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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. Well the best I could come up with on SMS (cause even I'm not even sure what it means....I'm not big on the military stuff anymore) Strategic Management Service, but I heavily doubt that's it.
  2. Hm, nice set up for a good conclusion I hope.
  3. YAY! April 5th! *marks on Calendar* that means late sunday or monday I can see episode 2! YAY ME!
  4. Yeah but too bad they never finished that fight during the super bowl. At the end the Terminator was about to get ganged up by 2 more super bowl bots. Heh, it's the Terminator, when you think it's dead, it comes back and kicks your ass.
  5. Wow, XD I kind of inspired didn't I? Hmmmm, perhaps I should offer up a free copy of DYRL Dub (my dub) when it's complete for a booklet/Cover/CD Label for my movie. I'll have to give this some serious thought now.
  6. Hmmm, it's debateable. I've got a CD, Cover and even insert design in the works but it's far from perfect and thought about having someone volunteer to do some awesome work that'd make it a dub exclusive DVD. This is a cover I had completed as a prototype, course I'd love to see if anyone could come up with something better.
  7. Let's think and worry about that when the series actually progresses. It's generally a year or two before Kawamori even releases either an OVA or movie after a TV version is complete. Escaflowne and Aquarion are prime examples of such.
  8. I was listening to the commentary track by Sly for First Blood, course, no mention of Rambo here, but he talked about that during the time the movie was being seen to the public, it was viewed as a right wing political war machine and Sly says "It's the complete oppisite if you truely pay attention to this film. Rambo is going AGAINST the machine, society etc...he's trying to bring it down because he can't assimulate back in" And to this day, Rambo's character is still thought of as the right winged war mongler. Never knew that according to the book, that Sherrif Teasle was a Korean war vet and hated Nam vets cause they got more publicity then his war did...hence why he gave Rambo such a hard time and pushed him to the limit. Also read some rather interesting information on Rambo himself and how he's the oppisite of the movie version.
  9. Wow, I remember those days when you paid a HUGE amount thru the ass to get a subtitled VHS tape from a store....it was like 30 dollars in oregon for subbed, and 24 dollars in english dub and only had 2-3 episodes. I even remember when Animeigo had that box set release for 250....I had it up for preorder but had to cancel it cause I couldn't get enough cash in time....it wasn't until a year or two after the series was released that I was finally able to get the entire set for 60 dollars (....had a gift card)...I'll always ALWAYS perfer this over ADV.
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5MkIcx44EPE here's a quickie I did, 30 minutes of footage are complete....I'll probably start on the next piece a little later today, so that'll mean the movie will be half way finished.
  11. try googling for a better version or better yet....BUY THE DVDS SINCE THEY'RE SO CHEAP
  12. So far I've compelted nearly 30 minutes of footage, I took a little bit of a break cause it's superbowl sunday so I wanna watch Giants hopefully kick some ass and win a superbowl since it's been like....20 years? I might have a small snip here and there to intice everyone at some given point between misa and Hikaru.
  13. The line though it was narrated was pretty similar type of saying he used in Balboa. I dunno if anyone got the same type of ad trailer as I did in my theater about buyign the Ultimate Editions....I managed to find first blood, was a real pain in the ass to find....kid kept looking in R's and I finally went "Dude, if you have EVER paid attention to the franchise, it'd be under F for First Blood....Rambo wasn't used in the title until the sequel as "Rambo First Blood Part II" And bam I found it without him....I just had to look carefully. First Blood really brought back memories for me...movie came out to VHS when I was 1, but I think I saw it when I was 3 thanks to my aunt and uncle recording the first 2 movies....I did see the second film in a drive in with my folks, and the third in theaters back in I think 88. I gotta say the character REALLY freakin changed between all 3 films to this one...he became stone.
  14. I pretty much finished up to when the macross cannon destroys the zentradie cruiser and the pods retreat. Thats 5 of 35 dvd chapters right there. next segment is Hikaru and minmay in the belly of the macross up till Hikaru ditches roy, claudia and misa to hang with minmay. That was where I left off originally last year, but no one was doing their lines so I stopped there. This part will be pretty easy...no action, easy scenes to mix, just alot of dialouge. When I finish this segment ill be scouting to fill in the bit roles.
  15. How in the world can you compare robocop with more promise to this? Robocop the series took out all the good parts that made Robocop bad ass 0_o he flippin killed ppl left and right and he didn't need no AI fairy girl to help him out. Next......we've only had 3 episodes and you really wanna go judgemental on a series that just began....there hasn't even been enough time for good character developement. Not too mention I'd bicker with my mom when I'm full of stress and having "Save the world" crap jammed down my throat every time to the point I can't live a life. I'm sorry but a person with a name like "SaveRobotech" you're opinions have become biased buddy
  16. ep 4 i thinks airs on the 11th. I cant remember if its 2 weeks or 3 weeks they do the reairs.
  17. http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=17643 <<<<<everyone talks about Megazone in it's entirity thru here, even the toys.
  18. I love Prowl, besides the hood scoop on the front of the hood, he's almost a spot on replica of a 350Z and that's what I freakin hoped for. Course he better be Black and White with the words "Police Interceptor" on him or I'll be really crushed.
  19. DYRL going smoothly. 15 minutes are nearly mixed to satasfaction...vocals for the first half of the movie are due out in first week of March....movie release in August.
  20. Mammoths....NOT in snow.......not shaved either...........humans who look like humans and not something of a lesser degree......giant civlizations...aaaannnnnnnd giant poorly cg'ed so not realistic looking sabertooth tiger............who passes on a human morsal.........yep.......pass.
  21. saw it, loved it. GORE FEST galore. Course it feels like it ends to quickly, but if you want a film that really does get straight to the point, I think this litterally does....get in, get 'em out, kill anyone in your way.
  22. got my website up and running, so anyone who's curious on what's going on please check there.
  23. Cool so it looks like I wont be going in expecting some sort of watered down piss poor excuse of a rambo flick. Nice! Something ot make up for his middle eastern trip.
  24. Okay well I couldn't do what I planned too.........basically when doing an audio line, try to keep it sounding clean, the littlest pop or hiss can really ruin a performance (I gotta really clean my sound quality up myself...that's why i got LOTS of audio software)....monotones are horrible, they espically can ruin a performance or a moment in any film....also sounding hollow....sounding hollow is basically like an awkward mic feedback that makes you sound distant and staticy...you know you got it if you don't sound full and audiable (if that makes sense)....I really want everyone to come in as crystal clear as possible. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sUVzybn4LfM this previous dub I did is a good example of vocal clearity. anyways minus the vocals, I'm just about done remixing the entire 12 minutes of the opening film...which is faster then I anticipated but I know I'll hit some sort of a snag soon. I'm sort of combining ambience and sfx's at once...so there are a few gaps right now in my audio tracks. Good thing is I got a kick ass missile sfx from a friend XD and I can manipulate it with Adobe to sound like multiple missiles all coming at ya! I'll scout out voices in the very near future, I wanna atleast finish some of the mixing for this movie. Script wise as I said, not much is left but I got enough that I can diffenetly start production of a voice cast ASAP. SO YAY ME!
  25. I gotta say man, you can truely be a life saver when it comes to finding the things I need to get the job done. And again, I really do appreciate you hosting Macross Zero for me, though I bet it doesn't get many downloads at all. I still got to try and complete that series and maybe try Macross Frontier. You do an awesome job man, really keep it up, don't get discouraged as easily as I do about things.
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