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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. I'll post it up later, you'll have to fit it yourself though as the templates I used were from a CD Creator program...can't remember which I think it was from Nero though. I got bored...so I fiddled with the audio sfx mix aaaaaaaaaaaannnnnd....I can say there almost isn't a single SDF Macross sfx on there, there's 1 which is the alert for the valkyries, but just about everything in this comes in some way from Frontier. So I'm very proud of that!
  2. Just now closed the audition side of it. I'm waiting on one person who said he wants to turn in something and he's got good references so I'm giving him some time. Other than that It's done. I've received enough male voice talent (SHOCK!) that it shouldn't be difficult to dub this at all as long as all the roles give 100%.
  3. Never did, if anything he'd zap me with his giant green glowing eyes going "P'WNED!" Yeah I'm not sending a flash drive to someone lol. I know someone who already has the movie and Boinger said he's in the works on his own video take of the movie using my audio.
  4. Well if it's corrupted I give up. Spent a lot of time and attempts trying to upload it again and again. Oh well.
  5. Hm, very interesting, I'm getting a mix of ppl who can and can not download it, honestly don't know what the issue is. I can download it just fine and several others.
  6. Well voice changing helmets are hot poo since the optimus prime one....so no real surprise that there's an endoskull coming out. THough I've seen better Endoskeleton hand prostetics from WAY WAY back.
  7. Hm odd, it works for me just fine. Diiiiiddd yooouuuu right click and save as? Cause no matter how I play with it, it works for me.
  8. Um, no it's not, it's working.
  9. http://www.adaptationsgj.net/hikuro/Macros...mber%20Love.ace bam.
  10. DVD's uploaded, I just gotta try and get the link...hopefully it works this time .
  11. Trailer wasn't bad, this'll be an interesting action packed movie.
  12. Oh I know! Skyfire XD
  13. Everyone gets the hip gun piece poppin out, it's perfectly normal, but we've noticed on some kits it's a lot better than others. Mine pop out...there are members who have modified some of their kits so it looks better. But don't worry about first time modeling...with experince, trial and error you get better. I wouldn't of gotten to where I am in my modeling skills without trying things out and correcting my mistakes in the next kit. Like I use to have a lot of problems doing the black of the canopy hatch, now I can do it without even a smudge, and I don't even use tweezers.
  14. Can't say this is a UN Official, but I just finished working all night on an Apollo themed VF-25 I really wanna make a model kit of this version but the paint job would be such a prick to do.
  15. Yeah that one I haven't seen before...kind of suspicious that they sort of ripped off the script to my PS1 dub but that isn't a big deal. Ya know, I should of read the credits I might of gotten something on there and didn't know. Still that was a good set of filler before the intro and movie 2 set up.
  16. Okay, 86% uploaded, with 7 hours left to go, if this fails again, I give up. Also those who keep PM'ing me for copies of the DVD, please don't. Right now only copies are going out to cast members or those who in some way took part in the production. I want to make sure that those who helped get to know how much I appreciated their hard work.
  17. Well the whole essence of this show is that Decade steals the power of other riders in a card form. Usually each season lasts between 45-49 episodes depending on what's going on in television or sponsors etc. Decade is to encounter atleast 10 different main riders, Kuuga, Agito, Ryuki, Blade, Kabuto, Den-O, Kiva, etc from the last 10 years of the Hesei rider era...each rider takes atleast 3 episodes starting with Kuuga. And it looks like Decade/Tsukasa if that's his name, travels using backdrops of his grandfathers picture studio...which is kind of cool.
  18. Does it start to freeze as the credits roll? I've had that problem problem. Ifyou want too you can try to burn it to another DVD. I checked each dvd and they were all working just fine before I shipped them. I've probably watched this dub a thousand times now.
  19. Sort of sad that it's only going to be a 30 episode series, shortest Kamen Rider series thus far...but maybe that'll make way for a super awesome series next year?
  20. Ah dammit! The sever resetted the upload again! Not only did I loose everything I did this week, but it dropped it from the 25% I left it at last week down to 5%..... crap.
  21. Gonna help with my legal fees? lol I think I have someone in mind for alto, unless someone else comes up with something better. There's still until sunday for any voice overs and so far I"m not really getting squat. Got 'em, haven't heard them yet though.
  22. Kind of took a shot of my Alto after a slight modification of the hip joint a bit ghetto of what Kyekye is doing to his...it's not bad though. Also a shot of my Ozma with Alto and you can see the HUGE gap on Ozma's hip placement.
  23. I knew you had to put a rod in that and everything, I just had to go ghetto style cause idon't have anywhere to get those tools and they're expensive for me right now. The plan worked, but I could of sanded it off a bit more (more like nail file it down) I suppose. But while doing that I lost the piece and just gave up and put it back to it's original form. The glue works really well, I only had to use it for like 3 seconds to get a real good seal and I've played with the hip a bit to make sure it's working fine and it hasn't busted off. Also needed something to cut the part a bit more evenly, my exacto knife wasn't exactly the best idea, it was cutting the piece at an angle which is why it required so much sanding. Maybe i'll try it again with something else.
  24. You know, I was kind of thinking maybe I should cut the ball joints that go onto the hip guns and then a small chunk of one of the remaining plastic trees I got, use a bit of the super glue junk and see if that fixes the placement...if it did I'd do it to my Ozma too. But I'm also kind of scared I'd completely ruin the joints and can't fix it...but kind of wanting to take the risk so I can buy a new Alto and make it even better than my first one. As they always say, you're first can be good, your second even better, your third will kick ass. Hmmm it kind of worked, the piece was just maybe a lil bit to large cause the leg was forced down a bit showing off to much of a gap between the two intakes the leg and the body, but it DID make the piece fit better! However the gap was to geh for me so I took off the piece to sand it down some more and ended up loosing it. Almost even lost the ball! So I gave up, crazy glued it back together and put the joint back on the leg and considered it off limits.
  25. FINALLY shipped the DVD's that were ordered. And starting to upload the movie stuff again online....just kind of taking it slow cause I have other things I wanna do t hat consume my bandwidth
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