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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. maybe, if I have more time on my hands.
  2. I like it, my guy is lookin good!
  3. hard to say, the mold was released in 2006, and I got one in 2008 after a long grueling battle over the over priced shipping issue from the seller. 5 minutes after opening it up and ready to transform it, shoulder disintegrates and the laser turret snapped off. sad sad day as a collector. It truly turned me off from the series.
  4. I keep playing with this idea, but I really want to redo the audio for DYRL.....the more I watch this the more it's not to my liking. And I mean everything cept 80% of the voice over track and 100% of the music. I just wanna redo the sfx's REALLY badly.
  5. lol you're a tease che you really are. You say get ready and there's nothing, NOTHING!!
  6. twitch twitch, I want to.......mix....this!
  7. Yeah and now with the quake who knows if it'll be six months or longer! Hopefully that will have no profound impact though, cept a few of my favorite TV shows are on hold until the time being. I did enjoy the episode, although I can see how this'll develop but I really shouldn't speculate since I never read the novel.
  8. picked up a 1/144 HG ReZEL or w hatever, can't remember the name. man it needs some good touching up but some of my paint is in bad shape so I'm doing what I can to revitalize my bottles and add in detail. I should be able to begin assembling it tonight after it all dries. Should be fun! Hadn't built a kit in nearly a year now.
  9. Oh no, I hadn't even bothered with it at this moment. Seeing how it's the only episode that was ever finished.......I still wanna do the other episodes but I need a real computer not a laptop, with some real video editing software. I'm in talks with a coworker who does lil dealership commericals and advertisement designs for work to give me a copy of sony vegas. I got trial versions of Vegas Pro 10 and Adobe Primiere CS5, but no CD keys to activate them.
  10. That was a good episode, this'll give the mech nerds a hard on for sure.
  11. That's who I thought it mighty of been. I don't think he ever really apologized, I think he just gave a quick sorry and took it off after ppl spammed him. I dunno why people do that when I clearly put on my end credits and summeries "DO NOT SALE, RENT OR REPOST AS YOUR OWN!" etc etc. And I try to check as often as possible under likely tags to be sure that only my name is on it.
  12. That name sounds familiar, refresh my memory on that one?
  13. If you ever need help with sound effects placement lemme know, A lot of these guys know I'm very good at my work and I have a lot of classic and modern like sounds that'll work with Valkyries.
  14. Yes, I am glad as well, so ppl better resubscribe so I can get those 200 back! lol I'm also looking for people who can help with song writing so I can get Flashback 2012 done...I've got great audio in Kareoke with sound effects already done thanks to boinger. And I'll be assembling old voice cast if I need too for scenes or fragments that weren't in the movie. I know I'll have to do some lines that are TV based as Hikaru, but not many.
  15. great news! Dark Heroes is back up and running after several months of isolation. DYRL is back up, Zero to follow in a week. http://www.youtube.com/user/DarkHeroesEnter?feature=mhum#p/u
  16. seems pretty promising. I've sadly lost my only copy of the 2.0 version of Episode 1, it's sad when you spend so much time on something and end up losing it do to an accidental rename when rendering another type of movie : / sigh.
  17. Outta curiousity anything ever come about with the 2.0 Audio I gave you on Zero 1 and a blu-ray encode?
  18. I gotta say I got one of the toughest parts lol waiting. No footage = sad James with his thumb up his butt thinking he's an oscar myer weiner. But you didn't hear that from me. I do gota say I can't come up with squat for anything fun until i get a new PC monitor so I can see what I'm doing as I never imported my sound files into my External HD. Oops... As for the competitor, I'm not worried, it's Robotech. What Che's trying to do is bring in a new style to Macross that even Frontier didn't achieve. What that style is, you'll just have to wait and see.
  19. FINALLY got to see it. It was good, but they always seem to have slow patches here and there but i think it's story developement if anything. But I still got to question could that be Char? or is he a clone? Or just some copy cat? Was it ever revealed who Full Frontal was in the novels?
  20. yeah the 14 minute preview does pump you up for the episode, problem is not being able to see the damn thing lol. Ugh I wish I had the money to stream it I really do.
  21. Yeah just found it, strange it took so long to show up on the PS Store. Ugh wish I had the money I'm 3 dollars short of renting it.
  22. So......it's the 30th, where the F is Gundam Unicorn for the PS Store?
  23. I watched it lastnight. I liked it just for those few minutes of Arnold in it were the best hilarity in the whole movie. But this really was a mindless shoot 'em up action film. Which was what I would figure having action stars left and right.
  24. Hey guys, I got a personal request here. I've gotten a lot of messages from fans of my DYRL dub who have heard Cristina Vee sing as Lynn Minmay wanting me to do Flashback 2012 in English, but they wanna hear Cristina sing the songs. They really enjoyed the version I wrote up as a bonus feature, but when I look around the net I don't see much for translated lyrics of Minmay songs. So does anyone have sources for the songs that appear in Flashback that are english translated? It would help me out a bunch and I think Cristina really wants to give it a shot. Out of Do You Remember Love I only have Zero G love completed. So two down, dozen to go?
  25. Yep, Johnny Ridden... Autumn 2010 huh? Hm....looks like they're breaking their 6 months rule as the 2nd episode should start in September but I think they're more pushing for October.
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