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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. Exactly that, it's a kids show. We're not kids anymore, and a lot of kids in this generation would probably understand how the mechanics of this show works in comparison to us. I think the fact that the show uses characters from our era is to draw us older viewers who probably have kids into watching this with our kids. Of course we'll probably go more in the route "Back in my day we didn't have rap! It was techno and we liked it!" Animation stinks, yes, opening music sucks, yes, but to our kids, they'd probably like it. Right now we've seen 4 episodes, and those 4 episodes thus far have just started to get the ball rolling so I'd say give it time it'll go in 1 of 2 directions: 1) Show gets a second season, or 2) Show gets canceled.
  2. it's obvious this is more aimed towards children what do you expect? The opening is atrocious and story predictable....but that's kids show for you!
  3. I'm digging 3D in theaters despite the large amount of money it takes to go, but I'm having a hard time in ever wanting to buy a 3D television, bluray enabled 3D and then 3D glasses!
  4. Ugh, things have been real damn hectic lately I haven't touched the remaster project in the slightest. I need too though!
  5. Well I'll pass judgement in the fall, but I'm already feeling like I'm watching a seed rehash in animation of the mobile suits, but with character designs almost fitting of a retro styling meeting digimon. But guess just have to wait and see. If we have 3 generations of main characters, either we'll see a long season or very short stories. Or they'll pull like a KR Kiva thing, back and forth through the previous generations and future.
  6. Yeah but see the fan film you're doing has a lot of originality to it, just using the Macross universe.
  7. It's funny how the version this guy posted and the version I posted were actually different ie, subs were timed fine on my release while his were not. Doesn't ruin the film at all where as this one is distracting. I did get a reply from him he was rather dickish in his response. But ya know, he's not getting much for hits and I kind of wanna keep it that way. The new version when I DO finish it, will be vastly improved.
  8. I'm actually having a better time watching the older parts of the series then the newer stuff after the End of Time.
  9. So far I've bought 3 DOTM toys, bumblebee, Voyager Prime and Megatron. Bee I'm okay with, his car mode is nice to look at, and has some good color apps but needs improvement to be more accurate to the film (almost done with that!). Prime so far....well...I like him per say cause I never had a Voyager class. He seems very small though in comparison to the old ROTF LC class. But seeing how I wont be buying the Ultra class and there's no LC Megatron coming out (hmmmm) I decided to go with it. I don't really get the whole solar panel look on the hood, and roof top or the gun. But okay whatever it's not that big of a deal. Megatron though I have no issues with right now but he's still in his box.
  10. Alright so it's time to move onto the next big thing, which I'm holding fresh auditions to do the movie version of Macross Plus in english. Kind of shocked Manga never even did that one, be it budget restraints or whatever, it just really surprised me. the script is completed, few edits here and there and I'm now holding auditions. So if you guys the fans who helped me along on DYRL, wanna give it a shot, http://voiceactingalliance.com/board/showthread.php?65714-Macross-plus-movie-project&p=1088449#post1088449 you can go there to get all the information. Courtesy of the Macross Compendium for all the information and bios.
  11. Which is why i've asked nicely for him to take it down. If he apologizes and gives proper credit where it's due, I might let him keep it up. I have no intention of bringing that film back up on youtube.
  12. Thanks jason got it. My buddy Chris (Who was max in this dub) brought up that Robotechpodcaster guy to my attention who has taken the audio of the film into his podcasts and has also posted the Boinger Fan Edit edition on his youtube page. While it's hits have been low he never asked for my or Boinger's permission to post the film. So I sent him a polite email pretty much telling him he needs to take it down. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BiZ6OJMOUoI&feature=channel_video_title he's been notified to have a week to take it down before I post up violation clauses on youtube for it. I don't like being a dick, but I also don't like it when my stuff is stolen, not given credit and others giving kudos over that. It irritates me.
  13. I'll stick with my MP1.
  14. Yep. Been using Netflix since the crash, it'll eventually give up asking you to log in after you back out from logging in a few times. it'll pop up once in a while when you're inactive...but It works just fine.
