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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. Huh, i was expecting the A variant not the S, or interchangable heads : / but whatever I'd get it if I can along with whatever else they got coming out at the sametime.
  2. DIdn't think I'd be doing this much updating in such a short amount of time, sort of surprised. I included some sneak peaks for Episode's 1 and 2 including the newly revised audio for Episode 1.
  3. *bangs head on desk* I really need to get a new job!
  4. Yeah trust me, I'm soooooooooo waiting to see that day.
  5. FINISHED! The new mix is virtually perfect, it's at a level I can be happy with, and just gota wait on the voice acting.
  6. I'm pretty much done with the mix now.....just waiting on one of the previous VA's to see if he still has his lines from 2 years ago, then to let mippa catch up on her other work before I let her tackle Mao again, Cassa and Cypher for Aries and Edgar...and then some minors need to be filled for cannon fodder har har har.
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D-FRhMGwoxM...re=channel_page Just a small test of how the new mix for Episode 1 is going.
  8. DVD is on the way, should be uploaded in 2 days time. 4.1 gigs in size, widescreen, plus extras. Yada yada yada. So stay tuned.
  9. well we seem to be going for some quality here on this project lol.
  10. Sorry to keep poking it, but if subs are the problem there's my dub *shrugs* it's about 98% accurate to the translation subs, and it uses the HD footage...motivate motivate motivate
  11. God I'm still kicking myself for having too cancel my VF-1J order...never even got my job interview cause we're having horrible weather in my area with lots of ice : / ugh I need a good paying job to get my collection going again!
  12. Well I can garuntee you that's gonna change as the project Chillyche and I are working on features the VF-4. That puppy is gonna on the screen more than the VF-1.
  13. and for years yamato has not answered in kind...........DAMN THEM!
  14. Hah yeah no one jinx it dammit. I've been having a string of bad luck in the last 2 months. Anyways, it'll be a while before I do any updates, so until then everyone have a good holiday and maybe I'll have a treat instore.
  15. Well in light of the whole thing, I'm actually retooling the audio track for a 2.0 version of Episode 1...so it's a bit more flowing with what I've been doing with the other episodes. There were things in Episode 1 that I just didn't like but they worked at the time cause I didn't have enough SFX's to get the job done like I do now for that episode. I can assure it'll be a pretty good re-release. Course god if I could get that Blu-Ray footage to work WOO that'd be sweet.
  16. it's really not that big of a deal at all, seeing how episode 2 is still in the works, and I don't plan on releasing a new episode for every 3-6 months so everything can be done right. I'm sure if I wanted too I could whip these 5 episodes up in that 3 month span...but then again it did take several years to finally get DYRL finished....meh. but during my down time I'm actually retooling Episode 1, making a stronger audio track, it's already turning out well.
  17. Yeah, it's gone. Must of been when I was burning things and cleaning out junk later on that it went poof. It's happened many of times but not a big deal I'll just have to rescript it and fix the errors I knew were there before finishing it.
  18. What a bunch of crap, if I owned a store and had thei rproduct out there and they told me "You can't sell this, if you do we wont give you our product" I'd just laugh and say "Ok, your loss". I haven't even actually bought a Toynami product in years and when I do, I'm generally disappointed by it. It makes me want to write up a letter telling them if they want a big slab of the pie they need to lower their prices and make better on their production time.
  19. Well as I was going through stuff and to finish the episode 3 script, I looked at my file folder and realized, I deleted the script by accident, so there was a bout a months worth of work right there gone cause it takes maybe 2 hours to go through 5 minutes worth of footage. Oh well it was only the first draft I can do it again later.
  20. If you look at the bottom of the poster you pretty much see the titles of everything from the franchise. However there is no mention of the VF's from M2. I'd say right now, the selection they have is good enough. Although, 6 inch figures.....hm...I guess that's okay.
  21. Well they've got an easy sculpt of the A, J, and S, so we'll obviously see a DYRL/TV Max A and J, probably Miriya, and DYRL Kakizaki A, and I'm hoping TV versions of Kakizaki and Max and a Cannon Fodder....I think after that, they wont have anything else to do cept turning what's been 1/48'ed like Angel Birds, Low Viz and Stealth into 1/60's.
  22. Underwater, it's not easy to do cause finding proper underwater sound effects is tricky unless you manipulate what you got which means you need to figure out how to make a sound effect sound as if it's underwater. Also the huge carrier battle will be different than a billion alien warships firing their "laser" beams.
  23. thank you promethuem! I'll need all the luck I can get for Zero, it's a difficult one to make. Other than the fact it's more difficult to mix than DYRL was, and that some VA's aren't getting their stuff done....yeah it's going ok. Mixing on Episode 3 is going decent too, though I'm only working on the background right now...
  24. Starting some work on Episode 3 since I don't have a lot to do right now. Script is almost done, maybe 4 minutes left or so I can't remember now...but will still need to retool it cause I went off like 4 different translations. Either case, I'll be using the new audio Cypher and Che helped me create for vocal effects.
  25. Well, a 1/100 scale of a Vf-4 is fine by me. Kind of wish I took the chance to get that 1/72 kit that was being reproduced some time ago : / kind of a bummer.
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