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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. Hey has anyone picked up any of the Halo 3 figures? .......I thought they looked cool but I'm noticing that twice now I've gotten a figure that's been assembled either poorly or incorrectly. My First EOD figure had his left wrist glued or something into his forearm and it snapped right off. Also that same arm had the socket joint broken so he couldn't bend at the elbow. I exchanged it, for another one today, and that was ALSO defective as his right buttcheek is placed wrong...they put his buttcheek infront and not behind so he's all weird looking....course stupid me for NOT noticing as I was more fixated on the first problems I had. Crrraaaaapppp!!! And they don't have anymore EOD's. I contacted the manufacture, and I'm sure I wont get anything from it. But I mean really? WTF ever happened to Quality Control?!
  2. Yeah I'd just buy a tribble from Star Trek and stick on the crazy eyes.
  3. everything seems fine to me. I hope everything turns out well, can't wait to see the dvd.
  4. Sadly my auditions site has gone down so I'm waiting for the VAA to get back online which should be any day now since it's been out the entire weekend. I might have a few people chosen for the project but not enough, not nearly enough, not even CLOSE.
  5. With Plus I think you could see things being topped in comparison to DYRL. IF I get a good voice cast. So far it's pretty dismal. I think I might be able to cast 3 characters at the most. Otherwise it's just going down the shitter. And I technically hadn't even mixed the movie as I don't want to mix something and let it sit in my hard drive for 3 years like I did with DYRL.
  6. Movie edition since it was never made.....which was LAME to not of been. And the dub was pretty decent, until the 4th episode.
  7. So is this gold investment or just painted gold? cause crap, 400 bucks can kiss my ass for a toy XD
  8. Yeah you're better off saving the money, getting the standard. And maybe some fan will be gracious enough to unlock the umd and share the contentsof the special edition. I did get mine pre-ordered, 58 bucks is a damn good deal.
  9. ................I just filled the cup. I STILL gotta preorder this damn thing!
  10. *smacks forehead* Plus was going to be a surprise release.......crap..... Uh, yeah I'm gonna work on them at the sametime. But seeing how I"m not getting enough auditions for Plus or even i nthe quality I'm looking for, Plus could be just cut out and not done. I'm waiting until the end of the month. Episode 2 is still in the pipe of being finished, it's just slow.
  11. There should be if they're doing the Kai, they should have at least the YF-19 make an appearance....mold wise yeah pretty different, but they're moving so damn slow with this production that I kind of feel like there wont be any of those really cool never been toy released valkyries out. I mean I'm particularly looking forward to the VF-4 and the VF-171.
  12. I need to check with Maria to see how her mic issue is coming along. Not too mention I have to buy a new mic myself as I tore the Mic wire out of the ear phone by accident....real retarded move by me for not cleaning my room more frequently. Sadly, not really in the line up of being able to recast characters I work with what I got : / sometimes I get lucky and can find someone to fill in and replace, but not recently.
  13. god.......why must I wait......WHY?! I guess I gotta save up now
  14. working on part 2 still, waiting on some more main VA's to get their stuff done so I can move onto extras. Boinger is getting a proper HD version up. I just gave him the Audio for it.
  15. I got high hopes for this, I really do. I didn't have much of an issue with the CG in Macross Frontier except for the lack there of. Frontier was more dialouge and character driven than a mecha-orgy fest of awesomeness. I think going this route in animation is just fine as it's worked for Gundam for a very long time, 2010 is still so far away but I at least have something to look forward to and this will SO be on my Blu-ray wants.
  16. Uh.........can't recall, but it'll work on games but from what I've understood, US PSP's will only play US UMD's...so you'd have to own a PSP from Japan to play the Japanese UMD's unless Bandai's smart on this......
  17. Cool, I can suck up a 6 part 50 minute OVA series, that's better than having 30 minutes, or 2 hours in 1 flick. Very nice, I'm down. The only thing that kind of bugs me is that while so many mecha influenced animes are going CG in their animations, Gundam still has not. Hmhmhm.
  18. Aw so the fate of the reboot was rejection huh? That's too damn bad...I really wanted to see this.
  19. Got a fellow VA gal friend of mine to do the Marine chick that kicks Shin's ass during his training. And I also got her to do lines for Frontier 2....woot. Just like, a lot more to go!
  20. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XYtDk5jTJS4 She-shaw! Teaser
  21. Short update, Episode 2 is closing in. The sound levels are WAY off balance and will have to be corrected before release. Kumada who played Roy in Episode 1 will not be in Episode 2 as it'll be Lionel who originally played him in Episode 1.0 and DYRL. For those of you who don't like that I'm pretty much just gonna tell you TS. Kumada has stepped down due to the fact he has enlisted into the national guard and no longer has the time to be playing any voice over roles for animations. However I'm sure he'll continue his radio drama roles that he's becoming known for. There are still plenty of extras that'll need to be filled in for crowds and fillers and I'm hoping to get that started at some givin point, like when the main cast is finished.
  22. I liked the flick.....what I would of liked more is if the theaters handed you a bucket of fried shrimp with some sauce and a coke as you watched.
  23. Well, I still got some time before I go and get an Ozma...maybe October or November....I'm gonna have fun with what I got right now as I'm now putting on the parts for my Super Alto and painting the SMS display stand. Oh well, be some time before I buy another DX.
  24. October 1st seems to be just a little on the "It could be on this day" like if they were to say the 31st. But works for me, bring it on, I'll preorder it soon.
  25. mhm......I want that tamishii armor.....yep yep badly.
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