  15. personally I'm just not interested in watching a series of nearly 3 hour movies a pop made back in 77-2005. They were never intended to go HD and last time I bought a fairly old film on Bluray I felt let down, the quality just wasn't as high as I had expected it to be. Maybe Episodes 1-3 will pull it off, but 4-6 will I think let me down. But I already got the 6 episodes, I'm content with that.
  16. Gotta agree, it was tough for me as at first I had pre-ordered Rodi for the 200 dollar price tag. But when early reports showed the issues with the legs, back, those goggles etc...I just gave him up and hoped the Hasbro version would be fixed. Who knows, maybe it will maybe it wont, but I'm not hoping for much. I'll wait until October after the 2nd issue is out and see what's been addressed. Maybe it'll become a christmas present from the girlfriend.
  17. passing up on ultimate prime, never been big for those kind of gimmicks and I'm not a fan of the mold. To me the ROTF LC version was just awesome despite a little bit of articulation problem with the arms caused by the swords it was still a fantastic piece. There's actually a lot on this toy line I'm passing up on and that's rather sad for me too, means I wont be blowing much towards Hasbro this summer.
  18. According to my girlfriend which I'm throwing this with a grain of salt, a classmate of hers has been bragging how he helped Annon with the hacking of the PSN and was discussing how simple it was to do it. she smacked him over the head either way and told him thanks to him and his efforts I had to change my bank account around which hurts her as well.
  19. Gotta say if Jehuty is about the same size as Ironman figure then that's fairly decent. I've got a Hotrod Revie which made me feel so devastated buying that 3 years ago. At least sizes have increased for the price. Would I continue buying these? Mmmmm....I dunno certain figures sure.
  20. They hadn't yet? .....Hm.
  21. Well dunno how your progress has been going but I did find something interesting about the scale of this helmet. The paper scaling on this is set at an A4 versus a letter size. However, unless the password was made available, even using A4 sheets of paper (which I wouldn't recommend) would be useless to print out I think. Of course, I don't have A4 sheets to test this theory, so I'm having to go and make corrections after print outs to the best of my ability. So far I've had to fix up 4 pages worth and I'm sure more to come.
  22. I had almost an hour and a half done of the background levels, that's 3/4ths of the films length right there if you tack on the credit timing. The rest of the films backgrounds are gonna get more complicated because so much goes on during the big battle in the end, still gonna be fun to play that one out. Once I finish that set there's another set (Cause I can only do 1 audio layer at a time)that'll finish the background levels and I can move onto the hard core sound effects. Which I wanna try to keep it organized but how do i wanna do that? One layer dedicated to explosions, another to Valkyries, another to Zentraedi and then City scape? That doesn't sound to bad!
  23. Now, the TFClub stuff is going to be purchasable right? If so I sorta cringe at the price tag it'll probably be at. But still a proper Deluxe moving to an Ultra class figure is just so damn enticing.
  24. I've begun the undertaking of the new DYRL audio...I'm about 47 minutes into the first set of audio which is just the background sounds which do help put in the mood (sure I've said that before!). I've got another set of that to do and I should be good on that level of audio. I'm using a little bit of a new and old of Macross effects. A mass majority of it comes from the PS2 game which has a high level of quality version the PS1 sounds. I'm using 2 layers of valkyrie cockpit sounds...one is the classic the other is the new variation which will help drown out any imperfections of the audio capture from the classic version, after all a lot of this stuff is looped and not looped to well. Areas I wasn't too happy with over all have already gotten an updated variation which sounds great so far. Once I hit the half way mark I'm gonna call it quits for the time being and start fresh after a long ass break. I might even dabble a bit for audio samples and I'll show them off to you guys when available.
  25. Indeed, but youtube gets the hits. However I did manage to successfully plug the first 2 episodes of Frontier onto Veoh...catch though is you might have to download the web player in order to watch the 31.5 minutes of Frontier goodness. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TQXbeE5_RXk Which thankfully in the last 2 hours, Bandai has not killed this! And I don't think they really could do that either. I might of won this battle.
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