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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. So recently I got this neat 1/72 VF-4 2.0 from Valk009. However sadly, this thing seems way outta my league for what I want to do with it. I'm wondering if any of the great custom model builders could give me a hand on building it? I'm going to have it as a "mascot" for Che, Vinnie and I's Macross Aria webisode series. I'll have to give the model builder images of the VF-4's color scheme provided by Talo's and rendered into CG by Che. I'm willing to pay for the materials, sand paper, glue, metal rods, paint etc, you'll need to get it done and some compensation for a job well done. however if something where to happen to this kit upon construction I would expect to be reimbursed the 65 dollars I spent getting it as this is a rare jewel. Upon return this would have to be carefully wrapped and boxed and returned. If anyones interesting please let me know. If you have any images for reference on your work that'd be great.
  2. I got S and F decal sheets so I might be able to part with them since I have no use for waterslides, I don't like using those.
  3. Okay guys, first page, new links for the third time, 17 files need HJSplit to join them back.
  4. Wing Zero DON'T HIT ME! *hides* I just wanna destroy the world with a big energy cannon!
  5. I've been reading Terminator Files...interesting stuff for the movie, and it seems McG knows that fans are not too eager about him being the head honcho of the film. Also he talked briefly how he visited Cameron and cameron pretty much told him to do it right or don't do it at all. not really a big "F off you're gonna ruin my work!" but kind of "If you wanna do it fine. But you better do it right or your head is going to be on a spike." I mean seriously, if Cameron is so pissed off about the franchise, why doesn't he just take the damn thing and just do it? Screw his Avatar movie, he made Terminator one of the hottest movies in existence, but he's kind of being a prick about others trying to live up to his design. I admit, T3 pretty much sucked balls...it seemed cool, fans were excited, but the film was just horrible in the long run cept for the last 5 minutes where we see more EndoArnie than the other 2 films. But a lack luster Terminated stroke of the TX...not too mention the whole TX thing was a joke. I'm just really really REALLY hoping that T4 is done atleast better than what T3 did. I don't want this to be another T2, it doesn't need to be that big, but it does need to let people forget T3 ever happened...though it does have T-1's, but those weren't bad...
  6. Here's my custom colored GM and "test color" GP01 I was able to mask the heal of the GM's foot and give it the proper mechanical color. The whole thing turned out nice, it was probably one of my best Gundam paint jobs ever next to my old Sazabi. The GP01 was a pain in the ass, I don't know what happened to the orange but it was goop and took 4 days to dry. I'm pretty sure I still got the GM tucked away in the closet but the GP01 I believe I sold a year ago.
  7. very interesting, Ill have to look at this when I get home for a better look. So you combined my audio with this new footage and I'm guessing it was "off the hook"?
  8. Sorry yo, I must not of gotten them the only email I had this morning was spam from an old Macross group site I use to work on.
  9. lol I'll let cristina know you'd of rather had that for your first song XD she'd get a kick outta that since she loves comments about her singing.
  10. God retarded, I didn't realize I posted DYRL info on Frontier. Anyways, I handed out the footage to the cast cept for 2 people, hoping to have everything done by the first week of March.
  11. God you wasted our 4 digit post on here? maaaaaan Yeah, this thing was pretty much blood sweat and tears. There are areas where I look back and say "Hm, that could of been beefed up just a tad." But compared to how I was originally doing the film, going back and forth with the original sound tracks, ugh the whole film would of turned out like crap.
  12. In each Infiltrator series, size and armor become more compact but more sturdy. Obviously from what we've seen, the 600's where massive (though in the original timeline 600's only had rubber skin), 700's are a bit more compact with less armor but they were just phased out for the 800's which fit the bill for human like in size and introducing the microprocessor chip that made them far more advanced from any of the T lines. I think I'm right on most of that stuff but I can't recall all of it. i wish I could go onto that site that had all the information of the Terminator machines, there was some REALLY great information.
  13. Aw man, if that Astray is anywhere as nice as the Strike when it came out 4 years ago, than I'll be in heaven.
  14. Honestly, I don't remember who made it. All I remember was that you got a silver and a black terminator figure...had no posability to it at all, they were just solid mold plastic. You had this Skin mold generator display which was all future looking, like something close to those teaser trailers from T2 back in the day. You took some powder solution and I think warm water, you mixed it all together and you placed the cup into a slot and put a plunger above it. Then you take one of the two T-800's (maybe the black is a 700? dum dum dum!) put it into a mold case, push it thru the slots, push down the plunger and all the goo molds over the terminator. You let it stand in the came for maybe 5 minutes and pop the case open and pull him out and he's just slimey naked Arnold. It was one of my favorite toys back then, but it pissed my mom off cause I always made such a huge mess and the powder just encrusted on everything. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-seC3fQzUd8...feature=related this was it.
  15. I was watching it today after I got home from work...after 4 grueling hard days, I needed something to make me feel better. So I sat down with my dinner and started watching it. And I almost got teary eyed near the end...I don't know why but I never got this way even on a dub...so I guess I really did do a good job in making this and everyone just nailing it.
  16. And with this project finished and being topknotch, it'll help make way for the new generation coming out.
  17. It's okay 20 pages, hundreds of replies, stuff gets lost and it's difficult to keep up with everything.
  18. Ok, links are fixed on my website.
  19. Okay the links on my website have been fixed, the DVD Ace file has been deleted and I'm slowly uploading a 17 part HJ split version of the movie still in an Ace form. I can still unzip the file so it isn't the file itself, it's the server causing it to go bonkers.
  20. Shouldn't be a difficult role to do. But yeah Cristina likes Ranka and wanted to give her a shot, and Mippa's been Sheryl since probably May or June and no ones complained about that really.
  21. Who cares? Not everyone is devoted to the boards. You can always go to the first page here and download it. I'll check the links over and make sure they're right or not later.
  22. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j3HrEPfzWDs And here's the cast, many of you wont know who some of these people are, but you can youtube 'em to hear their voices. Course their voices in those videos wont be exactly it, buuuuuuut, you'll get the jest of it.
  23. I Can't split them unless I turn it into a completed movie file, these are VOB's meaning X amount of movie files each one ranging to about a gig not including audio files and what not. I would have to put them in a folder, zip 'em, HJ split them and just slowly load 'em up. So if anyone is holding off just for the DVD release just to burn it and watch it, sorry. Otherwise I'd recommend the 8 part deal, it's got subs. OR just better off waiting until Boinger comes out with something, he generally does on my dubs.
  24. I use to have several of them when the second movie came out. My mom spoiled me, i was one of those when I saw combiner transformers like the stunticons and what not, would have my mom go thru all the pegs to find all the figures so I could it the damn thing together. She would spend an hour and a half and bugging associates on getting that last piece. Sort of the same thing with Terminator figures, I was obsessed with the Endoskeleton so she would find me anything related to it including this like playset where you mix in some powder and water and you put one of these two endoskeletons into a mold container and poof you get slick slimey skin, then just peal it off for battle damage.
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