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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. I can't see anything preventing it from sitting flush except for the ball joint that holds B14 and 15 in place. The only way they'll stay in a decent place is by having the wings folded down as far as they can, however because those parts are in the way, not even the main body of the wings as they fold down will go all the way and sit flush themselves. But if you look at pictures of other's completed kit, it looks pretty damn similar. Just finished building the body....transformation wasn't as difficult as I had thought, but MAN twist and angles that I didn't expect to see to where I wonder just how the hell something like that could actually transform in the show without falling apart. Sort of funny, the transformations are so fast in the show you don't see how it happens but it looks so simple. Then you get the model/toy and you try it yourself, 10 minutes later you're like "THAT'S HOW IT WORKS?!"
  2. Okay a bit miffed. Anyone else having trouble getting B14/15 to atleast sit somewhat flushed with the body in fighter mode? I just don't get it, it took me 10 minutes to sit there and figure out how to properly place in H46 into B14 and then it finally clicked into place, so I placed B15 onto H42 which is ontop of the right leg and then push B14 into place on the body of the fighter and suddenly it just pops right out and you got this huge ass ugly gap!
  3. Hey, question, anyone get their stuff from LAF toys yet? : / it's almost been long over a week since they charged me and I still ain't see squat.
  4. Spent the last 4 and a half hours working on mine. I've got the entire front of the fighter mode painted, panel lined and built and decaled. I gotta say, I think this is the most attention I gave the pilot figure in detailing than I ever have before with a PG kit. My only complaint are the stickers, while they are good for what they're worth, they tend to be VEEERRRRYYYYY sticky, so getting them aligned right is a pain in the butt. I just finished the right wing a moment ago, that was hard, aligning the stickers just right so t hey don't look crooked, and I think I got away with it. But no kidding on those tail fins god that's super tight, almost scary to move it around a bit. All in all, I do like the kit...can't wait to see it completed...I will buy an Ozma if this turns out well, but I don't think I'll assemble him for some time...I'm already getting tuckered out just on this kit.
  5. Finished the right arm this morning, penciled in the panel lines. can't believe it took me 45 minutes to do just an arm. The stickers are a pain in the ass for that piece of shoulder armor where the 007 has the red and black border around it...that was a pain in the ass to get me to align it just enough it wouldn't annoy the piss out of me, but still not perfect. Also, why can't there be canopy decals that go over the parts that need to be black?! I know they use to do it, and it's such a pain in the butt for me to paint it cause I don't have anything to securely grab it so I can pain without smudging or dropping it, luckily I escaped death this time and didn't ruin it.
  6. I just finished some painting, dried faster than expected. I got the canopy painted and bits and pieces of the model itself finished color wise....buuutttt.....I dunno I think I could of done a better job but I don't got much to make them perfect but it works. I really wanna do a wash on this thing, cause the panel lines on this thing are just well, there's ALOT.
  7. Again you mention it, and again we tell you, that ending was a deleted scene. IT WAS going to be in the movie, but when the test screening was finished, along with the black highway, when people were asked, which sounded better? They all pointed to the black highway as it stuck with the theme of "No Fate but What you make"
  8. I'll be using the stickers, as I've said a thousand times here, I can't stand the decals, they always screw up for me. I just finished washing any grease or dust on the parts...so tomorrow when I get home from work I'll start on the little details for painting and then start assembling the parts. By the way, are there decals/stickers for the tail fins? I noticed it's all molded black so I'm hoping everyones not going and painting the damn thing and that there are either pieces or decal/stickers to place on those areas cause that's gonna be a bitch for me to paint.
  9. Oh damn that's right, today is tomorrow in Japan, YAY, I hope I got a shipping notice when I get home!
  10. According to the writers, the events of the SCC are that of the T2 continuity. However yes it could be that Kyle might not of been John's original father. If the events continued as they were Judgement Day would of still occured on it's original date, but when John, Sarah, Miles, and the T-800 destroyed the research materials on Skynet, it just pushed back the date. As it said "Judgement day is inevitable". Notice that in SCC's first season, bible references were thrown left and right about the end of days. You'd almost think someone from the future traveled back in time and wrote the bible to warn others.
