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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. You have to take off certain parts of the existing model in order to put on the super parts, sheilds gone, legs, chest those sort of areas.
  2. Yep god look at that three DX's, 2 super packs, some magazines, CD's, lil frontier figures, ace frontier 1/200, I think you can say you had a very productive trip.
  3. oh yep that's what I meant, 14,800, and 10,800 I always do that on yen to dollars and such. But yeah still it's a good deal. If I end up liking the VF-25G I'll be getting the others.
  4. Well seeing how I don't have the money to buy a computer I'm not gonna worry about it. As for your sound, go to start --> All Programs --> Accessories --> Entertainment = Volume Control check your settings there if you got a microphone option. If not, in that same location you also got a sound recorder then go to Edit, Audio Properties then select Sound Recordings wher eyou can tweek your settings there go to advanced and deselect Mic Boost, that's the number 1 cause of cracking and background noise.
  5. From what we've gathered over the last year, the VF-25, and the red Vajra were being sculpted model kit wise by Bandai...and I believe all of them were 1/72 scales...unless the Vajra was 1/100 I can't remember. I do remember there was something about a VF-27 in the process but it's hard to remember all the information from over a year ago during one of those big toy fests. It wouldn't of been hard to figure out that those two types would somehow be released. Bandai's pretty good in my opinion on releasing character mecha in some form, be it the same scale or different. And seeing how they're having a cash cow to milk off of ala Macross Frontier, they'd be pretty stupid on not releasing the whole Skull team. My local hobby dealers don't see a need. Of course, I can special order anything as long as I have the product code...but my dealers rape me price wise, nearly doubling what it's worth retail wise. So very easily Alto's VF-25 could cost me 80 dollars or more. The last time I did something like that, I ended up spending over 300+ dollars on 2 model kits and felt pretty pissed off over that since they didn't even call me when they came in and it took over a month to receive in stock after another month of waiting to get in contact from their supplier.
  6. Sure Alto could have an S type, he could have his Sagitarus squadron integrated into the SMS units, or Ozma feeling like his obligations are finished, retires from SMS...death doesn't have to be the only solution. Personally I'm looking forward to owning my first DX if Vinnie was able to pick up a second one before he left Kawaski. I remember he said last week Alto's VF-25 was pretty expensive, but Ozma's was like 108,000 yen and Michel's VF-25G was 148,000...those are excellent prices straight from the source if you ask me.
  7. Yeah I still don't have enough for Canaya, I might of found a bobby, but I don't have enough yet for a bridge crew which is driving me nuts. If I put what I got together for the first segments of Episode 2....I can go up to when Alto is shooting at the Vajra after the opening credits.....that's about it. So Cody has a lot of lines to go...he said just the first two yelling bits really took a toll on his voice but he'll be back up and running soon. I still gotta hear from Cristina and Mippa....and of course Brooklynn who is doing Luca, and Shudo for Cathy...if those VA's get their stuff in then most of the episode will already be done.
  8. My guess, we'll probably get a VF-27 but it wont be until the summer time or something...but if that were to happen we'd probably be seeing some prototype pictures by now.
  9. Like I've always said, Logitech is a good brand, it's never failed me, the only problem is, is now Logitech is getting a bit more spendy and there aren't a lot of electronic stores in my area where I can continue buying that brand. For 5 years I had the same type of microphone and it's and some ups and down...I'm pretty abusive to my equipment...like my PC is on it's final leg, but I'm just not going to have enough money to buy a new one unless I can make installment payments...but the interest rate will be killer. Like seriously, 48 months for 12 dollars a month with an 11.8% APR interest rate....geeze. Right now I'm using some sort of a skype endorsed microphone and honestly, it works just fine for my needs. Slightly better than most of the stuff I've had, and all I needed to do after buying that and testing it was tweek my sound settings so I don't pick up a lot of feedback. But really, what I need is a new PC so I can handle watching anime in HD with a 64 bit processor (did I get that right che?) and 600 gigs of space with an 8 gig ram card and all that bs. Like.....800 bucks or something like that for a packaged deal...and I can always just switch out the monitor to something bigger. In either case, I'm messing around a bit with Episode 2 since Che turned in his lines. So it marks a big amount of the first half of the episode as being done since Ozma has a pretty good amount of screen time. I still got Luca, Alto and Ranka to fill up the first 6 minutes. So really all I have for completed lines are Michelle, President Glass and Leon.
  10. Neat, for a film festival that would be interesting to see how it would turn out, but the only thing that would get to me is the whole copyright issue...then again the copyright for the video is suppose to be in limbo so no one can really dub it, but distribution I think it owned by Bandai right now...I dunno it's weird. Sort of one of those things to where I kind of feel like it being shown to like LOTS of people and film critics could come back and bite me in the ass. Although I'm saved by internet laws and I don't post my real name on anything, it probably wouldn't be difficult to ask around and find out who I am. FBI is good on crap like that. As long as people know it's a FAN production and it's in no way meant to be sold and marketed then I guess it's okay.
