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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. Youtube links added. I'll probably have to reupload Part 004 of the high res dub.
  2. Uploading the final 2 parts of it as I type. No Subtitles are on this one though. I can never get them to show up right when it's so LQ...but doesn't take a genius to figure out what's being done and said.
  3. FIRST POST! lol My contribution to this project is voice director and mixing.....WOOOOO!
  4. Give it a few hours or a day, sometimes megaupload just isn't nice seeing how all the files but that one aren't working. I'd probably ask Boinger if he's going to upload them. He generally takes care of that since he was kind enough to upload Macross Zero episode 1 to Rapidshare. Or wait another day, I'll have them all up on youtube but without subtitles.
  5. Pretty sweet right there. I got bored and was playing with my Garland and I FINALLY figured out a way to properly seat Shogo in Meanuver slave mode, and keep the cockpit hatches closed. position the seat fully into the backside, sit shogo down, rotate his arms so they look like they're sitting on his ass, keep the knees slightly bent, feet angled down. And than just watch his legs from getting caught from the torso front, and walah. Not only is he sat in just right, but you can even open the hatch cover and move his head around to look cool.
  6. Dunno, I'm not into torrents myself cause someones always gotta keep it uploaded and since fandubs aren't exactly popular, the transfer rate would be extremely slow. Yeah exactly as Boinger said, google HJ Splitter, when you open it selection join, insert the first file that's 001, and select where you want your output to go and walah.
  8. final version is acceptable for viewing, splitting into 8 portions at 845 megs total for a mid quality online version with the better subtitles. Should be up tomorrow or late late tonight.
  9. Thanks for the offers guys. Movie is done, I'm gonna let it encode, then I'm going to sit down and watch the entire thing from start to finish to be sure everything worked out fine and that it's an acceptable piece for viewing. After that's done, I'm probably gonna end up putting it through a splitter cause lastnight when I tested it, it was 3.8 gigs. DVD quality appearance but I think I can trim it down later and still keep a good quality of it up.
  10. Final half will be up this weekend. I just sat and watched a good portion of it, finding lil things to fix again but nothing that'll slow the production or really be even noticed if I don't fix it in the end. Everyone who watches this, please take note, everyone did their best, played their heart and souls out for this cause they were fans, and want other fans to enjoy it as well. No one got paid, no one did this cause they wanted to get famous or recognized in some way. they wanted to do it cause it was an anime they have grown to enjoy ,and because they're doing a happy they really like. So don't just play favorites, be kind and courteous to everyone as they all did a great job. Remember, if one person didn't do their role, this film wouldn't be out.
  11. Sadly nothing yet, 1 person has turned in his final recording....I still got 3 ppl left for one liners...I don't think it'll be completed tonight as I hoped but it's still possible.
  12. Yeah but you can't edit video in Adobe Audition, the plan was to use the intro to Flashback which is the same angel paint that was from the end credits of DYRL, put in the english credits over the intro there to replace the old credits. But since you can't edit video on audition, just a waste of time sadly.
  13. Course, they wanna reel you in and then when you buy it, you're screwed. Friend of mine showed me the trailer 2 weeks ago, being the big Zombie horrorfest fan she is, didn't look bad at all so maybe I'll rent it someday.
  14. Probably a better effort then what HG did with Shadow Chronicles, but seriously, ditch the Gundam music, higher a composer or something or remix the original robotech tracks into something that didn't suck like Battlecry and Invasion. I'll give credit where credit is due for attempting something for so long as I'm doing something myself that'll be a large project.
  15. I probably will need your help cypher, the original idea I had for the ending credits wasn't going to work out. It's not easy doing anything with video....espically if the only video editing program you got is WMM, I tried Adobe Premiere and it was just a pain in the ass and ate up alot of virtual space on my PC.
  16. Yes like my FIN GOD is it close. I can't believe it XD I'm freakin giddy.
  17. Well in either case, changes have been made that took me a bit of time, and Cristina has done her lines, I just asked her to finish one lil thing and she'll be 100% complete. A few things left to do to finalize it, and it's done. I still got the ending credits to finalize too phew....just when yout hink it's over it's really not.
  18. Saw the film just now, interesting...so many ways to view that ending but now I can't wait for the second film to come out. Crap I dunno how to even take this first film as...just hmmmmmm think think think.
  19. Yeah Cromartie's dead, and an interesting twist is taking shape which supports that there are SEVERAL alternate futures right now. Other than that, didn't get much of todays episode.
  20. No, I didn't. I used it cause to me it worked for what I was looking for, nothing more, nothing less. And in my opinion, it still works. Maybe I'll use the other styles for future productions of OTHER animes, but I'm not going back on several months worth of work and redoing it all, piece by piece again. There have been clips involving the helmet effects and what not for sometime now, and no ones really said a thing. As I said, don't like it, don't watch it, I'm not forcing you, or others to watch it, and there's more to the dub than "EAR BLEEDING EFFECTS AND BAD VOICES!" I've heard more comments on how good the movie is turning out, and how people are thankful for being either apart of it or being able to watch it.
  21. Then are over over 300 lines pieces of lines that have that sound effect in the movie. If you don't like it, don't watch it then. I'm not changing it this late in the game. Maybe I'll make it different in the other movies I'll be working on, but not this one.
  22. Wasn't a bad film, but I saw it a bit too early in the morning to reallypay much attention compared to my old man who was up at 5AM working out : / and waking me up. He only shagged 1 girl, ONE, and she wasn't even a bond girl per say...shocked and they even ditched her only 20 minutes later found dead. Still though I perfer these kind of bond movies now than what we had in the past with all the gadgets and sporty machine gun totting cars.
  23. Nyan Nyan....seriously, it's been Nyan Nyan since April.
  24. If by doing that, I'll have to go back into all the lines, sort out the takes and redo the vocal track....this'll take about a month or two to completely redo the vocal track. I'll have to redo the actual comlink with something else like the first choice, and sift through about 300 or so lines and put in the new variation.
  25. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7jhiOYEQEk4 Here, 2 lines, delivered 3 different ways using vocal editing. I toned down Lionel's voice so it isn't so loud. Version 1) Phone Reciever pretty much what you hear from Red VS Blue, 2) Old Fashioned Radio with a slight tweak by me which is what's currently in the film and will probably stay per my choice, and 3) Voice Mail which is what I use for my Radio Communications.
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