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I have no problem in lending a hand to anyone SFX or vocal wise for their 3D projects. I've got an extensive library espically things Macross Esque. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DRhLIWnpn-U <<<<nice lil sample using realistic fighter plane SFX's for Macross Zero if you get curious. I've ALWAYS wanted to dabble in this kind of stuff, anything close to live action or whatnot so I could always do something BSG esque like. So seeing everyones stuff always makes me feel like I could do it myself.....someday!
Gee great....I still can't figure out smack of Battle Chronicles....not even a website that offers instructions booooooooooooooooooooo.
Macross F song for cell phones - Don't be late
Hikuro replied to GGemini's topic in Movies and TV Series
I got Nyan Nyan on my blackjack, sadly the volume level SUCKS, I would actually like to take the commerical tune and use that instead of Lanka. -
Macross Frontier Episode 1 Talkback Thread *READ 1st Post*
Hikuro replied to azrael's topic in Movies and TV Series
actually when the VF-25's battroid swung around, I was thinking Macross II moment. -
Macross Frontier Episode 1 Talkback Thread *READ 1st Post*
Hikuro replied to azrael's topic in Movies and TV Series
It's like Shouta said, when you got stuff distracting you and limiting your hearing, you sometimes put in the wrong thing. I can forgive the mistakes with the high quality video just to bad I can't put that on my 360 and watch it on my big screen. -
Macross Frontier Episode 1 Talkback Thread *READ 1st Post*
Hikuro replied to azrael's topic in Movies and TV Series
I just saw AiA&I-Z's fansub, I didn't like it....translation mistakes are noticable I know I heard Kaibutsu "monster" and somehow they translate that as "Kaim" and I really want it gettin straightened out, his name is either Mikhail or Michael, but diffenetly NOT Michelle. And the Rainbow Corkscrew is the Mainfall Corkscrew...and I perfer Lanka over Ranka and Alto over Altoh...1 letter but yeah...never seen it as Altoh. -
just upped my Alt collection by 1 more, good old Hot Rodimus...I mean Hot Rod. Neat toy, like the visor gimmick...course the yellow flames could be brighter...they're nearly blended into the paint cause they're too dark goldish, they need to be yellow like his arms.
Finished RX-0 today. My flash made the translucant parts shine XD All in all great kit. From a previous owner who said their V/horn broke, I would for future reference split it apart from the base and not from the thinnest parts of the V/Horn. The only thing I can truely think about on hating this kit is the decals....SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO many.
First bill and ted, now this? I'm gonna puke.
They'll take Jaks but for like 1 or 2 dollars trade, and I don't think they'll take family guy cause it's a promotional movie like Spiderman was. Well Gamestop did for like 1 dollar.
I just got Gundam Battle Chronicles, but I can't figure out how to play the missions. I went thru the control training missions, but after that I can't do anything....I select a mission, I input all those points on both my guy and his partner, then what?
*ahem* YAY! I scored Unicorn and Virtue! I got them to hold them both for me afterall and I got rid of some stuff for quick sale, made enough money and I grabbed them both and some of those clear plastic stands for them! EEEEEE!!!! I can't wait to build them! Virtue will be the inbetween kit while I work on the painting on some of Unicorn like the V/horn, the pilot, some o fthe internals...same thing will happen to virtue but Unicorn will be more babied and will be pimped out nice. 4/6: I finished the legs and part of the waist of the RX-0. This is a hell of a complex design...I had to stop and think alot of times on how the translucent parts work cause they weren't doing what they should be doing and found out it's just user error. Some of the parts feel sort of flimsy and I've already had a foot drop of me mid transformation a dozen times while trying to put the decals on like how the diagram shows. That's another thing! MY GOD the number of decals on this sucker! And what is sad is that some of these are like lil itty bitty rub ons as well! Still, the paint job I did on it is rather good, I really didn't do much painting honestly. I painted the sit in pilot figure, red and blue and white, the thursters insides yellow cause that's pretty much traditional, and a few other parts black etc. Also, this is a pretty tall MS I think when it's in NT-D form....I think if I were to compare it with my Exia, the waist is already maybe an inch or so higher than the waist on the Exia. As for Virtue/Nadleeh, I got the torso and head complete and did ALOT of paint application on that....thrusters, vent covers, weapons, that's a pain in the ass. Again, 00 kits seem to be rather large.
