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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. While trash in movie form, the books are generally a lot better and fill in the big gaps that you could drive a dozen constructicon copies thru. I never did finish the first book but it had explained a lot of what we had missing in the first movie, such as whatever happened to barricade for one. Generally these big blockbuster sci/fis have a prequel novel that ties into the movie...like Terminator Salvation (book form had a different ending by the way) had a book called Rise from the Ashes and then Transformers ROTF had a prequel book that took place between 1 and 2, then just a few weeks before the movie came out they had the novel version. I might pick up the novel on sunday to check it out.
  2. THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE!!!! That's all I can really think from that.
  3. Huh 0_o I need to buy that.
  4. Hmmm that sample from Starship troopers seemed fake.....I really don't recall that being in there, I'll wanna see the whole movie on DVD or something to clarify. The amount of time between ST and M0 is almost a decade apart...that'd be one hell of a stale rip off.
  5. Which.....really was about it but I gotta give credit when credit is due for that.
  6. Already voted for the most important, no bay, and no screen writers. I wish there was "NO MORE DICK, PISS, AND FART JOKES OR HUMPING!" I don't car eif people wanna escape with explosions and actions I want a story that I can embrace with it. It's not hard to make a giant robot storyline for f sakes. Ya know what? Thinking about it, RoTF made me wanna watch G Savior, YEAH WHAT?! I said it! Made me wanna watch G Savior!
  7. Scripts always going thru the rewrites but Yeah che did finish a pretty awesome script and I got all the mains to finish but now we're awaiting redoes for the cuts that didn't really make it. After that's done I'll start looking for extras.
  8. Wow, well, I shat myself, can't get any worse than that.
  9. Agreed........this movie was just crap tastic....I wont be buying this on DVD unless it's in the 1 dollar bin at a dollar store.
  10. Pisses me off that a known child molester gets more screen time on the news then a sex symbol even at 62.
  11. Well, to satisfy the demand, I have put up brand new links via youtube of the DVD version in a higher quality than the previous youtube version which includes.........SUBTITLES!
  12. I'm actually in love with the Shout! box set. For once I'm not listening to crappy ass sfx's and horrible audio transfrers using whatever they could find they said....well, obviously not if Shout! got it right.
  13. I got the DVD on order should arrive tomorrow, hoping for good things for the new G1 box set. I hear it's pretty good.
  14. Also some people were taking bits and pieces of my work from the main downloads and posting them on youtube even though I bluntly state "Don't post these videos, or claim them as your own without my permission" and yet it still happened. I'll probably even be taking down some of the other stuff pretty soon from the mains like DYRL and stuff on veoh.
  15. Well you guys, to signify the end, I have deleted the youtube account, gotten my Voice Acting Alliance account down to nothing not even contact information, and deleted all my stuff cept SFX's for future use. I am officially done.
  16. Good riddens to a bad show...I knew it was gonna blow when I saw the pilot. I don't wanna see another knight rider again.
  17. awesome possum yo. Dammit I wish i could play with that VF-25 of yours XD
  18. Lemme know what you need, I got authentic Macross SFX's t hat I've collected for the last several years. Ranging from SDF-Frontier. Hell if you got a movie I'll whip it out for ya like in no time.
  19. There's a scene where you see a guy spend about 2 minutes folding a piece of paper, maybe 3 or so times. There are maybe 4 characters or more that are a complete waste of time and animation and yet they even received lines. You wouldn't of even known these characters are "Teens" as they put it without it brought up a few times and never really explained until 3/4ths thru the film. You don't even really have a clear understanding on who the enemy is or why there is even a war going on, you just know there is. The enemy has an ace pilot, you see him maybe 4 times for 30 seconds each, but all you see is his plane, you don't know ANYTHING about him or why he's even really appearing...well you know why but it's discussed for like 10 minutes and it's garbage dialogue. There's even a segment where 3 characters go fin bowling.......BOWLING!!! And they stand there for a good while and wait for their balls to return to them.......WASTE. There are a lot of moments where they speak english so I found it useless to even put on the dub track. And again, the animation of the characters and most of the environment around them is 2D while the planes are VERY well drawn out in 3D and "life like"...sort of what I had issues with on Macross Zero. The CG is very good, but doesn't mesh too well with the 2D. However didn't have that problem from Frontier cause while it was CG'ed it was cel shaded. Again, boring animation, boring and almost non existent plot, characters are not driven to do squat but waste your time. I could pretty much sum up all the bull crap in the 2 hours i wasted in 30 seconds but I wont even bother.
  20. I'll be honest, the art didn't mesh with crap, and the movie was boring as sin. I wouldn't even bother recommending it for a storyline that went NO WHERE until the end.
  21. And sadly he'll probably never know.
  22. Wow thinking about it, I would sooooooooooooooo fix those boobs, we're not doing Robotech here
  23. Yeah, I filled the cup man, that's just fin awesome.
  24. Wow, that's just so wrong for a movie but atleast in some way it's original, horrible, but original. Now we know for nearly a fact that giant squid exist deep deep DEEP in the oceans, dunno about octopus though. And I remember there's been debate for sometime that Megalodon's still exist but possibly in very small numbers and are very deep underwater which isn't very natural for them seeing how much food they need to consume to stay alive.
  25. Awesome cept the last video XD sucks for them, but it was cute. I'll have to show my girl those.
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