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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. One thing that kind of got to me was,
  2. Okay so here's my thoughts on Turn A: A decent kit that is uniquely designed which is either loved or hated by the Gundam fanbase. However it has cried MasterGrade treatment since the line began. Sadly though there are some gribes which I wish were attended before it's roll out. 1) The lack of leg movement. Because the joints are so tight on the knees and overal leg, it'll tend to pop out of place from the hips because they don't use the traditional ball socket hips like many models. This means being able to move it around and pose is truely a pain in the ass. 2) Shoulders have great limitations. nearly all of the kits I've come acrossed, can reach all the way to it's back and pull out the beam saber itself (except the very old kits)...Turn A can not. While I love the idea of it's beam sabers being hidden behind the shoulder armor and can "pop" up for standby, the arms themselves can't seem to reach back and grab it without some sort ofmanipulation of the armor on the shoulder. 3) The Rub on transfers are useless. You really don't need them considering the Turn A had little of no decoration like any of the other MS's in history. The only thing distinguishing for marks would be the Turn A symbol on it's forehead. 3) Canopy is crap! This thing wont stay in it's spot if you move it just a slightest way. Boooo!!!! 4) Lack of detail in some areas, and what feels like overexagerated in others. The arms and legs have the most amount of detail for panel lining and it can get kind of bothersome to handle. However the shoulders, head, parts of the chest and cockpit area have little or no major detail making some areas fantastic to look at, and others blah. Overall...for a MG kit it's lacking in what we've seen recently in the last 3 years, but for a Turn A kit, it's not bad at all. I wouldn't pay over 35 dollars for it though cause it feels like I'm playing with old style of an MG kit and not something we've seen with like for instance OYW RX-78-2 etc. Now...I wonder if I could do some decent stop motion with this kit.
  3. I decided to break my budget a little bit and was gonna pick up unicorn and turn a at the local hobby shop. Sadly they were ust about cleaned out and all that was left was infact Turn A. However the lady working there said she was getting a giagantic shipment of Gundam kits by friday and said the one I was looking for should be in that stock...along with some other "interesting" looking kits she said. They've got a shelf dedicated to those who bring in their kits to donate...I've thought about giving up my customied RGM unit since it's one of the much older kits that I managed to pull off a very impressive customization. Anyways, gonna play some Turn A Music and build the kit. UPDATE: I'm actually 3/4ths of the way done with the body of Turn A...I'm gonna sort of make it pre-show looking...add some detail on there that wasn't in the series. For instance the middle of the chest where it's basically a backwards "T" is white instead of blue...I loaded missiles instead of either leaving the area empty or sticking in a cow...and I'm gonna put it's WD-M01 on the shield and none of the militia crap on it like the mustace or the Earth militia symbols. That should make it sort of unique. Also, the rub on Turn A transfer is crap...I couldn't get it to fixate on the right spot at all, came close and got have of it. And the canopy blows! I sure hope it holds in place. Hm, figures pretty big too I wasn't expecting that. If it's that size in 1/100 scale, then I can ust image how big a WaDom would be in comparison.
  4. yeah mine too I didn't see that coming at all. I also just feel so bad for Saji, he really didn't deserve any of that at all.
  5. Hopefully with Bandai having the toy and model rights, they'll maybe be cheaper. I can't afford 200 dollar toys anymore : / nor am I really that thrilled with the QC of Yamato anymore after having some broken toys from their chinese manufactures. But I am gonna jump up and down for joy that these will be coming out atleast.
  6. I always thought Ivanov's death in the tail end of M0 was kind of brutal. Probably the most graphic of deaths in that whole OVA and possible next to all of Macross. However there is one I would probably say would be the most painful and that would be Gulds death (movie version) as you see the man with a burst eye ball, his ribs cracking and caving in his lungs causing him to spew out a large amount of blood into his helmet probably causing him to briefly sufficate only to smack dead on to the ghost, and if he did survive THAT ordeal for a few moments, then lets not forget the final scene...he's float DEAD IN SPACE
  7. My guess this was a first release version of the VF-0A since it's a dark grey color. It wasn't really a shoulder, it's just above the elbow joint where you rotate the arm. However I'd more then likely would need a completely new arm to get it working agian. It was a real pain in the ass to transform it and somehow keep the arm connected in its socket.
