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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. Wow lol we got fan art! Gotta say nice sketch.
  2. I'm gonna say good move on the owner. There are tons of people who will pay top dollar if the condition is good, even more just for those boxes like the appraiser said.
  3. Ugh I bought those two valkyries and NOW they're gonna come with packs? LAME! That makes me so mad for even putting out the effort for them.
  4. I bought a SD Unicorn kit back in April and I finally got around to building it when I had a rather nice idea: Buy florescent paint to brighten the colors of the pyscommu frame pieces and the eyes and V Fin. So I spent 23 dollars and I got a rather decent result. I need to hold the black light a little closer to get everything in show, but it'll all show up on the right angle.
  5. It's more of the line that humans are adaptable and tend to put up a fight when put under pressure. Look at the convict and how he tried under everything that happened? Or how creative the hero got at the final battle? Or all those boobytraps that got placed.
  6. Yaaaaaaaaaaaa.....................pretty boring flick and useless character fodder. Oh well.
  7. It has flying of UNSC Space craft in it too I believe.
  8. All I can really say is whatever they estimate on their damn shipping is double it. It said I'd pay around 23 and some change for EMS and I ended up almost paying 55! i was royally pissed off about that.
  9. well the pins are fine, but the bottoms are completely cracked and I've tried crazy glue and it didn't really work. Guess I can just try it again. Ya, I just need to buy a new one. Anyone wanna spot me 160?
  10. Ah crap.....he's dead....damn.
  11. I've inspired myself to beat ppl up with a large stick cause we've been working on this for so long and STILL in the building of it lol.
  12. Well after nearly 2 years of owning mine, my VF-1S Roy is close to hitting the crapper. I just noticed while cleaning him up has cracked plastic hinges on both arms at the bottom. However he hasn't bit the big one just yet. I'm currently trying to crazy glue those areas while not touching the rods. Good news is it's just the corners and not the entire hinge holding him together. I gotta check my Hikaru VF-1A but I'm sure the new Max I just bought will be ok.
  13. Sorry you guys, my account at youtube has been suspedned. Upon researching I found out that a subscriber named Rodney Carter has without my permission posted the film without credit to my production group, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aUBDp2kHDtg please let this man know he can not be doing things like this. I've had many emails on there for ppl asking if they could have a copy of the film, obviously this guy managed to copy the film and post it out on his account, but it's things like this that make me stop producing future films for you, the fans who follow my rules. So please email him, send him comments, let him know it isn't appropriate. Sure, what I did wasn't right in itself by copyright, but what I did was for the fans, but not for fans to distribute for themselves without proper credit.
  14. I've got one of the first issue VF-1J's, never had a single problem with it. And I've transformed it many of times. If it comes with armor parts and the figure for 20% off, it's a good deal. It's not like you're gonna play war with it or something.
  15. Okay you guys here's a question, cause no one has answered it for me so far. Been looking high and low, but I can't find movie color Strike/Super Parts. I probably wouldn't mind getting TV but I already got 2 sets on my movie version valks, I don't wanna switch color schemes honestly. Anyone got any places available? or willing to sell theirs?
  16. It's uncut in a way that it follows the manga. But that doesn't mean that things like blood, loss of limbs or cheap tricks weren't removed in some way. THERE ARE NO RANDOM FLOWERS COVER THE NAUGHTY BITS!
  17. Okay how about this one, any good Frontier DVD's with subs on them? The kind that are understandable? I've checked Ebay, seemed to of found 3 different types of covers. Found reviews to 1 of those which says the picture quality is rather medicore and the subbing isn't horrible, some spelling and grammar issues, along with missed timing. But still understandable. The other 2 I don't know anything about. So, just thought I'd research a bit.
  18. I heard my friend Cristina Vee was at the american release of the Haruhi movie and sang the opening song. Anyone there during the screening?
  19. Basically what it is is Toei and sponsors re-releasing the series without all the filler crap and making it truer to the manga. Typically anime is produced while the Manga is still being drawn, and animation companies and sponsors will add in "filler" to help lengthen a storyline in time for the next one to get done in manga form or whenever the author is done with the story in time to hand it off to the animation groups. I think a good example is that Rurouni Kenshin wasn't finished Manga wise by the time the animation finished with Shishio story and spun off into it's own universe away from the Manga. Another good example is bleach and D.Gray-man having a lot of filler cause they were catching up to the Manga's last issue frequently before the next volume could be released or more of the story could be developed. So basically, Kai is just a retelling without all the dripple. It's more action focused than it's previous style.
  20. I've got some of the toys, they're not bad at all. I've got the hall of armor deals or whatever. I got a mark VI and a mark IV for my girlfriend and I, and then I bought one of those odd little statue deals where you can move his arms and knees and take the face plate off....but whatever you do, DO NOT move the ankles....I broke one. One of them slightly bends, the other did not. So i had to buy some crazy glue to fix it. And then I fixed the eyes cause they were not the right color...they're painted red and t hey should honestly be white.
  21. Just got a HGUC Stark Jegan....I gotta do a lot of painting on this thing to make it look good. There's a lot of yellow to add to it but I got the first coating done. YAY
  22. Yeah heat shield fooled me too! First thing I did was take out the stuffing. But I do say, I like the thunderbolt toy, very simple to transform, and looks good as cannon fodder. Plus it helps my theme......white Valkyrie collection XD well I got some blues but white and black room with white Valks equals color coordination.
  23. Not entirely bad seeing how Prince Persia comes out sometime BEFORE Transformers. Not like we'll have a War of the Worlds Batman f up.
  24. Yep, got one on order, got a C variant from M7....gotta pile on the whitey collection lol
  25. I think I was at Sargent First Class when I stopped. I'd say the only thing I really liked was Slayers SvsE cause that's what I was looking for. Did not like generator. I got teamed with some a-holes that got in my way and they both died from rocket fire I shot to knock out a generator and they went and booted me. Retards.
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