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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. Okay I finished it a bit ago.....I realllllly don't like those monster designs at all.....and felt this really took some liberties from Shin Godzilla. Would I say this was better than the trilogy series Netflix did? No.....not really.
  2. Personally I'm gettin tired of them rehashing the same characters again and again and again. If you're going to continue a line from Classics to I guess...WFC/ER/KD then make more characters. Don't just release Optimus, Soundwave and Megatron 3 or 4 different ways. 1) it confuses parents who buy these for their kids. 2) It ups the scalping ratio for the versions that fans want. I just would like to see a number of classic characters make their rounds....we really haven't gotten a proper Blaster, Brawn, Gears, Insecticons, gosh who else hasn't really shown up or gotten a good figure yet?
  3. Well I'm looking forward to the havoc trooper for sure.
  4. It wasn't bad. Wasn't to thrilled they re-wrote a particular character's back story, but I'll survive that, not the first time this has happened in the SW Universe. I wonder if Baker is getting a bonus for all those voice overs lol
  5. I mean it's pretty off track from BGC but in terms of ripping off other peoples music and not giving proper credit Fire Bomber's Power to the Dream is pretty much a rip of Power to the people by John Lennon....but I'm sure a lot of people know that.
  6. I felt it was trash. I was at hooked for those first 7 minutes and then whammy, lost interest with this Cole Young guy. Worthless character, even worse of a fighter, I mean without spoiling things he was just a worthless freaking character that even his one special character tie in as factor for the whole film made almost ZERO sense. As I sit and try to take in what this movie was suppose to be versus what it ended up being, I feel sort of ripped off. It had a ton of potential to be something cool but I felt like I was almost watching Annihilation again.
  7. I admit, I pretty much stopped playing any form of franchise since MK3 and the death of Arcade centers. And I lost a lot of respect for the genre when MK2 Annihilation was out. But that 7 minute teaser was nice, so I'll give it a shot this weekend.
  8. I’ve actually still got my thrilling rat trap and rhinos and no intentions to replace them with the kingdom line. In fact besides missing airazor and tigatron I pretty much got the maximal cast collected and I think they all look good together.
  9. ordered Galvy, Rodi & Scorpi. That's pretty much all I'm caring over. I liked my old Generations tracks so I'll be good there. Don't care for the Ark and I'm very satisfied with my old Generations Rhinox.
  10. I was able to go to Toy Dojo but I had a really hard time trying to gauge what was there and of course they don't price tag anything so I wasn't gonna be like grabbing every box and asking the price and working my way around on what I wanted lol. I did however manage to score MP Sunstreaker which was a must, and I grabbed Optus, they had a few of them left so I figured for sure. I actually really like him, I'm not sure where I'm gonna put him since he doesn't exactly fit into anything, but I thought he was really neat. I'm glad though he came with an extra pair of digits cause one of them was already missing when I was transforming him into bot mode so fixed that. Sad that I can't get him to revert back into vehicle form...his legs won't collapse and it has already gotten signs of stressing the plastic at the knees behind the leg. I'm not sure if I'm missing something or there's some kind of a trick cause you can see the tracks inside the legs where it should slide down in...but some reason when it starts to collapse it just stops like there's an obstruction in both legs.
  11. yeah it's toy dojo. Last time I was in there they had a few interesting things, I think some Fans Hobby stuff and some MMC's but it's been a month or two since I last went there....it's quite the drive. But this has given me some ideas on what to look for so I appreciate it.
  12. K....so this might be a tall order. Saturday I'm going out to a little toy shop in Austin that specializes in Transformers, but also namely in 3rd party goods. Is there anything I should take a particular look at getting? Most of my collection ranges in the generations-seige lineup, but I do dabble once in a bluemoon in MP like figures. Mainly looking for stuff that HasTak hasn't released character wise or even seem to be going in that direction.
  13. That to me is a hell of a lot sharper looking than what it was long ago seeing how they were SD sorta looking. I may end up just getting this just for the hell of it since I enjoy side scrollers, and I do like the new graphics.
  14. surprised there hasn't been anyone voicing their opinions on the show thus far. I just finished watching all 7 episodes and I feel, the show has some potential but it really seems to just drag on....7 episodes that could of very easily been done in 3, maybe 4 and given us some more with the remaining 3-4 episodes. Im not saying this was bad, but it certainly didn't feel good and didn't capture what made Pacific Rim a cult hit when first released 8 years ago. I do hope the series continues and maybe give us a little more than 7 episodes and a bit more action.
  15. I'm wondering if he gets a sword as some kind of a nod to him in the Regeneration One series, just missing his shield.
  16. Agreed. Local Walmart is moving inventory for spring stuff and there were 5 Netflix wheel jacks and a few dinky cyber verse figures and nothing else. when I went to Target yesterday they were pretty much just empty of anything but 1 kingdom prime figure and bumblebee junk.
  17. I mean in all fairness Cara’s contribution to S2 wasn’t much but it was at least more than Karga.
  18. These last two days I’ve been really great for figure purchases. Amazon sent out cyclonus and I just love this guy. While on my way home from work I picked up Primal at a local Walmart. And yeah like stated, there’s some quirks I’m not to fond of but he’ll go well with what beast wars figures I’ve collected in the generations line up. then today I was told by a forum member on tfw of another Walmart down the rod having Jazz, Blurr and Hot rod studio figures. So I got those three picked up without issue. I really feel like that these figures will probably be the last I’ll collect once hasbro finishes both these series. I’ve been very satisfied by both WFC and the studios series.
  19. I just got Netflix Soundwave and Elita-1, considering that I was fairly happy with the what was it, power of the primes Arcee? I decided to skip Earthrise and wait when Elita was released. Yeah, I'm not a fan of her overall transformation being a shell former sort to speak. But Soundwave I think is a rather fun toy. There's a few things kind of stiff in the transformation such as cover parts on the legs that then peg into his side during cassette mode. And I feel bad for totally missing out on Rumble and Frenzy and Ratbat to help complete the cassette addons.
  20. January isn’t coming fast enough!
  21. Most people have a full measure of life... and most people just watch it slowly drip away. But if you can summon it all up... at one time... in one place... you can accomplish something... glorious.
  22. Well, this wasn't at all what I thought it was, and felt pretty disappointed.
  23. I went to Toy Dojo located in Austin over the weekend and came across Bluestreak Earthrise. I had to pick him up since I loved the Fairlady Z boys. Sadly though, after 1 transformation the whole roof section snapped off the pin and disintegrated entirely making him non-repairable. 35 bucks down the drain right there....very disappointing.
  24. You keep saying Stormlander, are you meaning Homelander?
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