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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. Ugh I so want one...maybe next month! Yes! I shall try next month to get one unless I go get Luca.
  2. ugh that's pretty close to what I wanted for my birthday last week.....next year......next year.
  3. I now have my second DX, I got a pretty much mint Alto and I do like how he looks. I'm sure with the packs he'd be pretty awesome but they were to spendy for me right now. I'll pick some up next month if I come across them online. Interesting about the new Ozma DX, the new neck piece you gotta pop on yourself I'm guessing.....that kind of sucks.
  4. K, gotta this..... totally ruined the ones for the ghosts....I'm better off just paying them and taking just the SMS ones if I can and slapping those on there. DAMMIT do I hate this! Now I gotta come up with a mix or just entirely repaint it.
  5. really belongs with the 1/72 model thread as it's already been discussed...infact I'm the one that brought it up. But yeah good deal for it so I'm glad I bought it when I did.
  6. If we did, it'll be something redesigned to fit the Robotech need and not be based off of Macross, it'll more than likely be a lazy piece of poo that could potentially be a rip off of some other anime. Why would they? Yamato has no rights to Robotech. It'll be Toyanmi that'll make the toy line and mark it up to 200 bucks a pop for something small, with quality issues. Harmony Gold, ADV and Toynami.
  7. a VF-171 and EX style would be pure win for cannon fodder love. I've got the left and right arms on Luca built and detailed, and his right leg. Joints are very stiff but I'm sure will loosen in time. Almost found the right mixture of pale green he has too for a lil added detail, but it was still just a bit too dark, just a hair. But I used it on the cockpit figure. Looks good now! If I'm lucky, I'll have him mostly built up by tomorrow night.
  8. HAH! My Luca kit came in. My old man tossed the box on my bed. I was kind of bummed cause I didn't hear the door knock and usually the post office makes me sign off. But they know me pretty well I guess so they left it on my door. Bummed about the decals on the ghosts hate that.
  9. Closest you'll get to 1/72 are the old Bandai kits, which have parts exchange design and they're not very good in my opinion. Other than that you're not gonna see anything "new" wise. And the 1/60's calling them "not good" or "Not interested" or anything to fans here is rather insulting as they're pretty good
  10. Correct, no super pack add on kits like Alto and Ozma While the model kits are better proportioned than the DX line, that's about it. The model kits have gap issues in transformation and lack any real fine detail in my opinion. They use a lot of stickers and need a good amount of paint applications to make them anime accurate. VF-27 is in the works, I also think there's a Quadelluun Rau Klan type on the way, along with a Red Vajra. There's nothing on the Quarter or Frontier...so my guess is do not hold you breath.
  11. I'm still waiting on my Luca kit. He's probably the only kit that'll be kept in fighter mode as really that's all we really ever see Luca flying as. I can only think of Episode I believe 13 where he actually used battroid just to get his ass handed to him in a doggie bag.
  12. I'm 95% done with the VF-25G....fighter mode is just shot in my opinion, so dissapointed how that cam eout. But the battroid looks awesome, very stiff and strong joints. Dying to put a super pack on him someday. Also, yeah the white doesn't look bad if you use Alto's hip bits in replacement over the ones that come with Micheals kit that are the wrong color. You're not gonna really know the difference in shade cause it looks good. You just wont be able to use those parts again on Alto if you decal with Micheal colors like I did.
  13. that should be interesting. Hopefully it'll be the nitty gritty dark sci/fi I've been craving for years.
  14. VF-25D? what's a VF-25D? 0_o I miss something? I thought there was RVF-25, G, F and S?
  15. So slowly building up my VF-25G, and I'm coming across some issues here. The shoulder parts seem to restrict the wings from coming down, and they seem to have some rather large gapping. I'm also noticing the back panel is rather saggy...anyone else having some rather odd issues with the Micheal type? I'm almost afraid to finish it.
  16. Likewise. I'd reply back to ya man but right now is not a good time. We're having a major heat wave in my area...so trying to kind of stay cool even if that means to avoid my home. I've been up for 25 hours as I could not sleep. We didn't dip into the 70's until 4AM, and just as i was about to fall asleep my door was slammed by my old man as it was time for his workout and he didn't want me to hear him blasting music across the hall, brilliant.
  17. Oh wow, yeah, that took me about 30 minutes to switch parts out to go Fighter mode.....that was a bit of a pain in the ass. Still, I like it.
  18. Oooohhhhh, I could do that couldn't I? That's a clever idea. But, then again, I'm gonna change it to a super pack at some point so it's no big deal.
  19. I got my Micheal VF-25G...wow I gotta paint those intake parts......dammit. I wonder if I got paint at all.
  20. I got my first 100, I don't got any complaints really, i was expecting it to be this way but for a 25 dollar price tag that was worth the buy. Now 50 bucks is pretty steep lol. But I like it, this thing is cute.
  21. I sent some emails today...hopefully get returns soon. Who the heck knows. After that it'll be along break so I can maybe script 3-5.
  22. In the works, need a few voice overs.
  24. I tried to release it lastnight, but youtube said, "NO!"
  25. Hm seeing that sneak peak trailer from Comic Con I'd say this could be an interesting movie...who knows? Kind of sucks that it's all CG using the same idea for Jeff Bridges as they did with Arnold for Salvation.
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