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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. thanks I appreciate it. I''ll be having more information up on this thread later today. And if I can get back on to my website, i'll post info there as well. first thing i'll have up are audio conparisons on good acting to horrible with bd mic quality....so ppl got an idea of what i'm looking for, and trying to void. i dont want to produce a new version of toeis dub.
  2. After 4 long years the 2.0 Edition of the film is pretty much done. It has a few mistakes but by god it's a hell of an improvement from the one I did before! http://youtu.be/DfIgGsQsWgc For Part 1, ifyou wanna see the other 7 parts just follow the Channel! Phew what a pain in the butt this was but it's finally done and over with. DVD variant I wanna do will have the corrections that I needed to do in the stream that I just don't wanna mess with again. Want more? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vwJjrWhYv3g&feature=share&list=UUvYdjXAF9BCF6Z1kSGmFCOA Have some 30th AV edition style. Presented in 1280/720 format at 720P HD.
  3. Hmmm I see. Sadly I don't know if my printer could do up something like that since it's an Ink jet I believe. Well googling it now and it looks like I can, I'll have to research it. Maybe I'll do a few other customizations other then just a name. This could be really fun. Never had my own customied valkyrie lol so it's sort of neat to me.
  4. Yeah too bad the photos showed stress marks in the usual place. That sucks ass.
  5. I was wondering if anyone knows where you can get custom stickers....honestly the only thing I'm really looking for is somewhere I can get my name as the pilot *Shrug* I know, typical, but I just baught a VF-0A and thought it'd be nice if I could get something like that slapped on instead of "Shin Kudo" or "Roy Fokker" or something like that.
  6. I know this has probably been mentioned before, but those VF-25's were concept works from atleast 5 years ago weren't they? I remember seeing those done by Shoji before Zero aired.
  7. 0_o wow I actually liked it, I was a lil standoffish after Zero, but this already has my complete attention. April wont be coming fast enough, it just wont. I gotta have the opening theme too XD
  8. Sucks. i just over heard it 5 minutes. he'll go down in comic book legends for his role as joker though. That should end his carrier in a high note.
  9. Heh, I actually liked the show, we find out who actually created the cloned skin, I think the FBI agent will start to put things together by the end of this season after those prints were id'ed to belong to a 4 year old kid who lives in another part of the country, and that John is pretty pissed off of having to be a hero and yet can't save one life when he wants too.
  10. well so far I've had my unit a month, and I haven't had it freeze, over heat, RROD'ed or anything....but I'm sure if I got one of those big beefy graphic games it probably could. Maybe this is why all the REALLY good games, Halo 3, Gears of War etc etc are so short and yet have fantastic graphics. If it were a long game, the console wouldn't be able to take all the pressure and just blow a fuse.
  11. lol that would be a rather pleasent achievement. That would suck though that by getting that achievement, you suddenly get RROD'ed.
  12. I have to think that if something were to happen to your 360, and it was all microsofts fault you should be atleast compensated with Achievement points, I mean k'mon....it doesn't cost them squat really.
  13. I personally just think for the brief moments we were given, it was nice to see Arcee once more even done by Su Blu, it still sounds the same.
  14. Doesn't look bad....I thought from what was seen was cool, I can't complain.
  15. her bastard love child trying to get revenge!!!!
  16. Would of also accepted "ME GRIMLOCK BAD ASS!" Sweet though, he'd be on my list.
  17. I looked around, but I didn't see anything. only thing I could notice was a lil rocket or something like that on top of a building. I thought it was a fairly odd movie....it has it's moments of being so real its freaky, but yet being so damn cheesy I felt bored. Nothing scared me, nothing really interested me during the whole film until....well, near the end of the film.
  18. sittin in the theater right now...about 40 minutes before it starts...aaannnnddddd I'm the only one here. I dont doubt that this place will get anymore then a dozen. this theater sucks ass.
  19. Dunno if you guys would be interested (since the BW Prequel in my opinion was a bust) but TFCog has released the first episode of The Warwithin HIGH RES 300MB MED RES 87MB LO RES 57MB It's about 15 minutes for the first episode, course this is a fan animated project using the panels of the comic book, I think there were maybe 2 or 3 areas areas that were actually hand drawn but I can't recall specifically there. Plus yours truely was Umbra and Assassin and Prowl so it's worth taking a look at.
  20. Huh? you didn't know it had built in wi-fi? That was one of the big turn ons for the people who bought it you didn't need to buy any stupid attatchment like you would for the 360.
  21. Hmmmm Zappers kind of fun, my arms get kind of tired holding it, and sometimes it's not nessessary to have the numchuck on the handle it even has the option of not using it in the handle holster. My biggest gripe though, is that it doesn't align probably. Where I'm pointing at the screen isn't where my cusor should be indicated, that could pose as a problem in future games. But I really can't wait too play a game that can use the gun.
  22. finally got a Wii Zapper, can't wait to play Resident Evil Umbrella with it!
  23. Yep that's the sucker. I really wanted to get it but there was just no way I was paying so much for just some add on parts. I got a friend of mine doing the cliffjumper mod that I showed. He's done it to like 3 or 4 already and will take what's left of the waverider and turn it into like a dual pistol or something.
  24. A friend of mine showed me this interesting and simple custom for a Classics Cliffjumper. I'll have some pictures up at some point on mine when I get it done, but this is as I said, interesting. I remember someone on ebay was selling upgrade parts, new head, some car body moldings and I think a BFG. I wanted it, but I think the price was a hundred bucks or some BS....it was probably back in november or december.
  25. Actually funny you should mention that, I made a joke about this that made my dad laugh pretty hard, he spat some beer on the big screen, it was when the 3 of them emerge from the time portal and a car stops infront of her and she's just looking at them, I said, "I need your clothes, your shoes, and the keys to your kia"
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