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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. Yeah I'd want something like that, cept it'll be 2 sizes to small. I went to a hobby store a ways from where I live after a quick job interview. I looked around, lots of Gundam kits and my eyes catch something at the bottom and I kneel down and wha do I see? a 1/65 VF-19 Fire Kai, an actual Bandai Japan one, not that Chinese knock off crap. 99 retail, I got it knocked down to 39.99 cause the box is pretty worn out. Not a bad score.
  2. In battroid mode, the upper portions of the torso leading to the shoulders, the cav area of the legs and the insert to the crotch are all that get changed out. And seeing how you shouldn't be filling those areas I think you're ok. At least the hip parts are replaced with something else. Maybe it'll help make it more of a tighter fit in fighter mode? I'd really like to buy two of these for Alto and Ozma, though ever so rare Ozma ever uses super packs.
  3. It might be,I'd say we need a close up of the nose before I judge....I mean who really cares if the figure doesn't have underwear? is it really that big of a deal? : / It's underwear.
  4. It's on Canalia's monster. So technically yes, and technically no.
  5. yep that'll work, I took a lot of screen caps a lil while ago but oh well.
  6. Nope not unless ya pick 'em up from my place as fansubbed DVD's. Macross related items are rare to non existent in the portland metro area. There use to be a store at the Clackamas mall that sold all sorts of Macross related items but they went out of business 4 years ago. And the last time I was there, I saw an asian store that had all sorts of japanese anime/cosplay like items, nothing amazing though, and they didn't have DVD's or games...just weird stuff. You're honestly just better off ordering stuff like that online rather than waisting time in hobby shops. There really isn't anything out in the area for the anime fan.
  7. Wha like, k maybe a month? lol I got a response from Coskingdom....they apologized and will be fixing this when they return for business next month...which sucks, means I gotta wait 4 weeks, then another week for them to remake it, and then another week to receive it.
  8. really not that big of a deal...unless you did something to your model like super glue parts or whatever. I think a lot of people are going to buy an entirely new kit. I probably would if I had th emoney.
  9. Maybe I got the female version? I dunno, I told them I was a male.....shouldn't of been difficult to screw up at all if they went by the measurements. I probably wont hear anything until next month cause they're on Chinese new year until February. As for patterns, I got squat. From what I notice on Cosplay making, you gotta get some good practice in, find patterns that are close to what you want, then just mod the hell out of them like Marge Simpson did with that pink dress crap.
  10. I use a set of tweezers to grab that lil end at the bottom of the canopy, flat black for paint and a tooth pick and dabble on the part you want. After doing those so many times it's really easy for me to not touch the parts you don't want painted for the canopy glass...and it'll match with the decals really well and blend in perfectly.
  11. Grey with black in the mid torso down the inner thigh and leg with blue highlited zipper and blue trim from the shoulders down the arms and from the inner seam down the legs, with a gold belt and black harness. The whole flight suit is one piece down to the soles of the feet. Pain in the ass to me The DYRL flight suit.....god.....the cloth would be kind of easy as it's white but then you'd have to do casting for a hard mold of the forearms and lower legs from the knees down and boots...also castings of the harness. I've seen cosplay outfits of the uniforms of course polidreads done it, and some people that were with Diana Sterling some years ago. I asked a guy once on how much it would cost to get something like that done, he said around 1,200 dollars without the helmet...so that was a big ass pass for me.
  12. God......I'm fin aw struck everytime I see one of your build ups...just outdoes anything I'd wanna do, no it just rapes whatever I wanna do lol.
  13. Yeah but pretty much everything Wildstorm came out with was pretty much crap. I thought they kind of had something cool going at first with the Robotech rendition of Zero, but in the end, it all pretty much was just FAIL
  14. Here's my take, you wanna watch a 25 year old TV series, in an area of HD that didn't exist when there is already a very good remastered version of it on DVD by two companies in america? I LOVE Blu-ray, but I only like it on films that are not old enough to be my age. Not too mention doesn't a Blu-ray player take a regular DVD and technically up converts it's picture quality?
  15. You don't hit Sakuracon or Kumoricon at all? I went with a few VA buddies to Kumoricon and I think I saw 2 Ranka cosplayers but only got picture of one. I tried to get the other one who I saw at the Llyod Center Mall but she couldn't hear me cause of some chatty kathy's. Yeah she's a sweety, I don't think she has a mean bone in her body. I've done projects with her since she joined up in the Voice Acting Alliance some years back just shortly after I came aboard. I think she did a role with me in Yugioh 2 years ago. She's got an interview which comes with the Akia-R16 DVD she had released back in the summer time on how she got into VAing and what not. And she's got some crazy cosplays like the sexy jedi and sexy batgirl lol and a sexy terminator. Mippa is cute herself, a lot of guys go after her cause she's got a nice voice and she's got a great figure. I think she also has a boyfriend and she would love to cosplay sheryl and I think even plans on it. She also lived in Japan for almost a year studying abroad. anyways, 505 if you do manage to score that kind of an outfit lemme know so I can get some of that
  16. oh they're in my wallet safely kept http://katsucon.org/index.php?option=com_c...9&Itemid=81 This I think this is pretty recent. Don't have anything on Mippa though for official site and I don't have her photos anymore either, they went poof recently when I did a reformat and lost some of my links of friends photos. I was talking to her about our meet up at AX09 this summer and she's going to be Minmay and possibly Sheryl.
  17. Could be. I almost wanted to get those tiny lil magnets like in the build up being done...but I didn't wanna wreck the kit by drilling holes in it. Although I wouldn't mind buying a cheap alto kit and trying it out someday, see if it works.
  18. Yeah it's the other cast members who are doing Max, Miriya, Clore', Basara, Mylene, Tranquil etc...so most of the cast just not all.
  19. Looks better than mine...I've looked it over piece by piece...I've gotten it to look pretty close to Alto's but it's still not where I'd like it. I just wish I knew why these things gapped so much in that particular area and what Bandai's modelers are doing so different from the rest of us.
  20. Did it lastnight, doesn't seem improved at all. The right hip piece seems pretty loose too. Guess I just got a jerky one or something. Even the head wont tuck all the way in, you can still see a bit of it.
  21. just one episode to try it out...they're not easy episodes to remix and this though only took like 1 or 2 days was still rather difficult to place new audio in cause of the music tracks.
  22. Well speaking of Macross 7.....I was suppose to get lines from 90% of the cast today and that didn't happen, so meh....guess I'lljust sit on my ass and watch the time go by like I usually do.
  23. Well in a few hours i was hoping to go "HEY GUYS LOOK! I got the DVD upload done!" And then I look at my load time and it's back to where I left it off at : / wtf, I lost 80% of my upload from yesterday.
  24. Wasn't disgraceful, I kind of got what he's doing. That part he's showing off looks like it's for the neck joint. I dunno what's so different about it other than the fact it's a little more blocky looking compared to Bandai's mold of the neck joint.
  25. Hell I'd even like to know. My Ozma has awful gaps on it compared to my Alto and even that has gaps. I just finished Ozma an hour ago, he's pretty tight in the joints but there were a few moments where I was getting pised off, even lost a decal for the VF-25's head and just ended up taking a bit of black and a sharp tooth pick and just drew on what I needed too...came out fine. although I do think this could of been better.
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