Completed the body of the Crossbone Gundam.....I don't think I've had this much trouble building a Gundam for a while. Some of the parts are just flimsy as hell like part F24, if you're not careful you'll destroy the pegs that areneeded for the leg armor up top...so if anyone builds this be VERY careful of F24. Also the "feather" L7/K5 easily falls apart and easily off the head. So I strongly recommend to superglue it XD I've already lost the L7 part which is the red half. I also went ahead and just painted all the small parts like the verniers, the skulls, and parts of it's weapons. Decals are already fully applied on the body so it's looking good except for 3 spots, the missing part L7 is somewhere on the floor but I can't see it cause of poor lighting. Along with the parts H17 they just don't want to fit on the legs to cover the foot pistons....I dunno why it wants to be such a pain in the ass. Balance is crap on this model and I'm not gonna blame the X-thrusters entirely, this thing had weak balance the moment I put the legs on. It'll stand until I give it just the slightest shake, like when typing on my keyboard for instance will cause it to fall lol. I still got the full cloth armament to go. Also what pisses me off, I go and buy Exia and Crossbone, next day when I go to pick up paint just before work, there's Unicorn and Virtue....sonavabitch!
Just picked up Exia 1/100 HG and a 1/100 MG Crossbone Fullcloth...so that knocks down 2 kits I've been wanting for sometime. I really scored, sadly though I think I paid like 87 bucks for that and some paint for Crossbone cause I got a sneaking suspicion that the eyes on the skull aren't colored in. Exia needs paint in alot of spots, and what little decals they give you totally wont cover those areas up. I did buy some paint, but like I said, just for Crossbone, I didn't get the type of paint I really need for Exia which is that seagrey which I know they didn't have at the hobby store cause I looked for some. Yeah, honestly, a bit bummed on Exia already. I'll probably build some of it and leave the other areas alone until I get some paint maybe tomorrow...but diffenetly not today. UPDATE: I finished Exia, it's not a bad kit, I did do some painting to it, good enough to call it finished atleast. I pretty much just followed the paint areas like the MSiA Exia so it's almost a complete clone. As for Crossbone Gundam, uuuhhh, that's gonna need alot of painting, again, that damn seagray. I'll pick some up on my way into work or during my lunch or something. I did paint the skulls so they're pretty much perfect. I'll also need yellow still to paint in other areas...I'm gonna avoid using the decals. I'm hoping this kit turns out REALLY well.
Well, yeah it probably will no doubt. I'm just thinking about how the true conclusion to the show will go. Amen, I got to clear out a bunch of stuff to make room, luckily for me, alot of the shows I've been watching ended this week so I can put those to bed.
I actually couldn't pick one.......they're all so bad in their own way.
Tomorrows the big day T_T I'm gonna miss this show.
Well after playing it for maybe 3 hours worth of time lastnight and this morning here are my thoughts. GRAPHICS: It's what I expect for a Final Fantasy game, espically something of a prequel to FF7. The opening Cinematography was great! I'm gonna show this off to a friend at work cause he's never seen FF before. The ingame graphics are sharp like you were watching a condesned screen version of Kingdom Hearts only I think just a tad bit improved. I haven't encountered anything choppy or whatnot just yet. MUSIC: A mix of the original and some new scores that are hard rock/metal esque. The only complaint I have is that the new scores tend to get really annoying and LOUD during combat. CONTROLS: Simple to use sort of...though I'll say I perfer turn based rather than some sort of a mix turnbase/realtime combat. You dodge with the Square, Block with the Triangle, and Attack on the X, however timing is critical, this is NOT a button masher game like Devil May Cry. Using the L and R buttons you can cycle thru your inventory and materia which will be helpful. You can use the analog stick or the directional pad to move Zack around. GAMEPLAY: Simple thus far, nothing really complex has arrived just yet. The use of the DMW is nothing more than a slot machine which spouts off crap left and right and not much of what's really important, level breaks and level ups. I've played 3 hours, started at lvl 6 and I'm only at lvl 9....normally this far into the game I should be in the teens or early 20's....but because of this I think Enix dumbed down the combat just a bit to make it easier to fight. However the longer you fight and the more difficult things get, the more likely hood your DMW will give you a level up at some point. Also to help improve your combat abilities and level up ect, they present missions which you can access in your save point at what looks like any given time. These missions will help you collect items and possibly level up your stats and such....as I've said, started at 6, now at 9....only leveled up twice during normal combat and once during missions. If you die during a mission no worries it's not a game over. VOICEACTING: Again, what I expected for a FF game...I don't have any complaints. Though I think at times Zacks voice gets a lil out of key in how he speaks out his expressions, sometimes a cool settle "Huh?" turns out to be a nerv racking "WHAT?!" OVERALL: I've still got A LONG WAY until I'm done with this game....I'd say I only played an eighth of it thus far. I'm only at the point where you go into Angeals hometown and come in contact with Genesis....that's it. Now I gotta get ready for work I'd say, totally get the game if you enjoy FF, be it the franchise or 7...but I think this is a good game thus far.
Yeah....when the hell did this happen?
I picked up Crisis Core just now....so....yeeaaaahhhh, I'm deciding if I wanna play it now or in the morning cause I got other stuff to do....hmmmm.
You would be correct sir! Seji Mizushima directed FMA, Slayers Next, and Shaman King.
0_o......I just filled the cup again.....dude I wish I could do stuff like that XD
Overflag, and Tieren are the only ones on that list I'd probably consider.