  11. I'm just wondering when in the heck am I going to get my damn Vf-1A, had I bought it elsewhere, I'd have it sometime ago.
  12. Exactly, the end of the film was left to interpretation, hence the Black highway at night, you dont' know where it'll go, where it could lead you cause it's up to you and the choices you make. Not too mention with the number of times a person time travels and alters the course, you get several different continuties of that same line...for instance... John's father might not of been Kyle Reese, it could of been some other guy, but by Kyle going back in time and doing the deed with sarah who had been told of John's coming, she becomes pregnant and names him John. If the events of Terminator 2 never took place, John and Sarah would of survived the blast and Sarah would of died later. John is than picked up by the Skynet HK's and forced to work in the Death camps with people like Kyle Reese and later escaped and started the resistance. However the events of Terminator 2 caused that to change and in an attempt to alter the future, Cyberdyne is destroyed, and all the research materials sending Skynet back to developement stages where the rights and files that were left where than sold to CRS. Terminator 3, the events were greatly changed, CRS becomes the rightful owners of the Skynet project after Cyberdyne went belly up, the war happens alot later in the time line and we discover that John was eventually murdered by a T-800/900/888 what the f ever it is. And the bombs still drop. Same thing with SCC, based around T2, the war still happens, but not in 1997, but within the next few years of our timeline...so now John, Sara and Cameron must try and either completely stop Judgement Day or prevent it even further. in Terminator Infinity which is a comic series by Simon Furman, it takes place in the events of Terminator 3, John is still in the bunker where him and Katherine brewster escaped, but Katherine had died for some mysterious reason. John goes top side to see what the world is like after a few years of being down there, and the world is overrun by the HK's and the Terminators and he is protected by another Terminator. Skynet learns the error of it's ways by screwing up the time stream and tries to send a terminator of a new design back to all those other timelines to fix the mistakes and send everything back the way it was.
  13. Sad to see that T-888 taken out so easily, but great way to die though XD BAM BAM BAM! And we atleast got to see a little of the future war.
  14. Hm their website wont load up for me, I can probably guess why. But before I go crazy on this stuff, Stickers are not a good idea to use with Micro Sol right?
  15. I went to a hobbytown and a michaels to find some wash and micro sol, NOTHING.......did get some doll stands for my Hikaru's but NOTHING.......any other suggestions? Online retailers?
  16. got mine preordered, so I'm set!
  17. You would think, after a good year now, they'd have just recalled what they had out there, fix the shoulders and no harm no foul, unless it's just cheaper this way, which I can't believe really is.
  18. Ah, well if that was the case no biggie, hope you put specific notes to have them ship the destroid seperately unless you're cool not seeing it until november.
  19. Hm odd, considering it's not out for another entire month and they generally don't charge you until the product is there, and I don't have the charge at all, only on the VF-1A. I'd email 'em and ask them what gives.
  20. Well mine says the same thing, only I have not been charged. Did you check your bank accounts to be sure you were charged? I didn't get the charge for my VF-1A until the 1st and I still have yet to recieve a shipping notification like I said from Image Anime for my VF-25....they just kept it pending on my account for almost 2 weeks. But everything has cleared I just haven't been charged for a VF-1J, thank god.
  21. Uh, VFX-2 was 1998/99 Playstation didn't even exist in 91 yo That time the market was dominated by Sega and Nintendo. I'm gonna preorder my copy on monday can't WAIT to get it.
  22. Nice, I'll be playing the galaxy fight songs when I play Ace Frontier
  23. hell yeah +3 I'm curious!
  24. Yeeepp, this is that starwars series we were promised a while back, shame it had to be this. dont get me wrong, a CG series is all fine and dandy, hell even at these blasted character designs, I just don't need a filler of a arch that's been done. We've seen Anakin trancend from an innocent youth, to a power savior , an evil warlord, and his death after 40 years of existance. Why d we put up with MORE? ....oh, toy marketing, riiiiggght.
  25. Checked shipping on mine, it's sitting there like 15 miles from my house, sonavabitch lol. I doubt they'll even deliver it today cause it'll just sit there all saturday and monday for processing, then go backwards to another town (yep backwards) and process there and then ship to my place on the 8th when i wont be home, loosers! But gives me time cause I broke my hobby knife....
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