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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. Yeah the T-RIP toy is pretty much junk. Soft plastic/rubber body, it's got decent articulation with 360 turn based shoulders, bending arms but not wrists, ankles move 360 degrees, knees bend, rotating waist and a poorly rotatable head that's VERY limited and will just move back to high front position with piss poor light piping. This one figure alone kind of put me off from buying anymore figures.
  2. Damn, I'm soooooo falling behind : /
  3. I just picked up the T:Salvation book...hopefully read it a little later since I passed on Transformers 2....paying 8 bucks for a book is just so much...I miss the days when they were like 3-5 dollars : / Read the prolouge and first chapter, good stuff, it starts with a bang litterally. A small marine group doing a drug bust exercise with another group of mexican squad. Then the bombs fall, first Sand Deigo, then lesser cities with no military bases going skyhigh, and they decide to take their leave and figure out what's going on. First chapter is John coming back from a mission to a makeshift bunker him and his small army are hiding out in. He talks with Kate for a short time before he hears something strange. He checks it out his guard and finds one of his men dead, shot by a sniper round of some sort. John and Barnes see 8 T-600's starting to make their way towards their base, they'd been found, T-1's would probably show up shortly. Barnes holds off some of the T-600's as John wakes up the rest of his team to escape. That was pretty much the first chapter, nearly 30 pages. Not too bad at all.
  4. finally saw caprica, and I liked it. I will look forward to the tv series, although all the naughty bits will be gone bummer
  5. Seeing how I don't get much for auditions anymore, yeah it's just too hard to replace VA's. I've totally lost interest in even trying to get these done and just wanna move on or do something else.
  6. I personally liked it, don't care about the 80's stuff and what not...why would I when GI Joe always has the latest in hitech war gear for the 21st century? It was probably the first time I ever watched GI Joe from start to finish.
  7. It'll probably go down the crapper too. which actually sucks cause the 2.0 of Episode 1 is REALLY good. I really wish I had kept the original voice overs and had just placed those over the new mix tracks I'd of been done so so long ago.
  8. The project has been canceled. I just couldn't get enough lines to really complete anything and I've still got Canaya unfilled. There's just no point if I can't get all the mains up and running along with extras...I didn't even have anymore male extras, it's just all female.
  9. Don't know of any sorry...perfer to buy my Macross goods then hack it Either case I played a lil tonight...and thought "Heh, I got an A on the Hikaru battle....lets see if I can improve that" and sure enough, I fried his ass in 4 seconds. When he popped out, I gave him a quick bitch slapped then used the super combo stuff and he was down. Used what was left of my combo special and knocked out the CF and it was over. Got an SS for it too. I thought I'd get an S but not an SS.
  10. The container stuff I kind of suck at, those arelike the only ones I blow.
  11. really? I don't see it myself. But he does look like he wants to do a lil bit of ass kicking.
  12. I actually thought about putting on the war paint and gettin a necklace....it did cross my mind.
  13. I took more screenshots of my action packed adventures of awesomeness. So there's some shots of me kickin Badolza's ass...another one tellin a Destroid where his place is.....kickin Hikaru's ass.....and me piloting my YF-19.
  14. Tell you what, if you don't got people to take pictures for you, or know what you're doing, it's a big waste of time, 20 photos. None of them were any good to me.
  15. Probably sponsored by them too. Ever notice the "Subtle" way The Asylum does their movie titles? Alien Versus Hunter, The Day the Earth Stopped Moving, The Terminators...they always just wanna get a piece of the action of some big title flick.
  16. Didn't even have to care about the editing, you just see it, it's right there. And I don't even care about Mila Jovovich, she's a horrible actress and that's apparent cause she's picked in crappy sci/fi titles. Every movie she's in sucks, Fifth Element, all the RE movies, UltraViolet, I mean k'mon...she has some bad luck.
  17. Maybe tonight or tomorrow. I still need som kind of boots but thoe arent important. I will be joining a small frontier cosplay group in june. hopefully Ill get some pics.
  18. 5th Element. Can spot the mistakes in the poor editing a mile away.
  19. Still a bit creepy. I got a new belt for the SMS uniform...good enough for casual wear and what not as well, so I'm sure it'll be 20 dollars well spent.
  20. Seriously just feels like the super packs were a real afterthought for the DX in comparison with the 1/72 line...I don't know why they did what they did but the weakest point of those packs were the thigh covers, they're so damn flimsy and they just fall right off with the slightest of touch. Just irks me off. I took the packs off my Micheal and just keeping him barebones for right now.
  21. True, the saving grace of the film was the ending and that was the war happens...you could push it back, you could try to hold out, but it's coming for you, like Death. I dunno if T2 had a happy ending really. The message was that you don't know what could happen, the future isn't set and anything could happen. But in the end, it still happened, which totally went against everything.
  22. Just looking for Canaya now I think. And there's a narrator in every episode at the beginning explaining the details of the storyline, spacefolds, protoculture all sorts of stuff. Everythings do next week....but I'm long passed worried.
  23. Wow wow wow, taken out of context there. I like the Revoltech figures. And I think that's very cool that someone is giving them out for free cause depending where you get them, they're not cheap. So the people who are going and getting one of these is a sweet ass deal. Those things are suppose to be like 15 dollars or something like that, and most places charge like 30+ bucks I paid like.......uuuhhhh 55 for two and was a lil astonished I even allowed that! But yeah they're cool items, got a lot of poseability to them and some good accessories so I'm not dogging them at all. I just had originally thought they were bigger, but I guess you could say they're more space savers lol.
  24. Really? I thought that was just an incesticon, I thought the doctor was something else.
  25. The one where she's looking a tthe camera with those big blue eyes it creeps my soul out
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