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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. SO here's what I'm gonna do, take a screen cap, with a little audio on it, with a link to the episodes, that should do it. Bandai can't do ANYTHING about me posting that.
  2. I got the email today, so I went to my bank, deactivated my bank card and got a new one issued which will take 7 days to get soooooooooooo thank god I live close to work! Food though, kinda screwed. Looks like banks have received the notice that there will be customers coming in for new accounts or debit/credit cards. I even heard a teller go "crap, I gotta get a reissue cause of my kids on the playstation network!"
  3. Yaaaaaaaa.......I'm gonna look up other clips and see how they got their crap tagged and go from there. Goodness is I got an encode of DYRL that works from the HD raw I ued last time. I'm gonna start going over it this weekend and work on the new audio track. If anyone wants to help out with the minor roles of Voice overs (You gotta have a good mic and wanna act like you wanna be a zentraedi) then lemme know. I'm strongly encouraging the lady types as well...need those. Will also get a new Claudia VA if I get the chance (got someone in mind) but this'll mainly be for extras. I hope to have enough so that every extra in the film is a different voice over. I've even gone through my SFX files for all Macross items and started organizing them. Soon I'll have them divided by groups, Explosions, Impacts, Valkyrie, Zentraedi, Gunshots, Missiles, mechanical etc. But first, it's the audio, then I'll start assembling the new voice track with better quality to it.
  4. Well that explains why it's been so buggy on me....oh well that's fine I hardly even use the PSN other than to get on netflix and surprisingly I still can!
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eoOCm_Dr3DA&feature=channel_video_title this'll do for now...........for now Oh bandai.....you suck, you just suck lol
  6. The laptop and the extra 750protable HDD has been great to have around. and I've cleaned my work station so I can just connect my speakers to this puppy to get better sound quality. I'm also thinking of maybe connecting my laptop up to the big screen and my new home theater system that's coming in next week and do some mixing there. At least it'll help in keeping my levels balanced. That should be pretty sweet right? With any luck in the summer time or shortly there after I'll have a more powerful PC and start doing some blu ray. I'm sure fans would love to see a Blu-ray cut of my work when it's perfected. Right now I'm going through my DVD-R's where the master files were stored, sending them to the HDD for safe keeping. Then I'm going to go through some of these files, create a trailer or two of some of these productions then send them out to other stream sites for downloading.
  7. Thanks for bringing that up, he's got 2 episodes, 1 the DYRL music video, the other is the entire 1hr55min movie in audio format...not to happy about that. I may have to email the guy later when i got more time as he NEVER asked permission by me to use that audio. as for Bandai/Toei it was through Youtube, I messaged bandai and Toei but I never got any responses out of them.
  8. I've been attacked by Bandai and Toei several times over the years with the fan dubs some of you know I produce. mainly to A) show interest in the community that fans would like a proper english variation, B) show off talents of myself, and the actors, and C) because it's a fun little hobby that really doesn't do any damage. I offer these videos for streaming only as I've had my videos stolen before in the past and presented as bootlegs from other countries as an official english production sold over ebay and international dvd retailers (RedSunDVD.com for ie) which upon evidence to those places have discontinued selling those said DVD's. Fans over the years of Youtube's coronation of being the best online stream site available have posted clips of their favorite shows in their original aired version, and in AMV's....a small percentage of these videos rarely ever get knocked for Copyright Infringements...infact several of my works had stayed up longer than others. What gets to me is that some videos people post are down right horrible and dishonorable to the fan community of said video, while others are very talented and amazing to watch over and over again...sometimes those type of videos are what get C&D'ed and go buh-bye. Not long ago, youtube started offering money to popular videos which hit a 20K view hit if you signed your video up after recieving notification from them. Each time I got an email from them I had the option to opt out and every time I would. I did not wish to make any kind of profit in any form for my videos as that to me didn't feel right to myself, the cast who helped and studios. I've just about given up as Bandai makes it increasingly difficult for me to show off my work to fans or to even land a job I'd like to have some day which is to work in the ADR field. Way to go Bandai, instead of offering me a job, you stomp me and cast in the balls.
  9. Bandai got into a fight with me early April, and I lost. All the Macross items on DHE were taken down so I just shut down the account. I'm pretty bummed out but I think I known of a way to bypass all of this so tell me what some of you guys think of this idea. It's a big project and it'll take time...but I'm gonna see if I can create small clips or possibly trailers for these dubs, and hopefully they'll contain link information to go to another stream location for the entire video or a place on downloading it. However, I want to add in water marks to these videos so people don't go stealing them like last time...so Jasonc now has my address and hopefully I'll get the software I need to put in those files. Because of my promotion, I've had very little time to sit down and start working on any projects, you could even say I've been intimidated a bit because bandai keeps taking down the videos on youtube. I'm also trying to save up some money so I can purchase a new more powerful computer, and got one in mind...it's a grand for JUST the desktop, no monitor or anything, just the basics. But by god at 8gigs of ram with max of 16, and 1.5TB HDD and Bluray/DVD Combo with the ability to burn my own bluray discs I gotta have it.
  10. Boinger's Macross Share site is the closest to the HD Remaster with subs you'll get, he even used it for my dub project. You'll have to go look him up over at the Fan Works area of the forums to find the film.
