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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. I thought season 2's premier started with a good bang from where season 1 ended. I'm hoping for alot of good things and supposively an episode will feature an area that T1 was shot at, dunno where, could be the hydrolic press? or maybe where Arnold was taking in that nice night for a walk? I never had any beef with this series compared to T3, and with what I'm seeing so far, I could enjoy this cause it could be just what the terminator was fundementally suppose to be. Now the names on the wall written in blood, possible targets that skynet could use to infiltrate cause they have some area of power in the world, look at greenway (?) he was the guy who would say ya or nay on the power plant and had second thoughts on it's activation. And he got replaced by a T-888.
  2. Okay so pretty much all but 3 people are done, then I got 1 extra that needs to be filled, which I got a good idea on who I can get to nail it. I'm still planning on releasing this at the end of the month.
  3. : / well no word from LAF on shipping of the VF-1A...my stuff still says CC Pending....dammit, I'm getting antsy.
  4. Yeah........I've had it for a few years now, dunno why or how I got that title, it's just weird. I think now I need to invest into some Yamato stands or something to get that dramatic and poseable look going. Anywhere near any cheap places?
  5. WOOO! Tomorrow LAF Toys ships out the Hikaru VF-1A's! I can't wait!
  6. Been trying to do the subtitles on this movie as I speak. I'm done with the syncing I believe.....troubling part is how to utilize it. I've never done a real subtitle job before so this is all very new to me.
  7. I need to start adding subtitles to the Zentraedi scenes, I got a subtitle program yesterday, figured out the gest of it but no clue how to render all the subs into the video afterwards....this is an uncharted territory for me as I'm use to using Windows movie maker for sub jobs but they always come up crap. The program I'm using is Subtitleworkshop version 2.51 I believe. A friend of mine showed me how to time out the subs, but how to render that into the video is beyond me...she didn't gimme much help in the long run. Anyone got better recommendations on something that's quick and painless? My preference would be to eliminate the subs on the video with a black bar and replace them with the english text over the black bars but I doubt that'll happen.
  8. Well I for one would keep my PSP for a little while longer just to play this game. I like the fact you can choose customized colors for your valkyrie....that's a sale right there for me. These next few months I'm just gonna be CRAMMED with Macross goods.
  9. Some of it has been adjusted or completely redone. For instance the background hiss you hear in some of my lines is gone in the later parts of the movie completely. I just don't really wanna do my whole lines again cause that's a pain in the ass and will hold production up cause I lack alot of time to do lines anymore. I have been steadily getting more lines from other cast members and am I suppose to get almost everyones hopefully tomorrow......we'll hav eto wait and see. My concern right now was when I was trying to do subtitles, they wouldn't go low enough to block the japanese text when the Zentraedi speak, and they colors were blending in to the background. I'd like to find a way to black bar those japanese subs and replace english text over the bars.
  10. K.........I'm gonna buy this......maybe two........................................dammit.
  11. Wow another little update, just shows you that it's moving along! My captain global va, after a lil rattling of the cages perhaps, dunno, got just about all his lines turned in...along with a bridge bunny. Cristina is trying to get all her lines completed, along with hawkeye as Max, so I think we're getting close. Could a release date be this month? It's very possible....though I still got to subtitle the movie....
  12. Well damn that's not bad. Atleast it doesn't use swapping parts....not bad at all!
  13. Great news! A HUGE chunk of the film is completed. I got one last scene left to put vocals in when I get back from work tonight and I'll have 80-85% of the film completed. Here's whats left of the film: 2 Exadore Dialouge scenes 70% Of Minmay's lines Last Half of Breetai's Lines 1 Scene with Badolza Globals Speech Cluadia's lines Second Act from the bridge bunnies So it's really not much. It's just about hammering alot of these people to say "get it done please!" Cristina playing Minmay is going to try this weekend, and two of the bridge bunnies and my claudia VA are aiming for saturday. I gave them all their last warnings to get their rears in gear if they're gonna give me that type of a promise date. I'll probably send an email to my Breetai VA again and let him know he needs to finish this after coming this far. I'm expecting to finish this film at the end of the month.
  14. Actually if you got any demos at all you can send those and I'll see what I got available...I'm always looking for guys to fill in either Zentraedi roles or too help cover a lost cast member.
  15. They probably died shouting A) Decultcha!! or B) PROTOCULTURE! with their heads exploding. As for me, how I survived, I...........don't know
  16. Mippa who is playing Mao managed to turn in her lines tonight, I got all but maybe 3 entered cause I don't have a good spot to place them cause Shin's lines are in the way...so I'll hav eto wait. I'm also recasting a few roles this weekend like Ivanov, and Aries.
  17. A little bit of progress was made tonight, only 1 person turned in some lines, but I managed to shake a few with the threat of a recast if they didn't get things going. Hopefully I'll be seeing some results here this week.
  18. I've been saying that too. When I first saw pictures of other sgetting theirs and I didn't have the right amount (short like 80 bucks) to get mine I freaked. Talked to Carlos who was running the show and he got back to me 2 days later and told me not to worry.
  19. That was a better version of Zero then I expected, thanks for the treatment. I'll have too upload that at some point to Veoh or something and slap that sucker on the DHE website.
  20. Well, I try to stay true to the translation but being in the english language I wouldn't include things like san, chan, dono, Tori no hito, the only thing kept is Kadun. The bes tway to find out what the dub is like is to go to the Fanedit thread that Boinger has up and download it for yourself. It's over a 2 year old dub for episode 1, working with a certain style tha tkept alot of the music and original sfxs compared to what I do now, which is basically redo everything from scratch but keep the original style intact.
  21. Okay so only 3 people have completed their lines, still LOTS more to go, and I'm already getting a little miffed off that people haven't turned in lines when i've requested they contact me to find out what's going on. So there will be recasts VERY soon.
  22. Looks like I'm still getting my VF-1A Hikaru type, thankfully, but I'm still not running into any issues with my VF-1S...then again he's staying cool and in the shade in Battroid mode for sometime now.
  23. ok, i got two characters done, badolza has i thinl 20 minutes of takes to sift thru. emailed all the cast and lectured about being late. wait and see what happens. also, the next project is kamen rider the first.
  24. nice city shot, nice how it looks like Frontier city.
  25. phew just found out Lost and Found Toys don't have their VF-1A's until September, so I'm still good at getting mine.
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