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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. I think those are already up a few pages back....I think?
  2. Should be airing again this october shouldn't it? that's not too far away.
  3. Just to get an idea of what I'm dealing with, here is a rather nice comparison of the old Footage I was using to the now HD which made me go "Oh yeah, no brainer there." I also got the fp/s to match what I'm currently using, quality is still good and I'm excited to be using this for the project.
  4. Beats me if it was from AnimeSuki or not, it included the movie and the booklet and that's it. From the looks of it the fold patterns on her blanket are visible.
  5. HD Footage will now be used in the dub project...W00T FOR REMASTERS!
  6. I found an online release, I think alot of the grain was removed, it wasn't as bad as I had thought. My first reactio nwhen I watched this, "WTF? There's a baseball field by the concert hall?"
  7. wtf 0_o that ending totally surprised me....now I'm VERY intrigued for next episode.
  8. It was also Toynami's greatest weakness...the magnets were shotty until Volume 4 Max. That was the tightest jointed and strongest magnet valk they had. Slumping economy for who? Japan? I would figure they'd be doing decent in the Economy. True, they weren't as detailed and nowhere near perfect transformation, but I don't nessessary believe that what your stating is why the price is so high. So am I the only one that's taking into account on the price because these are coming with fast packs? If I remember right, a stock VF-1 was going to cost atleast 84 dollars and fast packs were going to be around 40 something....so really, it's not that much higher of a price from the V1.0s.
  9. So as of this morning, all of the old vocal tracks of replaced VA's have been switched out with the new ones. Some people I'm still waiting on but they're mostly bit roles and minmay. However my Minmay va does have a rather busy life and since she's pretty good at what she does I'm cutting her some slack hope she doesn't read tihs. I would say 80-89% of the first half is now complete. It's actually looking REALLY good, I'm very surprised on how real in terms of goals in my life this is turning out. This really motivates me to finish the movie after having nearly the entire first half of this film completed.
  10. Okay, so i posted the very last clip I'm going to tease people with until the first half is done. Then I'll just start teasing away with the second half unti lthat's complete. I'm currently right now getting the HD remastered version...I'm hopping my audio which is modeled after watching a 29fps movie will sync alright with a 24fps.....I'm hoping.
  11. Totally wanna preorder that Vf-1A....anytime I see one I wanna pre-order. But yeah prices god....I remember getting Hikaru's VF-1A for 55 dollars at a convention and thought that was a steal.
  12. I got my VF-1S preordered......god I bet shipping is going to be rape......I really think it'll be alot of money.
  13. That's two great people this month who've died sort of unexpectedly....I'll miss you rufus T_T
  14. I picked up dbz burstlimit. i like the graphics alot...but game play feels so limited in moves and controls...not to mention only covers 2/3rds of the series and there is NO ONE one online play. either the game isnt selling much, or no one knows the online feature.
  15. Submitted a new clip on the front page. This one has Hikaru and Minmay trapped in the engine block of the Macross. It's a good 5 minute clip so I hope you guys enjoy it.
  16. psp, ds or ps2...anything else and I'm fed for import gaming. but for an engine and game play identicle to GBC, im sold, fully sold.
  17. My Sheryl VA says she'll hopefully finish the song today...she was REALLY good on turning in her Misa lines yesterday and is just about up to date. However singing is much more difficult then just doing lines....not too mentio nI need to kick other VA's in the butt....out of the cast only 4 people have done their lines for the big concert scene.
  18. I dunno if I'd say it's a Christmas Miracle in the summer XD but it is helpful when you can get a group of people together and motivated enough to do their lines. I've got alot of promises from cast members who are falling behind to do their lines this week. Out of those...no offense to them I'll probably see 1 or none of them do that. And so far adding in what I can for my new Misa VA into the movie, she's doing well. She's sent me several variations of each line for the first half of the film. Right now one of my favorite scenes is when she chews Hikaru's ass off for disobeying earlier in the film. I can garuntee one thing, fine tuning of this film is gonna be a bitch...there's alot of stuff I go over and think "Shoot....I should of used this instead" or "Up the volume track a bit here.." Which I'll hopefully sit down and have the time for shortly.
  19. Well, I guess that's an instant buy.
  20. Well good news is, my Misa is kicking ass on doing her new role. .....I've contacted alot of people lastnight....it's only just a matter of time.
  21. So my new Misa already did close to a dozen lines returned, and she promises she'll finish the other 70 by tomorrow morning (shock!)....I've already contacted everyone who owes me lines that needs to get off their butts With any luck.......this wont be too long.
  22. That I could debate on since we're all here on Macrossworld, and not Robotech.com If they go with the project, cool! I wish them luck. Hell, the writer for ESB and Raiders, sweet!....hope the guy does his homework...reads the novels and watches the series. Good luck to him too.
  23. that link isn't correct.
  24. Well, I'm having alot of set backs, and I'm in talks with a new Misa VA who is doing Claudia and Miriya, so I'll have to find some new VA's for those two roles. Not too mention I might have to kick another VA to the curb cause he hasn't sent me anything in nearly a month. The original release was to go with the aniversary date of DYRL's theatrical release....but that's not going to happen. I still got an hour of footage to reproduce, and script editing, and then the VA's have to get in gear. I'm going to shoot for a fall or winter release....maybe as late as November.
  25. Sadly after getting a cast assembled, my Sara VA told me she is retiring and will not partake in the project anymore due to having a baby....so this sucks....gotta hold a new audition.
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