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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. 0_o wtf....that was weird....
  2. I'm trying to watch the 3 seasons out so far, and I'm gonna record the specials next week since I'll be at work. And I just saw razor and liked it.
  3. Wasn't too hip on the Sci/fi mini series, and the movie was just too long for my tastes...so meh....
  4. Anyone read or seen the Terminator Infinity comic mini series? It's like a 4th alternate timeline only based after 3.
  5. said it once, and I'll say it again, the moment we get powered suit mecha in the real world is the day I'll enlist in that military branch.
  6. That's why I couldn't get into it
  7. I rented it, only watched the first maybe 45 minutes of it....it's okay...not a buy at all though honestly.
  8. No, that's not true at all. There are far worse theards out there than this one....like "LETS REMAKE MACROSS!" esque type threads, those are the worse. That and close second "WHO LIKES MACROSS 7!?"
  9. I call Shinanigans on that. It doesn't make a lick of sense at all when the last few episodes show he is John Conner...so that's gotta be a joke.
  10. Huh? where did you get that information from?
  11. Not much to really report...alot of ppl have asked for extensions for personal, work, or family issues. So they got until next month before I get miffed off.
  12. Huh? you couldn't tell how old it was by the horrible color bleeding and audio quality and old fashion by hand paint of cels? They pretty much stopped doing by hand coloring and such by 2000 I think.
  13. See this was something I didn't really get about the difference of the T-800 and the T-850. In the video games the T-850 is still an endokeleton but more filled out between the gaps where servos and pistons would normally show....yet in T3, Arnie being a T-850 resembled that of a T-800 model. As for the T-888, my guess is something like the T-850 model but able to digest food maybe? Better logic system to properly understand and compensate for lack of emotions to better imitate in the near future? Why do I even bother asking when I'm explaining it myself?
  14. It's an ok looking doll...but I hate wigs, I perfer the way the other figures have been done with sculpted hair...but hey, that's just me.
  15. ....k all joking aside, this isn't locked cause why?
  16. Exactly, it is what it is, take it or leave it, just like what I think with the rest of the franchise. Can't wait for the day when people start making threads about remaking Macross Frontier 10 years from now.
  17. Pretty easy when a terminator is meant to perfectly infiltrate in every way into human society to complete its mission. For all we might actually know is that the original husband could of been killed and the T-888 took its placed....she did think that her husband was acting a bit odd but blamed her work and being away for his behavior. But the T-888 did whatever was possible to actually complete it's mission and when finished, he didn't need to play the sweet hubby role and killed her.
  18. Well, that's kind of neat, except for the fact I own NO HCM-Pro's. I went to the local hobby store since they got their stock in.....I saw LOTS of Double-Oh kits...but man the prices for these things is just outrageous there....I'm better off just ordering online and saving the 10+ dollar difference. Sadly though, all the MG kits were old releases as far back as 2001.
  19. Yet we don't get to see the next season until october boooo.
  20. There's a good reason why I avoid such style of games like GoW or a FPS style....controls are just not comfortable for me.
  21. Wasn't bad, I just kindn of flipped thru it, the picture quality looks kind of fuzzy maybe that's just cause of the way it's rendered right now? And cool to see a sub job on the PS1/Saturn openings.
  22. and I think SEED models are about the same size as the wings and I don't have them anymore for comparison since I threw or sold most of those kits away. Only kits I've kept are the ones I've gone and personalized to make 'em unique. Well, I'm gonna have to wait and see what the hobby store brings in tomorrow.
  23. I'm about, 56% into the download......but man is it slow.
  24. Ah, fixed the shoulder problem so now that's able to rotate to satasfaction, still the hip connections are bad...that's a big dissapointment. Anyways, a question I had again for the Unicorn...is it about as big as the Nu Gundam which is a fairly tall MG, or is it like the others, somewhere between 6-8 inches tall?
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