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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. Surprised this hasn't been the first page yet. I just got home from the movie a bit ago, and digested it taking it in. After nearly 26 years of potential Sonic Movies that were announced and disregarded for one reason or another, and over 30 years of really bad game to film releases I gotta say, this was actually a rather fun film. It's at least a popcorn flick.
  2. Bummer googleplay
  3. So it feels like they're really taking to Rodenberry's legacy of a utopia 24th Century and just smashing it with Raffie's jealousy of Picards life style and home, vaping space weed and it seems as though, internet gambling is still a thing. I guess on the plus side, they didn't drop the F Bomb again....
  4. Being from the northwest I wish those guys the best. I was legit bummed by the mechanics mishap during the reveal.
  5. I was out doing grocery shopping at Walmart this morning and traditionally I'll go to the toy area to see what's popped up......mainly cause right now I'm waiting for Earth Wars Transformers figures to show up. But instead I was really shocked to see these! There were at least 3 styles out in different colors with a different human action figure with them. I believe I saw Orange representing the original Xeno, Red from Alien 3 and Blue from ALIENS. I didn't get a moment to take a picture but they also had a rather large ALIEN Queen as well.....So for 10 bucks that's not awful but to be real with you guys, these looked like 1 dollar toy store knock offs. These easily reminded me of the off branded Exo-Squad figures that got re-released under a different name a few years back. I'm also not entirely sure why the Xenomorphs are different colors and so dang glossy other than maybe to make them less scary? Now, I'm not highly versed in the Alien toys from back in the 90's, I know quite a bit on the Neca line, but the old stuff not so much cause ALIEN terrified me and believe it or not I didn't get over that fear of them until my mid teens!
  6. I'm not the only one who feels the show is rather.......slow paced am I? And I'm not to thrilled with the writing of dialogue in this series either. I get the "We're a stream service, toss in ALL the swear words!" but the last thing I ever expect, is a high ranking starfleet officer to just toss the F bomb, I mean, an Admiral should show a little more reserve. Also having problems with the day to day living.....like just casually strolling in a transporter metal detector doorway....So what? Does everyone just walk from one point to the other and get just instantly transported? I remember early in the STO game that the Odyssey Class was so big you had to transport from one area to the next to get anywhere in a decent amount of time, possibly even the Enterprise J was like this. Okay, I'm ranting, I mean, just the way the universe had always been portrayed is nearly the polar opposite with these CBS all Access versions. I shouldn't be banging my head but I'm getting so very close to the table surface.
  7. Hm, they’re neat looking, better looking than the last minis we got with rpg tactics. but I don’t need these unless I see a solid game behind it and even then, people need to be playing it.
  8. So then would you call that incompetence of the pilot? Reports seem to read that they just circled the area just letting the fog get denser and denser changing from low altitude to higher getting further up into the clouds thinking they were following the freeway until they smacked into a hill. But also, shouldn't of there been some kind of radar or device to help or something? He frequently used his private helicopter for travels It just seems odd that this would happen in such a way. Also sad that it seems they were going to a basketball game and another parent and fellow team member of his daughter were there as well.
  9. Is there really even a “solid” way to fix that? Mines still in pieces so I can’t hang it up with the rest of my goodies on the ceiling.
  10. I just finished the crossover, I mean yeah I got a kick seeing Ezra's Flash with Gustin's Flash. But overall I was not surprised that the big group joining into Earth Prime, I knew this would eventually occur since CBS & CW joined up to do the first network crossover. The Gleek cameo had me scratching my head, I completely forgot about that lil monkey cause it'd be decades since I watched any of the old Super Friends cartoons.
  11. Didn’t shredder die by the end of the first issue or something?
  12. At least the clone wars led into something coherent and flowed from where it left off.
  13. Yeah RT gave it a rotten score, first one since TPM to receive this low of score unless ya count the clone wars animated movie. I dunno, I’m still avoiding spoilers and ads and whatever else is out there till Saturday morning. I find it odd that TFA and TLJ were so high yet this got pulled down hard.
  14. I read the first issue and I sorta don’t like it. Picard being an admiral is fine, I hate his first officer, and the way they’ve written Picard feels very off of his character. While it’s nice the Odyssey class is now “cannon” they’ve royally screwed the timeline from its development
  15. Think this is one of two reasons why GE is sorta been dead. People wanna do the ROTR experience, and they also wanna be trying out the resort hotel that'll be coming next. Once these are done that's when I think we can see attendance going up to get that "Star Wars" feel. I know I've mostly been slacking off on getting the money cause I wanna get the fun factor as much as possible. I wanna spend more than a couple hours there for sure.
  16. Yes the click bait is horrendous and everywhere. Pick a hot topic and speak something to engage the trolls and hurt fan boys tearing into a coffee mug. i usually will mark these on my YouTube account to eliminate as much of it from my feeds as possible. I have completely different outlook on these movies let alone the franchise and I don’t need these dweebs in my life like a bad ex
  17. Lol it’s gonna be so dumb I’ll have to watch it
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