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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. hate they for their price, like them for their cuteness and variety. Why I dislike the price is because, well let's use this for an example. In most cases, and we'll use Transformers for the example, I can get a Legend class Transformer, tiny yet it transformers, for nearly 3 dollars cheaper than a pack of 2 non transforming action posed figures. Granted in the argument, you get TWO of these lil guys, but I got a transformer that does what it's suppose to do and is also cute. Maybe Indiana Jones, Starwars and GI-Joe heroes are different, but Transformer wise, waste of money. I bought one of those walmart exclusive deals where I got Prime, Cliffjumper, Mirage, Megatron, Thundercracker, etc for 15 bucks...maybe what a rip that was. The buildings couldn't even stay up.
  2. If you listen to the commentary track on the first Megazone 23 dvd by ADV, they talk about the potential Megazone 23 was going to have as a TV series and would be a prequel to that of Mospeada or something.
  3. http://cgi.ebay.com/Macross-Frontier-Leon-...1QQcmdZViewItem Found another one, this'd be a good basic NUNS uniform if anyone cares. I wanna get both SMS and this.
  4. that's gonna piss me off so much if it's curropted...it really will. File unzipped fine for me but I didn't download the file itself that's being offered, just the one I zipped that's on my hard drive.
  5. no chapter menus, I couldn't make those, it's split into 4 subdivisions, the movie, music video, alternate battle and PS1/Saturn opening. However you can chapter skip which is set at 10 minutes each, so roughly 12 chapters in total. Yes there are subtitles for Zentraedi and Meltrandi and even title opening. With new credits.
  6. I tried getting a action stand to hold my 1/60 VF-1S, but alas it's just too heavy with the fastpacks so that thing will tip over and fall off the stand at the slightest of bump. However in battroid form, sliding the T-bar into one of the brackets will hold just fine, you just can't fold the wings down but no poitn when you got fast packs as well. I'll have to try that though with the YF-19 someday.
  7. Usually characters like Louise and Saji both die...one killing the other than the other dying much later. Saji seems to be playing a bit of the role of Katsu and Louise a hint of...oh damn her name escapes me but if you've seen Zeta Gundam you'll get it. I kind of hope neither of them die, but you never know.
  8. I'm playing Frontier again, sticking to my VF-171, but I'm more curious how to get my VF-171EX which isn't happening!
  9. the lines got blurred I can't remember. Man, those super packs......sticker galore....I'd buy 'em but man i would be bitchy as hell for a week after putting all that stuff on them, I'd probably screw up on them too.
  10. hey guys, my ex just brought this to my attention a lil while ago since she wants to cosplay alto. http://cgi.ebay.ca/Macross-Frontier-S-M-S-...p3286.m20.l1116 not bad at all!
  11. Alright everyone, a DVD release is now up! Becareful it's over 4 gigs, so have a good connection and a happy holidays!
  12. well I'm joining the bluray brigade. I picked up, I think its a samsung bp-1500 or something. I saw it on AOTS two weeks ago and got a good review as being on par with the PS3. Got it for 199 usually 350, so I think that was a good deal, walmart had it for 248 as well. I picked up HDMI cables too, which I think thats a mofo joke to not include cables! supports 1080p, our tv is up to 720p...so I think I'm good. Ethernet for updating, thatll be simple. should be fun, I wanna get ironman, transformers, rambo, maybe another copy of batman...list goes on!
  13. Be nice if these repaints werent just repaints but had a lil difference like head sculpt atleast. I only need cyclonus and hound and i am all caught up. But will pass on cheetor and dinobot...they just dont fly with me. also love the 25 av legend universe toys and I was never big on legends.
  14. Well in all out honestly, it doesn't matter anymore. I recieved a message from him and he wont be coming back.
  15. DVD upload is completed, just need to get a link for it and everyone can just go into a coma.
  16. honestly I didn't see anything wrong with what you had up there, you're an artist and doing what you want to do. Think I quit when I had ppl knock down my work? No, told 'em to piss off and I made my improvements as I went along. You honestly can't let critiques get ya upset and wanna just stop let it improve you and move on...and don't let what Schizo say get ya upset, the dude dogged on the DYRL dub and later wrote me an apology for it which I accepted. Sometimes, one must know the right words to say without stepping on toes.
  17. Now then, when that Max VF-1S comes out, who's gonna be playing with it and their Miriya Qua type for a while?
  18. Well with I guess Season 3 starting in Feburary we wait and see just what happened. I'm not sold there's "Aliens" either dillusions or the early testing grounds for the machines.
  19. I dreamed a dream right?
  20. Yeaaaah, white fuselage and black body XD That angle really looked good for the VF-11, man oh man I think my wallet is gonna give birth to twins.
  21. I've only come across ONE problem with my 1/60's and that's this: A few weeks ago i was a bit annoyed with the reactive missiles so I was taking them off. When I got to the last one, the ring on the wing that holds the missiles in place snapped off. Couldn't believe it, I hardly even touched it and it snapped right off! I didn't have any glue in the house, so I had to wait about a week to get enough money and got some super glue and fixed it. Course good thing I got that glue too cause the peg off my missile arm armor on my 1/48 VF-1S Hikaru snapped off outta the blue and had to reglue that! But yeah, only issue I've come across on the 1/60's was that.
  22. Thanks, glad to see that cause of the movie you opened up an account The DVD version is on the way, I have 56% of the film uploaded...it's taking a lot of time cause I'm doing other things that require my time and connection. I'm going to say that it'll be ready to go just before Christmas, and whoever wants to download it may.
  23. Aw no! She was so cool, had one of the funniest sci/fi roles in history in my opinion, she will be sorely missed
  24. I watched the 3 of the webisodes,
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