  11. Well having Nimoy in there has garunteed my wallet for raping on the ticket prices....ugh damn you Nimoy.
  12. Well I notice is Rafe's face vanishing at the same turn point. Looks great though, always nice to see how these look when all the detail is put in, and this is gettin pretty close to the finishing point.
  13. Tsk, well, you can tell this is aimed for the younger audience, we're just to out dated. still, I'll watch it as long as it doesn't feel as hokey as what the old school series pulled off 20+ years later. I bought a volume for nostalgia and when I started watching it I face palmed myself so much I left marks. Either case, if I ever found the Voltron toys from Toynami, I'd probably buy 'em...hopefully not face palm that too.
  14. at least we know what you like to do while you pep, you like some clone wars yo Either case good effort, you could probably get away with a light blue tinted motorcycle helmet and a little drilling. But I see a lot of sanding and smoothing on this helmet, a lot of it. You did good though, if you could do it then i should be able to nail this puppy as well soon. Ugh, I wish I could stay home on my vacation versus going all the way to see some family...I wont have anything to do but I can't work on this : /
  15. Exactly, the helmets looking good for a first attempt of it...I always felt like you learn a lot from the mistakes you make on the first peps...I had an ODST that took 3 attempts to get right...first was a scale issue, second were some vent pieces I didn't cut right and third which was the keeper until the failed fiberglassing which only issue was on the top end didn't mesh right but was good enough. but the fiberglassing, ugh what a pain!
  16. Spartan peps turned out good. I've done 2 Masterchiefs at Normal detail, and I had one HD style that was 80% complete until I moved and it didn't survive the trip. After that happened I worked on the noble six variant and I finished that one which turned out very nice, and did a couple more body parts but lost interest. I had 1 ironman helmet completed but didn't like how that turned out so it got junked. Before calling it quits for a while I had another ironman helmet that was in HD in progress, but some of the parts needed multiple fold angles, one side needed like two or three on the flaps. The over lapping is going to be a problem...I thought I could just mirror the twin parts that did come out right and trace them so they'll be pretty close, but nope that didn't work out. It's usually not recommended to try and "fix" the parts t hat didn't print out as it'll screw with your measurements. Also, scaling is a bitch, I never like it, but that helmet should be fairly correct for a normal size head, even the 1:1 collector helmets from Yamato were reported being a lil small themselves. But as a tip if you're a first timer it's best to do the Edge ID's to line up parts right....I don't care to much about the detail if it's gonna get resined, bondo and molded into a good looking helmet.
  17. So I downloaded the files, but discovering some of those pieces don't fit on page because Pep Designer requires a passcode in order to edit the pieces...thus I'm kind of screwed on some of these pieces : /
  18. Yep, board member there myself but I don't go there to often these days due to lack of time. I was doing some great pep work on an Ironman MKVI helmet, and I've completed a Nobel Six pep build and a MKVI helmet. I did some looking around and I did find the Macross helmets, very cool, I got a lot of reference material for them too on making them since I got the big ol Hikaru doll, and the lil mini figures. I also have got a ebay site saved on the classic flight suits but they're missing gloves and the thrust pack. Still, this is a challenge to build, I will give it a shot.
  19. There a pep file? I do this stuff as well, got a few halo helmets pepped but never went any further due to weather and time restraints.
  20. okidoki Jason, I'll take ya up on your offer when I get back from Montana after the start of April. Wont be in any shape to do mixing and installing stuff in my PC for a while.
  21. As long as it's usable I'll take it. Dunno much about CS2 though, but if I can do awesome work with it I'm hip on it.
  22. lol dunno if anyone saw a comment posted on part 1 of DYRL, "You replaced the original sound with your crap voice over." I love those kind of comments for a good laugh cause they got no clue what it takes, but still, gotta erase crap like that....even when they only watch 1 part and only did it for maybe 2 minutes of viewing.
  23. Zero is now back up!
  24. The problem behind that is that I'm working off the DVD/Bluray of the film and it's audio, there's no real way for me to create a seperate track that's pure music and audio without the voice overs. AnimEigo though did the best thing for a person like me and that was to include a feature to do that in the DVDs. Which is why if you go onto my Hikuro2pnt0 account on youtube you can hear flawless original audio in the clips. What I have to do to make it as Macross-esque as possible is to go through each dvd of the TV series and use that feature then find anything with zero music sequence and try my best to rip it. It's not easy at all, very time consuming. Another thing I've been able to do has been taking some of the PS1 and PS2 video games, and find the audio files of those and rip them into WAV format. I've successfully ripped audio from VFX-2, Plus, DYRL PS1, and Macross PS2 and let me tell you, it's I think over 1,000 files and they're broken up. Some of them require to be reassembled into a full sound effect, but they're useable. I might still have a seperate music score, that's just about perfect except maybe 1 or 2 tracks which can be easily found. I made sure to carefully time my music score to almost be identical to that of the original film. Something else to consider is that I want to get back on track with Zero and Plus. If anything Plus has amazing potential for a movie version and I think would be a phenomenal achievement. But the voice crew just fell into the cracks along with my PC crashing.
  25. maybe, if I have more time on my hands.
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