  11. Yeah sadly I'm in the states, there's no one in 2 months I could even get to Australia with money and all and that I've only been working my new job for just under 2 months so I don't think they'd be to hip on me taking off for even a couple of days. Though they know about this as I've told 'em I'm gonna be on a movie theater screen technically it's true! Global, the guy who did it, I can't remember his real name I just call him Chrono, I told him I wanted it as Russian, something that's familiar to the fans of Robotech so they wouldn't feel so offended because I think Gloval (but I changed it back to Global) was Italian. But yes, I made him out to be russian and it worked out fine, and you get to hear a great deal of it during the second half of the film.
  12. I'm still kind of letting it sink in, the first hour I couldn't even control myself on the pretty light show of explosions and action. And the massive killing spree I think made me cream my pants...but the final 30 minutes or so, it was kind of like that cigerette you need after really good sex, don't you agree? And Olmos was kind of right in my opinion on the Last Frakkin Special...25 years from now, you'll watch it and you'll be like "Oh, now I get it" like Blade Runner...just takes time to sink in. There were a few things in the final episode that kind of made me go "Wait wha...?" Like what was Kara? What were the imaginative Baltar and Six? What really happened to everyone, did they live happily ever after in the long run? Now then, I have to think, there's the Cylon verison of the series coming up....and then there's also Caprica, which I gotta figure out how that all plays into BSG. Will I enjoy either versions? I hope so. But what I'd really like is a freaking game...that arcade one on the 360 just doesn't cut it for me...I need a real good BSG game, I couldn't even get into the one that came out some years ago on the Xbox.
  13. Kara was probably god. Either case, very deep and heartful of an episode....farewell.
  14. If it's what I think it is, haha, or am I just getting a swelled head? I think this is a very cool thing to have a convention specifically on Macross, and I wish I could come by and see it all happen. I've told some specific people about what's going on and they seem very excited over it.
  15. Yes it seems it went down, I haven't checked to see if it's back up but probably still is down. I'm sure Tam will get it back up and running soon.
  16. And Ridley Scott will take the Reigns once again. But gee VFTF, one hell of a scardey cat ya got there. 90% of sci/fi movies you couldn't show her without giving her nightmares. Alien/s isn't all THAT bad you don't even really see the alien that many times as compared to the second film. The second film she'd lock herself in the bathroom. I did that seeing that film when I was 5...everytime an alien popped up I'd either run screaming into my room or hiding behind the couch. Never got that way with Terminator...robots fascinated me more. Hell god, I dunno why but I had a dream i was John Connor the other night in a resistance bunker somewhere in the mountains and endo's galore had found us and started coming in and we would have to escape but sadly only a few of us made it to a helicopter and got out.
  17. I think I'll just leave the music japanese, it saves time.. And again thanks to boinger, atleast this episode will be HD like...however because the episode is different from the aired version (time signature wise) I have to go thru each track and realign everything. Only takes like 2 minutes per track to align everything correctly.
  18. Okay so update, Episode 2 is done for audio tracks cept vocals. 2 people have already turned in vocals (phew fast) and Boinger has supplied me with the Blu-Ray rip and hopefully it'll work this time as I had a lot of trouble with zero success on converting it into a working movie to use. And with Episode 2 in post mix production and awaiting ADR, I'm now working on the script to Episode 3. My goal and I discussed this with a few cast members, is to release these in volume sets...so episode 3 will be sent out right away upon completion of the script and have that finished maybe at the sametime as Episode 2, and that'll be Volume 1...then in May I'll start working on scripts for 4, 5, 6.
  19. God maid cafe's. I remember my ex did one 2 years ago, I had to buy her a cute lil maid outfit, and I had to tip the hostess all Gene Simmons style and got like 3 or 4 maids including my ex to serve me and another guy who I dragged with me to fill the table. Aw, good times. But good finds yo, like I said before, you got a steal deal on the Ozma DX. And yummy super packs, I can't wait to get 'em.
  20. lol, I still don't get the metal gear stuff but that's just me. Episode 2 is almost done...like 90% for audio tracks. I kicked major ass this weekend on that and Zero...but the battle in the start of episode 2 is shaping up very neatly
  21. Quarter of the way done with the audio tracks....sadly though I can't convert the Blu-ray version which contains the fixed animation. However to save time, I'm also going to finish scripting Episode 3, or atleast try and see if I can get them both done around the sametime.
  22. I'm now looking for female VA's for Canaya, Monica, Ram and Mina, and also a Bobby. So hopefully I'll have some new members here so I can start recording in the next few weeks.
  23. Agreed, I'd love to have the same VA's thru all 5 episodes, but considering how long it takes to complete an episode if I'm consistant, like 2 months or so, they just end up leaving. Allison will more than likely not return as she's married and had her first baby not long ago and pretty much just dropped out of it all. I'll probably hold auditions to replace her very soon.
  24. yeah, it just takes some motivation to get him doing a recording. He was suppose to do Episode 2 a long time ago but I haven't popped on googletalk to check on him and most of the time he's set on idle. I also need Mariavu to do her recordings for Episode 2, that'll kick a pretty good portion of episode 2 out of the way leaving Nutuku (Gotta work up on that voice to make it better) and extras. Episode 1 needs...Extras, 1 Edgar redoline, and a few missing Sarah lines if I can ever get Allison to reply. But I'm almost tempted to just replacing her completely because she wont be returning to future episodes.
  25. Yeah that's pretty good, but total bummer we can't have sigs on here.
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