Hey wha do ya know, that's my face j/k j/k.
I'm lovin the toonshade man. I really wish I could do stuff like this...but it's a bitch just to learn how to use AnimeStudio.
I scored Pre-Earth Prime today, he's a very cool toy. Pretty much all ball joints that are nice and stiff for good posing. You don't even need instructions to transform him, he's very straightforward.
I really like it.
hm, didn't see it there when I checked last, and yet, it's up, ah well no biggie, 2 hours till I get to know what the frak is going on..............I should quote that.
ya looking back there's more then just 7:22 mark where the arms reappear and what not....but meh doesn't bug me a bit, you don't even really notice it when you're too focused on everything else going on.
But hey, the original show had ALOT of errors on it.......big deal.
wow sort of shocked by the list there from 4 years ago....I strongly disagree on many of those shows like Batman Returns, Xmen both accounts, and atleast the first Blade movie I liked, the second and third etc I could of given less of a poo about.
no matter what I did, I couldn't watch Gattai's subs, don't realy matter to me with the translation errors I keep hearing about in various forums...I'll just wait.
Hey just a thought, but in the opening there's a shot of a Geisha....just a hunch, but that's Alto isn't it......? With all the cracks of him looking like a girl and always being called Princess by Mikhail....I can believe it.
Exactly my problem, while I always appreciate a fansubbers job for releasing something such as this, it's just so damn hard to ACTUALLY APPRECIATE it when their standards for viewing are set far to high.
So I will cheer Shouta on and hammer him until he releases the bloody episode so I have something to watch
I sadly got to pass on Gattai, their quality is too high for my monitor, it makes it look like it's running on slower frames and the subtitles don't show that well.....boooo.
Ditto, I don't need to see his movies to know they suck. I almost rented Blood Rayne cause I had cupons for free movies for like a year....and I stopped mid way to check out and cringed for some reason and put it back lol. Even my sub consious says "BAD!"
It's okay you are forgiven.
I was just thinking about this as I reread my post. I think I know what makes the japanese remaster so much different then the AnimEgo US edition, the Japanese one is laced in gold......has to be for that price.
Yeah I'm not crossing my fingers on this at all. They got to go thru ADV and HG to get released internationally and we know how well that's worked before.
You're not looking in the usual places from everyone else aren't you?
I also got Gattai's sub job, it was good, but dissapointed that they don't touch the songs and I had trouble watching it cause the screen res was far to high for my PC and it was choppy cause of of it. So it was like instead of watching it at 24fps I'm watching it at 5fps.
Yes we know, but you failed to really speak for the topic
Seeing how the japanese DVD's are 400 dollars which is basically 10 bucks and some change per episode, I don't think I care to know how different the US and Japanese do their remasters.
you must be very far out of the loop and never watch video game movies. he's done a mass majority of he cult classics of games that are some of the most violent and bloody of all.
His latest work, postal, he describes as a movie that will kick indiana jones ass next month. bet postal wont even get a quarter of its budget back.
Well I liked the episode, XD Ozma is as bad of a driver as Roy was....must be hertitary among skull leaders or tradition or something.
And Fire Bomber after a decade is either popular, or Ozma has a soft spot for Basara.
Uwe Boll was on G4's Attack of the Show, Kevin asked him if he'd stop making movies if the numbers on the petition are high. Uwe is quoted with a big fat "NO". He's also created his own Anti-petitio nwhere about 500+ people have signed it. So the number for him in comparison is dwarfed to this petition to take him out.
He pretty much considers himself a Fin genius and will continoue to make movies how he wants them.
nothing to honestly report. Well there are a few things.
The big part is I FINALLY got something that sounds close to the original Zentradie speach VFX.
And my Breetia VA is finally finished, however......I gotta get my ass in gear and ring in the other VA's.