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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. I just watched the episode, unless they melted that wing to curve, that's not a VF-1 wing.
  2. Finished the movie novel. I'd say the last 30-45 minutes of the movie will be make or break if there's going to be a sequel unless the movies ending will be different then that of the book. All I have to say is that this is going to be confusing for some. So in general, I think the movie itself will be good, but I think it could be better.
  3. Yeah the movies never left the shelf when i was there on Saturday. I'm sure there's enough of a difference between the two films that people can logically decide that this is not a big budget film versus a real Terminator flick. I'm half way done with the book. If this is pretty much what the movie will be like...then.....wwwwweeeeellllll. There will be some good high points, and a lot of not so. Right now the book focuses heavily on Kyle and Marcus. Not so much John. And the way they are gonna end this war isn't really going to end it in my opinion.
  4. Well it is a button masher game so it does seem repetitive. And yes you can die, by continuously being attacked to the point your regeneration can't start. Everytime your hit you gotta wait a few seconds for your health to replenish, but if you keep getting it it'll just knock down. I went against some female assassins at one point while trailing gambit, and they all orgied me and killed me in no time. I had to find a way to either take 'em all on, or somehow pull them away from eachother one at a time.
  5. Well Magneto would rather shag his own kind than a human any given day of the week. He just needs to pop that lil blue pill to do it first. I played the Wolverine game, and saw the movie for comparisons........crap, I liked the game so much better. The movie was just god awful to me...so I guess I don't like X-men in general. The first movie was cheesey, the second was decent, the third was horrible cause it killed off to many important roles, and this wolverine film was just boring and cheesey to watch.
  6. I was cruising around and went to walmart, I found an NCC-1701-A diecast figure from hotwheels, but the figure itself was mislabeled without the A, but clearly the refit version. Flipped over the box, the TV series is suppose to be the regular, and the refit is suppose to be the A. It looked pretty cool! But 12 dollar was still a pass for me.
  7. I'm sure that if Nero's crew hadn't arrived Kirk's folks would of probably been on shore leave in their "home" in Iowa and kirk would of been properly born there. My theory is because of the events taking place it caused Kirk's mother so much stress that she gave birth slightly premature thus having him born on a shuttle than Iowa. OR, maybe depending on the Kirk family residence the birth certificate would say "Born under Iowa regulation" or some BS and not "Born Stardate XXX.X onboard U.S.S. Kelvin."
  8. There was a really quick shot of a Terminator all skinned up that was grabbing one of the T-600's mini guns, so my suspicion is that they might have a Model 101 cyborg appear for sure. I saw that when I was at the Star Trek movie today for mother sday with of course, my mother. After we finished the movie we stopped at borders and I found the Salvation movie novel...picked it up of course. First chapter left me kind of cringing honestly. I thought Marcus might of been one of those guys who was sent to prison but was innocent and his body was donated to science, but I guess not. Seems like he was actually a bad guy at some point....unless that's not true and he's just putting up a front. But yeah we can 150% confirm he was a prison and he was killed with lethal injection in Longview Texas
  9. noticed 2 things when I saw it again, 1 the reference of Slush Co or "Slush Co Mix" and that in the star fleet shuttle bay, there's an NCC-1701 shuttle and an NCC 1701A shuttle. To me, that was interesting.
  10. SCC Couldn't tie into the new movie after the season finale...espically since Kate Brewster is in the film, yet never established at all in the TV series, but was in T3. Also, the movie novel which is suppose to be an official tie in for the new film had made a statement about the Terminator in T3. Thus T3 is officially apart of the movie timelines and right now, the books. SCC is the floating bastard child right now.