  8. Hear about it on the news every morning on my way into work and see the prices at the local gas stations. By my work it's 3.60 for primiume gas. That's the highest it's ever been there. I still remember in highschool it was like 1.25...I'm really missing those days cause now it's getting to the point I just can't afford a full tank of gas cause it's costing me 60 bucks to fill up. And I got a "compact" sedan.
  9. It's more the fact that whenever something happens for a price increase, it's always been blamed on oil.
  10. oh come on, what a bunch of bullcrap.
  11. Hmmm....so Unicorn is a good MG kit. What about Turn A? I always had an interest in that one.
  12. Just have to wait until I see a trailer...I have my doubts.
  13. FINISHED!......now I need vocals.
  14. Mock up mix of the first half of the movie is complete. I'm starting to channel mix the audio so it doesn't come out mono. This is probably the most time consuming piece of it all cause I gotta select the right channel then move it to the left and then recopy and paste...so you can hear everything thru all speakers instead of just 1. Then I gotta go thru the second set again and take out the Zentradie steps because I found more accurate ones thanks to episode 12. Then I need to go back to the first 5 chapters and insert the missing soundeffects I noticed. Once all of that is finished, I take ALL of the audio and mix it as one big deal and start to work with the vocals I got. After that's finished, maybe I'll release the first half of the video when all the vocals are together.
  15. That's interesting, but worthless if it can't transform into armor.
  16. VERY VERY VERY Close on finishing the audio mix for the first half of the film. I want everyone to know I've been working very hard on this while I'm breaking on DYRL I've been fooling around with Macross Zero. Right now I've got 5 more minutes worth of footage to mix for the second set of Sound....once that's done and calibrated I gotta add in another set to sort of overlap and calibrate that. Then I'm going in, checking the first hour without vocals....add any touch ups and sound replacements then calling that area of the film final. After that's done, I'll be waiting for voices and taking a few weeks rest on DYRL and mixing and maybe work on the script for Episode 3 of Macross Zero when I'm bored.
  17. It would be nice if we got to see something almost Animatrix esque for Blade Runner, with lil Blade Runner side stories that were inspired by the twists and turns that the plotline had to take away. Like Deckard in the early days.
  18. gay...........Transformers didn't win anything from the awards. I thought they looked better then an fin talking CG polar bear, or Bourne, or bore.
  19. I just got my misa to turn in all her lines, and she's got just 1 redo, man she did a fantastic job! Also working hard on Episode 2 of M0...I just did a big test mix of the battle between Fokker and Ivanov http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DRhLIWnpn-U It's almost perfect, just a few lil touch ups, and vocals. It's possible I will get my original Ivanov back...he's moved recently but he said he really wants to get back into the game.
  20. Could careless about them being in MG form, I'd rather they were PG.
  21. I snagged the UN Spacy logo wrist band at HLJ...maybe I should get an MPlus cosplay going XD
  22. Actually it was still one of those high powered Bows...but the arrows were the usual normal types. He didn't have the exploding. As for the Claymore, it was strapped to a lil boy hence the HUGE explosion in the film. And as for Birma or Mymar whatever it's called now of days, it is actually a hell. A Co-worker of mine lived south of that country and when I told him what Rambo was based on, started telling me stories of how awful things were when he lived close to that country and how you gotta watch yourself cause 1 funny look to one of the soldiers and your ass is cooked or something like that.
  23. 0_o this makes me wanna download Manga Studio and do up a scanlation.
  24. I dunno how feesable that'll be....afterall, the Vf-0 and the VF-1 are completely different in size. A 1/60 VF-0 is nearly identicle in size to a 1/48 VF-1... And you may wanna give "Ol what's his face" a lil more credit by remembering his name the froating head would smite you.
  25. Hikuro

    VF Girls

    and carry around a bottle of Yoshinol.
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