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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. Well I just found something interesting. I'm currently downloading the RE5 demo that came out in Japan, and I also managed to score Gundam: Mobile Ops in Japanese for a demo. Pretty simple stuff when you figure out how it works. Mobile Ops isn't bad at all, just it's purely online based and it's very much like a Gundam style of Battlefield. It'll be nice if this game does hit the US cause I can see the fanbase really going for it.
  2. Again I'll state it, first issue Super Pack Fokker, and I never had an issue with it, same thing with my Hikaru. Hell in another week or so I plan on getting my VF-1J finally...and maybe possibly a VF-1S Hikaru and Max type who knows?
  3. Yeah, despite all the decal/stickers you have to apply it does look good. I'd hold off from buying on Yesasia unless you're desperate. They're typical overprice. I'm sure places like Overdrive or other hobby stores will get them at cheaper. Also, you can typicall get the PLU or Product Number of the item and go to a hobby store and ask for an order. The hobby town by my place will order up for you but it takes like a month or so and sometimes pricey. I once ordered 4 Gundam kits from them and spent nearly 300 dollars...Sazabi was like 110, METEOR Freedom was another 100, then 2 other kits for close to 50 a pop.
  4. Try using Windows Movie Maker they have a bunch of effects. Usually back in those days of cel animation it was layer upon layer of someone elses animation on top, chances are someone drew that stuff.
  5. the next VF-25 I get after this Ozma will be done in my own color scheme, and I plan on using some of the materials I read here like the color visors and what not to make it look really special. Be really nice if I could put custom stickers on it like an Apollo squadron sticker or decal or whatever.
  6. To be honest, I'm looking for instructions on the VF-4....That's what I really want to build seeing how you never can find a decent Resin model and there's no toy out : / and I kind of just wanna go and woosh one around for fun.
  7. Well I for one am happy, I'm behind, but happy, I just got a VF-25S Ozma type for under 60 bucks...now I just gotta wait 2 weeks lol dammit.
  8. Here's my contribution. Add one Bandai Stand Place it on the T -bar's joint area on gerwalk mode Pose, and display!
  9. If everything works out, 22nd or 23rd I'll put up some pictures. I just got confirmation from the seller on my measurements and was told it'll ship on the 15th so I should see it really between the 22nd-26th.
  10. the jacket itself is rather small.....course with the animation it either goes just passed the chest region or just barely above the waist. I don't think there's a problem with it being the faux leather/vynel type, I think it looks cool. But it does seem to be a bit too popular.
  11. I don't think this'll be leather in the least...I think it's cotton and polyester which you can wash but you gotta iron you can't put it thru a dryer which will be a pain cause I hate ironing. Hopefully should see this in 2 weeks. And if it sucks, I'll atleast have something to reference by and just build one from scratch based on that.
  12. Pretty tight looking, better than the DX I'd say. I got a lil extra spending money, perhaps now I shall get an Ozma VF-25.
  13. I just did an order for an SMS Outfit, I'm hoping it turns out alright, should take 2 weeks to arrive after today....well crossing my fingers on that cause the seller is taking I think Chinese new year off and wont be back until next month...so I'm hoping I made it in time.
  14. I actually found a neat way too pose a 1/60 VF-1 in Gerwalk using the bandai stands, and it doesn't compormise jack in doing so. You take the middle size insert and you turn the piece so the sides are facing forward. Then you angle it about 70 degrees or so and insert it where the T Bar meets the underbody if that makes sense. The stand will hold it with all the fast pack armor included in just about any angle as long as it's not downward and it looks great. If I can maybe I'll take a picture tomorrow.
  15. That's pretty damn cool. I'm holding out right now on trying to get my SMS Gear...it's going to be a looooong process.
  16. Hell if I could make a profit off this stuff, my ass would be sitting in this comfortable chair of mine infront of a computer screen busting the moves on anything I could get my hands on. I just want fans to know there's something else out there and it isn't clash of the bionoids nor is it Robotech again and again. Folker was in Robotech The voice, it'll be different, hence why Kudama will be putting his voice into the HIdef version of Episode 1 as well. But you're all going to have to wait until I have something to show which probably wont be long, this new VA is very jazzed to try this role.
  17. Actually the hard sub stuff turned out rather well for the DVD issue, you can't see the Japanese text 98% of the time, the way the english subs look just completely cover it up and the jap.text is practically blurred. But thank you for your assistance. In other news, I got a new Roy Fokker, and he's good guys. Lionel sadly just has to many things going on, but this should help the production. This new VA might even make a good Isamu.
  18. Trust me I wont, seeing how I just now finished the script, I'm putting it under lock and key for my own protection.
  19. Hikuro

    VF Girls

  20. lol yeah I wont, it's on my desktop, no way I'd delete it.
  21. It was something brought up I think last year or two when I originally announced I was tackling DYRL...I can't remember who but I was asked if I could do Plus movie and Macross II....now with Macross II having both OVA and Movie dubbed, I didn't see a point. But with Plus movie edition just going Subtitled I thought why not? I'm at the part where Isamu, Guld, and Yang find out that the Ghost X9 won the competition...so I'm a little over an hour into the scripting. So it's going VERY well.
  22. I've talked to a few cast members about Episode 2...Cassa still has a few days of vacation left and since her and Cypher have recovered from their illnesses they're going to get cracking on the recording. Lionel is having personal issues which include him having a play and possibly having to move back home afterwards. He's still gungho on being Fokker (It's not an easy role to replace) so I'll continue to wait but it'll just make his work load even bigger. Episode 1 is missing Mao, Aries, Edgar, the ending lines for Sara which I havne't heard from Allison if she still has them or not. And then extras.....so it's still VERY far from finished. The hi-def footage, seriously, is just fantastic to look at, I'm shocked. Boinger treats my projects well, he's a great source for video assignment.
  23. lol it's kind of an odd amount though, why not 12? or 12.50? Why 12.27? where'd that number come from? I've gotten a couple of emails from cast about 5 I think who are going to order their copies, that pretty much knocks me out on what I got left for materials. In the meantime, a surprising developement has occured in the last few days. I wasn't going to really start this project until next year YES next year not this year, but I'm well underway on the scripting of Macross Plus Movie Edition. Right now I have over 350 lines scripted, with 45 minutes worth of footage looked at. It's a pretty doable movie...though I've found 1 song on there that's not in the OST tracks which isn't bad, I can substitute it with the one closest which exists. Casting isn't set in stone, I'm probably gonna need more help on this one with a cast then I did with DYRL which I barely had enough to get done in my opinion. If I'm lucky...and I get a good cast.....it could be summer of 09, IF I'm lucky....meaning good cast, a good mix...it wont be 100% identical to the movie at all. It'll be kind of similar to what Volume 4 was like for Manga. But I'm still gathering up lots of SFX's from various shows that I know can be used, so no worries.
  24. HAH! I couldn't even do that chibi VF-1S battroid.....it got all lop sided but I atleast had much of the upper body left...I can still build it just gonna be soooooo funky.
  25. Well I didn't want it to expensive, I'm thinking 8 dollars..I've sent an email to cast members and I know of 2 who will buy one. I did want to put something in the box, but I don't really have any paper that works you can split in half or anything less it looks lopsided. Like some sort of Mikimoto waterpaint art work or something.
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