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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. Sorry you got that problem man. A co-workers kid did the same thing with Halo 3. I'm on Xboxlive now, had to redo the router set up, and it's now working PERFECTLY. My gamer tag is HIKURO1983
  2. CRAP!.......the router didn't work right at all....I'm pretty sure I installed it right, but I can't seem to access the internet at all : / dunno what went wrong.
  3. Well i got a failure on MTUs, but DNS is good now...so I figured its a router issue cause its 10 years old. So i talked to a guy I know who got his up and he recommened the neatgear wireless wgr614 and it was on the list for compatible routers....with any luck Ill be up tonight
  4. OOooooo, I'm digging CoD4...though the game play is the same as always, this is actually alot of fun....wish I got more into Halo 3 then this....sort of surprised I'm not just hammering away at Halo 3 actually 0_o
  5. Oh man....ify ou only knew how bad I wanna play AC6 online.................................oh man.
  6. You know I don't know if they were genesplicing or not....there's some indications of otherwise like seeing the various mothers throats during pregnation expanding as the PredAlien slipped 'em some tongue. The human babies could of been just food....there's a scene where I think 3 or 4 lil chest busters pop out of one mother. I gotta say though, I did like the movie...it to me was redemption for PWA's pathetic rendition of AVP. Now let us all pray that the third installment will have colonial marines.
  7. Yata! I got my 360, with CoD4, Halo 3, Forza 2 and Ultimate Alliance and a spare controler. I WAS planning to hook it up to the big screen but my folks are watching TV, so I just got it plugged directly into my 20 inch toshiba until I get back from AVP2R then when I get home they'll be busy doing other things and I can plug it in to 720i. Halo 3 is tougher then I was expecting 0_o I've died more times in the last few lil checkpoints then I ever did in the first couple of big chapters of Halo 2. Those brutes are a pain in the damn ass! Oh, but sadly, I can't get on XBL...it fraks up on the test when it gets to the DNS test......dunno how to fix it.
  8. A new 360 with CoD4 and Halo 3, and I think like 200 dollars which'll come in handy.
  9. Reformatting is really a last resort, I dont even know how my pc will take it, I dont think I even reformated it before in the 3 uears ive had it. However I did uninstall msn messenger and when I restarted something popped up on the end program, some sort of rundell321 or 122 but had .exe on it. I wonder what that was if its relovant at all? I did a config and looked around prior to that and saw a number of prgrams I got no clue on, three in particular. 1 saying just R, another thats just random letters starting with K, and the last one was just blank, nothing there. but since I restarted and the worm is still there...guess deleting messenger did squat.
  10. Back in october my girlfriend and I were talking and suddenly this message pops up, "I did this on photoshop, how does it look?" comes out as a ZIP file about 52 kb so I download itwithout thinking, and she vanished. I thought "Huh guess she had to restart her laptop again" so I go ahead and open it and clicked the main file that came out of the zip and it vanished, I thought "Huh, that's right I don't have photoshop I can't view it." So as I waited for her to pop on, my messanger starts to mess up and I had to restart it. Soon enough she pops on and and I told her I got a virus, her response "What are you stupid? You shouldn't of downloaded it." "HOW WAS I SUPPOSE TO KNOW?! IT SENT A MESSAGE THAT WAS SO LIKE YOU SINCE YOU USE PHOTOSHOP SO MUCH!" So every now and then, the program freaks out and sends the messages to everyone that's online on my friends list. Now my computer massively slows down and takes 3-6 hours to actually start running smoothly, and none of my virus software (which eventually I had to wipe out cause it was a piss poor purchase that didn't work) can detect it. it looks like some sort of a copy of the picture(1)(2)(3)(4).zip worm I found but it doesn't have the exact same characteristics. I've contacted MSN and they said "Just download our Virus removal tool" which didn't even detect the virus. I've gone thru Norton and McAffee and neither of those have picked it up....any suggestions?
  11. I'll pick this baby up sometime next month since it's pretty expensive. This'll be perfect and much better quality for the dub I got going....but still, nice lil piece of history right there.
  12. Still didn't get it really XD Sadly, I can't get the 5 disc version ANYWHERE in retail......they all sold out so damn quickly that I'm mad. I wish I hadn't bought xmas presents for everyone at home and just gotten that collectors set gah...but that'd be pretty selfish of me for the holiday.
  13. Hmmm, what if I install the codec into the thumb drive? Cause chances are I'm not gonna be able to sync it to my PC or get it Live......my ISP just really blows.
  14. gotcha. I had a pelican on my first 360, it was just used as a stand and didnt really do much. Now on the topic of viewing movies, I liked tht Idea of just plugging a USB thumb drive into the console, I dont need any codecs do I? its not like Im going to play MKVs.
  15. I get paid today so I wanted to just get a few items for my 360 as it waits to be awaken on xmas. I wana get a good cooler system for it but dunno which is good for a low price. I also saw this weird "light show" stand that seems to come in neon blue and green....wtf is that suppose to do if my 360 stands on top of it?
  16. Back when terminator was a concept to James Cameron he wanted his buddy who played Bishop in aliens (cant remember the guys name at all) to be The Terminator. He easily passed as a normal guy and I believe at one point, cameron as turned down by every studio until that actor came in to one small studio execs office as the terminator and bam, it was a done deal. However that guy wasnt going to be the infamous terminator. I can though believe in the 80s that some bulky buffed out guy wakin down the streets is just some normal guy since I think body building was THE THING for me to do back then. I did like how in T3 the mythos of where the terminators mold originates. I laughed my ass off during that deleted scene. It should of been kept in the movie. They should of shown Candy gettin his ass shot up though when the T1s were activated.
  17. well the terminator concept was a cyborg that looked like any other man or woman. i dont think the direction of how the terminators look really matter...both look like a normal person and not someone with 22 inch pythons going "GET IN DAH CHOPPER!"
  18. thank god I'll never get a blu-ray player then.
  19. ooook ya I remember some of thse. The rail gun arcade game that had you not ONLY aliens but robots that were like i guess haywire security bots coming fter you at one point. i think it followed the third alien movie. i also remember a pc game for windows 95....but could never get it to play. and I did touch avp2 my senior year at a friends place and didnt like it...that time I wasnt into FPS games at all. and i just saw AVP2 R for the PSp, any good word on that?
  20. So besides the AVP pc games and the old snes/arcade version, any other good ones of the franchise? I played concrete jungle, and was kind of pissed off on how bland it got.
  21. Wep picked up the 32 inch HL67U, that's the Regza or something like that on thursday. We managed to get it for about 650 or so at Video Only. Once we get our HD services actually start from DirecTV and get an HD DVD player I'm sure we'll enjoy the tv even more. So far though, this is 650 well spent. And thanks for the info earlier, I'll have too do alittle bit of searchign to find a player at a good price.
  22. I just got my first flat panel HD TV on thursday. The plan now is to get set up on my dish for HD channels but I also want to get an HD DVD Player....but I'm assuming these players are not backwards compatible so I can't play regular DVD's on them andNOT have the HD quality of course?
  23. Well it's on my want list for christmas, so we'll see how things go...this might be my christmas gift to myself for the metal case version.....I just hope I"m able to find it in time since I don't get paid until thursday.
  24. I pretty much know for a fact that I've got a 360 for christmas. So I'm gonna get the game at some point in the next week or two...thing is I dunno if I wanna buy just the game or the bundle...I enjoyed playing the last one that came with the stick and throtal ALOT for the PS2, so I'm kind of thinking of going that route.
  25. Ouch.... that would not surprise me though.
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