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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. Yeah while it is the wrong place, I have to admit, this film will be so much better than the 3rd in terms of color, picture and action. I do hope for a better soundtrack than what T3 offered as it was rather boring, I'd LOVE them to use a similar very very similar score to T2 and T1. One thing bugs me, the Biker HK's.......those looked so god damn hokey.
  2. I'm still timing out on my last regular EX Mission.....my VF-25 is tuned to the max, and I even went and S ranked sadsniper using michels mech.....hmmmm : / boo.
  3. Wow great stuff, that was a great choice of jacket as well JT. I can't wait to get my final Frontier 25 patch so I can star tto slowly put my jacket together once I get a new job to afford the rest of the materials.
  4. Wow I like how it looks but the comparison shots to me ruin it, but comparing a solid 3Dimensional object with that of 2D anime line art is just weird to me. The nose does seem rather short, the stabilizer wings are too short along with the armor plates on the shoulders are to fat, and yeah the tail fins are horrible. But if good ol' Graham says it looks better in person then I'll believe him. I don't think he's ever steered us wrong or mislead us a bit. Alot of the stuff he's said and have graciously told us helps myself make a decision if it's something I want to buy. And god help me if I get another job, the moment I see this mother for preorder I'm snagging it.
  5. Nothing for a new Claudia yet. Cristina says she's feeling much better and will hand something over very soon and thank you all for the comments. Now then, all I do is sit and wait.
  6. I hope I can get Grimlock when he's released, also hope he has a US release. I think the only ones of the MP lines I don't have are Magnus (cause I don't need a white prime) Thundercracker and Skywarp. I did score Universe Ironhide and Bluestreak. Ironhide really isn't that bad...but then again he was always one of my favorite characters and he's the first G1 like version I've EVER owned. Sure his neck slant issue might be a problem to some, but it's not to me. I like him as he is. Bluestreak/Silverstreak wtf ever you wanna call him, he's just fine. I'm glad he's got his original deco on him and both these guys will look great with their autobot brothers in arms. Just could use more decepticons.
  7. Trying to figure out how to beat the final EX Mission where you go agains teverything, from cannon fodder, to aces in all their variations, to even bosses....you got 20 minutes but my time runs up either when I go against the SMS teams or when I go against Badolza.
  8. It's got one of those retro old fashion space battle feels, like way back in the days of pirates and navy ships in the sea duking it out. I got a bit of hope for this show as it does interest me a bit. But 4 episodes in and not much of anything. I wonder if this'll end or if they'll leave ya hanging like in the novels since they weren't finished.
  9. ya a very cool idea. I also reccomend a VF4. Although you ca look at that and go "OOOOOOOhhhhhhhh, that makes sense."
  10. Seeing how few of VA's are out there that volunteer to do these things, sometimes you gotta double or triple cast them in roles that aren't close to eachother. I figured using the PA Scramble and Claudia as the same voice worked, but Fly could do all 3 and sound different enough.
  11. Drooped fly as Claudia, now searching for a new VA.
  12. I just got a response, wasn't related to what I asked them about at all...here were my questions. Their response.
  13. I'm done with the Macross 7 mix (yeah, only took me ONE day for a 30 minute episode MINUS vocals) how about dem apples?! The only thing I'm really even missing is the space fold when the Meltrans attack the advanced guard and then it's done. Maybe outta bordem, I'll flash a sample.
  14. Well you do get more than just the jacket, pants as well and possibly a shirt it seems....a complete set just needs boots too. I sent an email yesterday in regards to the color choice and the upside SMS logo, I didn't hear back to see if those were changed. My guess they either didn't understand what I was telling them, or they think I'm an otaku nut case.
  15. Ugh i want those figures they'll go perfect with my other CMS figures.
  16. Well seeing how I haven't had any contact with fly I will probably have to drop her as the CIC and Claudia but since she's done as Lap'Lamiz she will of course be credited for that role. In the mean time I have two really big clips in the works. 1) the Nyan Nyan service Medely in the final half of Macross Frontier whcih is undergoing auditions. 2) Macross 7: Fleet of the Strongest women. It's by far one of my favorite episodes and is already completed script and music track wise. So I'll need too do an audition for that as well. I'll hopefully get some GREAT voices for it. I'll also be having Hawkeye and MagicKaito repraise their roles as Max and Miriya.
  17. Well that is better than nothing, but the color is off and I believe the SMS logo is upside down.
  18. here's my opinion on the PS2 game, GREAT graphics, and it follows events of the series both TV and DYRL, maybe a tad loosely, but they fit. PSP game, LOTS of targets to shoot at, you always got something to do, and better custom options than in the PS2 version. PS2 game wher eit fails, missions end up being too short, and bland. You can easily beat the entire game in TV and DYRL settings in 2 hours. PSP game where it fails, missions don't follow the storyplots of the any of the shows, lack of proper music, hardly any of the original SFX files exist (and don't say there are lots, cause there aren't) and boss battles are a joke. And while I'm okay with the tuning system, I don't like the fact you have to start over with each new mecha at your disposal that you want to use. If I got 3K from using my VF-11 and I got a VF-22 I want to use, deduct the tuning points but don't start me back at 500 points...ugh
  19. A holiday I enjoy called TBA. Until I see more stuff turned in from Cristina and Fly, I'm not even gonna touch a release date anymore. I've gone from Summer of 07, to Summer of 08, to October, Winter of 08, now I dunno. This movie WILL be done, it's just a case of when my VA's get their stuff in. If they were getting paid, different matter, this would of been done a long time ago.
  20. XD I wouldn't place her as sheryl, k, maybe I woouuuld...I HOPE She doesnt have a V type infection OH NOES ! god to me that sounds like an STD hah. Well, while you are all waiting, I've been watching what is completed with smile on my face then i remember I remember I still got freaking line timing corrections to make, BAH!
  21. or lack of paint app.....that thing is sticker city!
  22. Yeah still no problems with my Fokker, so I'm happy. And I just got my Hikaru, decaled and fast pack armed and it just looks so damn nice. I'd transform it into battroid mode but I'm too damn tired to even bother lol.
  23. I love those EX misions, the destroy all canonfodders was fun and then going against some gravils. I got an SS rank on that. and would of on armageddon but I zigged instead of zagging and gepelnichs blast got me good. one more hit and I would of been creamed. But that last mission, going aganst all the pilots in all their variants....I wanted to kill the last one I was gainst......and it was basara!
  24. Wasn't done by Playmates though. Playmates focuses on like Preschool mostly. I think it was Hasbro who made the T2 toys wasn't it? I remember battle damaged T-800, I think a normal and gold plated endoskeleton, 3 versions of the T-1000 one of them exploded, a chest exploding T-800, a car and a motorcycle...I had most of the toys that pretained to the T-800 and the motorcycle and car. But when I think back to them, damn were they cheesey as hell.
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