sort of a Wi-Fi thing or what?
  10. Well, after looking around, it looks like all the torrents are either non english or raw, so I'm taking it the movie was just released for episode 2? I'd say give it a few weeks and it'll be released. I just happened upon the first episode over the weekend and watched it. Not bad, I'm never surprised though that Kawamori's work always turns into an alternate universe from series to movie.
  11. No Ive had one for almost a year. I tried getting it on a black friday, my ass freezing since 3 am, only to have a gamestop employee an hour late saying "I didnt know." which I called BS on. However didnt get a wii, I was I think 8 of 6. Got a 250 gift card, kept in touch with my GS contact, and camped up for 14 hours in the snow, sitting in a lawnchair with a sleeping bag keeping me warm. I think on that day when I got it, there were 5 units and 25-30 people in line and I was number 1.
  12. Yes you can. People don't need to buy 2 dozen Wii's in a life time unless they're OCD'ed on clean products or something. I'm not trying to razz on him, I'm just stating, I find it very unfair that some people spend alot of time to get this product and then there are people who buy an abundence of them so they can double the normal price for the unit. Granted, but I feel the system is flawed unless that person's name and resident address is entered into a store computer. But if it were, someone could buy it at a gamestop, then go to a target, then Bestbuy, then FRY's, then Gamecrazy, etc etc. As I said, it's fine if you wanna buy them for your family and what not, but once you start selling them to make some money you kind of cross the line...250 is affordable, but when your talking about what a kid wants for christmas and a parent trying to make their kid happy : / it's sort of a low blow to the parent. I don't see many parents buying 360's or PS3's cause of their high end price.
  13. Dude, dont wanna sound rude but why? why do you need a wii to sell on ebay to make a quick buck? There are parents out there trying to get these for their kids and its hrd enough for some of these parents to spend 250 on this. Everytime I go to a game store, theres some parent looking for one. and dude, youve bought over a dozen : / granted, you gave most to family members....but still. sorry, I just find it unfair to alot of people who after a year, are still trying to get one.
  14. I'm kind of pissed as a fan now that I heard the animated toys are pushed back, not until spting but until june or even august. YOU FAIL HASBRO
  15. Yeah, I just found it odd. Everywhere I've gone I've seen it 24.99 retail....might be a new release thing or something I dunno? I finished the first galaxy of Mario...man I can't believe how much this plays similar to the Mario 64 game....and I guess that's why I like it and maybe so many others? I was a little disorentaited at first, but I've gotten use to it and all the controls rather easily....however I HATE that Sweet Candy Galaxy and the Ray surfing....it took me a good while and I still can't beat Sweet.
  16. How'd you get it for 20 bucks? Retail on that sucker is 24.99.
  17. wow everyone getting WM SS for different pices, lucky I live in a tax free state and paid 48.88 retail booya!. oh, there been a confirmed release date on he animated figures yet? Im rying to put in extra hours (now Im doing ridiculus hours) so I can grab ll the figures when released.
  18. Well, how many of us actually afford a costco membership? I havent stepped into a costco in 3 years...and i disiked being there, so meh. But I am enjoying mario 64 I mean galaxy
  19. personally, I'd like to play a Kamen Rider game, but they don't got any on the PSP, but I heard somewhere that there's a ISO file for Agito and Ryuki which I'm trying to find and see if there's a way for me to easily play it.
  20. Cool so i take it that game is a buy? I'm still playing battle tactics, sadly I cant get passed Ace Pilot on feddie. I can defeat the first two rounds of pilots when I really buckle down...but after that, I get taken down by the kamphfers or the gelgoogs....I get cornered and cant break free rom the fire power, then nebulos takes me out.
  21. Well it's not that big of a deal unless you're really a diehard Nintendo fanatic....the classic controler already looks Super Nintendo like, and if you give it a little paint job it'll come closer....I'm not heart broken at all over this one.
  22. I thought something happened during negotiations for the rights to Terminator? MGM and WB were fighting over it, MGM cried foul and had negotiations suspended for 30 days and then they were gonna do something else to get it pushed furhter back...?
  23. My family and I just got back from it, we all agreed a CGI film such as this would require us to finally watch it Imax 3D style and boy was that interesting...I flinched when the arrows were being fired at the Dragon XD, dunno how that exactly happened but it did and I couldn't stop laughing. All in all, good movie, though, I don't remember the second half being that way in the poem.....I do remember him killing grendle and having his arm on a meat hook.......and he later became king....but I tend to remember him having some sort of an apprentice or something while fighting that dragon which wasn't his son.
  24. Bale....?! Bale?! Batman Bale?! Huh........now that's interesting......ah well could be alot worse, could have matt damon or ben affleck....that's about as worse as it can get.
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