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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. Well if the Ejection seat is anything like tha tVF..............................oops I gotta keep my mouth shut for a lil while longer doo doo doo. Good work bro
  2. I watched it, thankfully while Rapidshare still only allows 1 dl at a time, there's no more of that 2 hour wait crap. I enjoyed it, better video quality by far, only complaint is while I was watching it, the sound would cut off after a long period of playing....I counted atleast 2 times, once when it cuts to Shin and Mao on the beach and the other was when the VF-0 rockets passed Shin and Sara. Other then that, I think I enjoyed this a lil mor ethen I use too.
  3. Henshin Justice.com has been following the developement and was even invited to see the wrap up of I think one of the episodes and go to a wrap up party shortly after and Mark Musashi was even there having fun. After seeing the official trailer I think, it'll be far better than when KR Black RX came to the states, and probably just kick the snot out of power rangers.
  4. I rented it from one of those redbox things...and that wasn't even worth my dollar...I didn't like these at all....they just felt so damn blah and short.
  5. Wow thanks for the luvin. I do have a DVD and Label designed. It's the official Bandai/Emotion one, edited with English text, and I should still have the custom Front Cover that Akt_m designed for me 2 years ago. If you want them let me know. I sadly though don't have anything featurette wise like audio commentaries, bloopers or AMV's since it was just the first episode.
  6. Wow, I voted No Opinion, it was okay, but damn i was dissapointed in the long run : / it was just too fast paced to be enjoyed and savored. I would of liked it to last another episode.
  7. yyaaaayyy, they do look better as asian chics, cept ozma, weve had 2? 3? males who pulled it off pretty well. id gladly salute them. and teal a hot sheryl or ranka. it makes no difference, Im not picky.
  8. well not exactly confirmed since we don't see a face, we see a small edge of hair........that's about it, but yes, he probably is or was her brother at one point....no he's just a cyborg without his own memories either.
  9. Updated with an image of the DVD cover.
  10. I just got Prowl, Sunstreaker and Octane classics....hmmmmm tough call on my favorite. Though I do have to warn people, the paint job on Prowl is fairly sloppy and it seems it's just not a select few here and there. Every single prowl I looked at over at a ToysRUs this evening had the same crappy paint job. Lil cracks of paint following the door panels and fenders, 5 O Clock shadow on the fenders going over the wheel wells, just sloppy. However it looks okay once he's in Robot mode. Sunstreaker is cool, but 1 gripe, no where to put his gun, and Octane is okay, but I think Astrotrain was the better triple changer so far.
  11. New clip up of act two http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S0ENScct3L8
  12. Not much longer to go and things are already falling apart....only one person has returned lines for the episode......I might have to postpone the release until late august.
  13. Anytime a male Macross fan comes across a female Macross fan, I thought the male asks the female to marry him? Decultcha.....
  14. Almost preordered from ImageAnime.......howevre seeing how it's 2 months away and can be delayed, I'm in no rush to get one.
  15. Here's one, guys can poitn me to the thread page if ya wanted if it's been spoken of, got a YF-19 with fastpacks (all in one not seperate deals) and I thought the crooked gunpod issue was fixed with the fastpack version? So is there a real simple way of fixing this issue? I also got that shoulder gap on the left between the shoulder and the armor of the shoulder itself. Thought all these issues were corrected?
  16. Meh, they charge you for it, that's dumb.
  17. I can't recall who, but someone about a year or two ago had posted this work before....I believe he was the original 3D designer for both the ARMD platforms and the Macross even it's transformation....I just can't recall who it was.
  18. OKAY! Finally got the freakin new clip up!
  19. Okay, I made some corrections to the HD file, I didn't have a synced audio track so basically the lazy way I went about it was rip the video and audio of the HD movie seperately then merged them as a WMV then spent like 10 minutes trying to perfectly sync my Dub mix to the original audio so I had a proper time outlay, then snipped a few seconds that were lagging so it's pretty tight right now for 48 minutes of footage. My vacation is coming up next week, my plan which I'm HOPING to do, is completely finish the entire movie's audio tracks before the vocals. I'm already 75-80% complete with 20 minutes of the second half of the film, so that leaves me with 48 minutes of footage left....which will all have to be mixed as one piece cause it doesn't cut off right....half of it will be VERY simple, the other half will be difficult as it's 20 minutes of fighting. If I can do that, I can just sit back and wait for the vocals while I work on other things....so 4 day weekend next week, pretty much spending it from when I wake up to when I go to sleep of just mixing with very lil breaks inbetween unless I hit some sort of a snag.
  20. Chances are you're going to get the faulty shoulders no matter what with the Ep1 Red Garland. Since you're not from the US, I dunno if they'd help you or not...I would probably avoid getting it and go with either the Army or Factory type.
  21. Well for the HD footage it was in MKV and I used VirtualDubMod to render it as a 29.97fp/s (cause that's how the old footage was set) AVI format under a direct stream copy...that way it wasn't 60 gigs (Yeah it got up to 60 gigs and killed my hardrive). For mixing I use Windows Movie Maker, Adobe Audicity, and Cooledit Pro2.0.
  22. Thanks ,I'm getting alot of good complements on some of these clip which is great...it helps the motivation for a 2 hour movie. On to other matters, I am having trouble sinking the new HD video to my audio tracks......it will at first, then later on it just goes WAY out to left field and will move to fast for the video....I think I'm gonna have to work on this a lil more.
  23. Saw those ebay aucitions lastnight, there are gonna be some po'ed customers.
  24. July 31st isn't concrete either I bet, usually when you see sites with the 1st or 31st of each month it's just a guess....this could be longer I think.
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