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Everything posted by Hikuro
Just got the DVD encode...so I'm just gonna wait until i get hom efrom my part time to assemble a new test DVD and see how it all comes out.
wouldn't everything be after the umbrella chronicles seeing how that's just piecing together from 0-3?
I think i beat the mass majority of the game over late october, but I didn't finish it until maybe wha, 3 nights ago now?
Star Wars: Clone Wars animated series
Hikuro replied to BoBe-Patt's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
But wait........Jar Jar kicked butt "kind of" in the first movie through sheer luck and clumsyness......Stormtroopers couldn't even do that when they went against fury lil midgets that could be long distant relatives of the Wookies.- 1217 replies
- george lucas
- dave filoni
- (and 7 more)
Leave it to those involved to make Resident Evil, Resident Evil. The movies were mostly a joke to me, this is the resident evil movie I accept.
They're still making that crap franchise? What's this like the third movie?
Think of it like this, the more reproducing you do of other products, the more color bleeding and fading you'll see in each release. When I was in highschool, my friends had copied Evangelion from a anime club....now that copy was from a Laser Disc which came to a VHS tape that had of course been copied. WHen I made my copy I saw a HUGE issue of color fade and bleeding, even a bit of audio problems. I think the only way you can have the masters is if you're apart of that studio....or you purchased a replica of those masters. The more you f around with copies, the more likely the quality is crap out. I had a VHS copy of ALL of the versions of DYRL and Flashback, basically 6 hours worth of footage, if I watched that with the remaster, HUGE difference. It's always about where you get your stuff, if it's from a bootleg source, chances are, the quality wont be as good as you'd like.
I got the job, giving it 2 weeks to see how it works out, Im' a bit iffy, pizza delivery "14-25 an hour" so they say, but we'll find out. In the meantime, I WANT my order but I can't AFFORD my order, ticks me off so much right now. It'd be a good christmas present.
More just showing you that anime gets to feminine 98% of the time.
Finally finished all the EX Missions, now I can start going back into other levels and get S ranks, some of my really crappy scores are already changed to A Ranks, so now I just gotta beef it up a bit more.
Thought it was okay. I'm not big on CG films but I'd rank this righ tup there with FF7AC and third with Appleseed...it was good to see a RE flick that was RE and not some hashed up crap.
Well luckily I got a job interview tomorrow, so if I do and it works out like I want it too, maybe I wont have to cancel all my freaking orders anymore! So I'll finally get back to collecting.
And when Chuck Norris was little he didn't get lone ranger action packed bb gun one christmas. So he spent the next year plotting his revenge on santa. When santa came down the chimney he saw Norris and got round house kicked in the face. Now Norris takes over the reigns as Santa Clause and gives good lil boys and girls hand guns and bad children round house kicks in the face with only memory of their fathers beating them up. True story heard it from a friend's sister's cousin's aunts old college roomate when I was in one of those third world countries.
Cool stuff as always Dana.
lol I'm sorry Wolfx ol' buddy but I don't see the attraction. She's like a beta Sharon on puberty and I got no interest in that. I probably wouldn't even be a big sharon fan if she were real cause there's no point in liking something that has no realness to it at all.
You know, even to this day, I still don't get the craze...maybe I'm not otaku enough or something? But even some friends of mine and I just don't see a point in having interest. She's not cute to me, and her voice is just so annoying cause it's so syntho'ed.
0_o Wow........wha the hell.........if it's not something tossed with a horrible sci/fi twist, it's too Fight Clubish then? Jesus.....why can't they just STICK to what these games or animes are actually about or just don't do it? Man that pisses me off, they don't gain fans for it, they loose trust from them.
Yes and no. I've created a new video for the dvd menu, and I still got 16 hours until Cypher receives the video cause it's a slow upload. Then with what free time he has will be putting in the hard sub and trying to blur out the Japanese text. I also got to figure out how to make a possible commentary track which could be a second disc or just non existent. Chances are this wont see a holiday release.
Okay, so fiddling around, Vista wouldn't take my Hidef copy at all, but it did take the newly rendered portion I did make this afternoon and did a decent dvd. I need to get a pretty kick ass looking menu, but dunno how that's going to work on Vista....less the menu isn't actually interactive. Here's what the menu will look like, well you gotta picture it. It'll be the HUD console of the VF-1 and in the middle box will be little bits on the video and off to the corner will be bonus material and play movie features. It looks like it'll do chapter skips but it wont do scene access in the sub menus, kind of odd. I'm really wanting to use the Hi-Def footage I made to be the DVD, but it's up to see how Cypher is able to do it as he'll be taking care of the subbing.
I'm experimenting with that right now for kicks, the preview screen of course is saying otherwise though I've made the proper selections...course Im just curious to know how this turned out honestly.
Yeah it's full screened, I don't really have an interest in widescreen at this late in the game seeing how I'm having someone else now take care of the sub work and encoding. I'll see if he can get it to wide screen, but I'm not holding my breath for it.
Oh no it's 2 hours long, condensed in comparison to the video I'm planning on using for the possible DVD. Basically the original video transfer was using the Hidef remaster that was released last year, but this is a slightly downgraded version of it. The quality is still good and download worthy, just not what you're gonna see in the future.
Kind of funny, I really never thought that Zero would go HD, kind of makes me wanna pull out the stops and redo that audio pretty bad, but it'd take me too damn long to get everything back together...well hmmm....eh I dunno, I'd have to make contacts...I got some of the old audio and bits and pieces of lines here and there...I'd have to redo a mass majority of it.
programs are not expensive if you look around. Although I had a few really good paying jobs for a few years and they managed to help bring what I wanted to light. But if you know what you're shooting for, and you know how to get it you do it. I didn't start off doing well, I had alot of the "Heh, lots of stuff could of been done better." or "You really didn't do a good script." Plus I try not to piss people off, sometimes I fail, I've lost VA's and producers who helped me out on projects cause they did things I didn't agree with and told them they couldn't hack it. But in some cases, it brought them down to reality and they got better.
All I care about is that I get it for Christmas. I'll be happy as hell then.