  11. Bluntman and Cronic........do doo doo!
  12. +1 on not rehashing classic musical scores unlike TNG did with a few of it's own movies +1 for a sexy Uhura in panties +1 for sexy green alien babe nailin kirk (I swear, I didn't see it coming and I should of!) +4 for seeing Sulu doin some awesome ninja ass kicking +100 for Angsty "I'M GONNA KICK YOUR ASS!" Attitude Spoke +XXXXX for the classic line "I have, and shall always be, your friend" I KNEW that had to come up at some point! Visually the movie is awesome, I loved how it opened, and I love how they really play with the camera, a lot of close up shots of the outter body, and how mechanical and cramped engine room is and such. I loved the bridge a lot, it had a mix of advanced and old school all over it. Story wise, I wasn't really too into it in some areas cause now...everything we know is changed. Still, I'd see it again!
  13. Anyone else read up that the T-800 is being inducted into the official Robot hall of fame next to the iRamba bots? It's said to serve as a reminder that it's possible one day, the machines we create could turn on us.
  14. There's like 10 copies of it over at my local hollywood video. That was back on Monday and I looked almost wanting to laugh my ass off. I'll maybe check today and see if they still got it on their rental shelves or if they pulled it off if there is legal problems.
  15. Sooo Dolph Lundgren would have to be a clone or something for him to show up in the new film. But yeah, I saw the others, it just wouldn't add up in my opinion time wise from the first movie to The Return.
  16. I remember 8 years ago i was able to play songs like Angel Voice< Try Again, Submarine Street and My Soul For You either on the piano or guitar. But now It's hard to just remember what chords what for me since I haven't touched either instrument since then. My guitar is even de-stringed recently cause my C, E's strings snapped tuning it once outta bordem.
  17. I think there's the latest firmware and older to choose from.
  18. I think they look better than either the 1/72 or 1/60's in term of fighter and gerwalk proportions, and overall appearance. But yeah the fact that you gotta swap out 90% of the valkyrie does turn me off as I do tend to loose pieces over time. However I'm more of the type of guy who says "Okay, I got 4 VF-25's here, One will go battroid, this one will go fighter, this one Gerwalk, and this one hmmmmm....I guess I'll also go Battroid and pose it oppisite to the first one so it looks neat!" and once in a while I'll change it up. Right now my display is more fighter looking than Gerwalk or battroid. But it'll change again in another month or so.
  19. It isn't bad at all! The background itself is a little to busy looking so it sort of distracts from your place settings. But the optional wallpapers on the sight help ya choose what works. I used Ranka and Sheryl layin on the VF-25 and that looks good with everything.
  20. *raises hand* question sir! Do I get a chance at best effort competition for my movie? XD sorry I had to ask! I was curious
  21. I wouldn't even call that a reboot, I'd call that more a sequel. So I wouldn't be against it then, but if it were to revamp existing Predator characters in a jungle earth and whatever, THEN I would have an issue.
  22. In that fashion I guess FOX will have to look and go "Okay, we maybe shouldn't cancel this show" but still, a poll doesn't mean much.
  23. Finished the novel...I would recommend it for anyone that wants just a little more knowledge before seeing the movie in 20 days. Now I gotta find something else to do...only took me 4 days to read thru it, that's a record for me.
  24. From my understanding, you can't get swine flu unless you somehow physically touch someone or around someone who's already sick with the virus. All it really is is just another flu strain and by catching it and realizing you have it, you can take the necessary steps on getting yourself help. The reason so many people have died from this is for a number of reasons, ignoring it, or not being able to get aid from hospitals. It's just a really bad flu virus and it'll go away. Personally, the reasons why this is such a "pandemic" is purely political and racial to me. But your chances of getting it from a fin toy box is like saying "Omigod! I can't go get tacobell cause I'll come incontact with a mexican! And that's where it all started! AHHHH!!!!"
  25. Yeah I'm liking the book so far. I'm well over half way done with it which has seemed to of shocked a few of the guys I work with that 1) I read books and not just comics, and 2) I'd be so far into a 300+ page novel in 2 and a half days. So yeah I'm enjoying the book and it's gotten a lot of my attention. I read it when I got nothing going on (which is often) and at lunch. I'm at Chapter 12 now and was kind of surprised how lucky Kyle really was with the T-600.
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