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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. I've gathered up atleast 3 more voice actors to fill in for some extras. I've begun voice over tracks and did a little of the zentraedi and a good 12 minutes of the beginning with human characters. For Badolza I want to experiment and see if I can create something very similar for a voice effect matching the Japanese. I've noticed a few things I need to add sound effects wise which will be done during the final draft, already noted. When the audio is done I'll need a lot of work on the video....subtitles, credits, watermarks etc. Things that are out of my league at this time.
  2. http://youtu.be/V99qdc-1YYc
  3. Less felt more for this, it seemed to fit better. I didn't really use any "new age" sounds in this film, a few here and there but I don't think anyone is going to mind. It wont be like a total switch up like it was after the first hour of the film in the original version I did. I experienced something weird though when I was doing some corrections to the background audio, it was like some sound effects got deleted...things that should not of been. It was very odd. So I added them back into the Sound Effects tracks versus the background audio. I'll see if anything weird happens. All that's left is a few corrections in the tones of some sounds, just a few so no worries....then I'll either work on the vocal track to balance things out THEN the music, or music next THEN vocals.
  4. It wasn't a bad movie, it was your typical summer marvel comic movie adventure and nothing more. I can see how the 3D could be distracting as even 2D tended to be that way from time to time. The Avengers trailer at the end was good though!
  5. Great gatherings of new sounds and a lot of learning on how the sound mixers did episodes. My peeve in mixing is I add a lot for detail where I really don't need too as I re-watch these episodes without the voice overs. So I'm cutting some added bits I did to the movie or made things to details.
  6. Oh man I made a HUGE plunder that I discovered 2 nights ago. So it's gonna set me back a ways cause I don't have a lot of time to work on it and fix it seeing how I'm short handed at work again. But while that's going on I'm taking every episode of Macross and I'm ripping it so I can go through and see what I can use for additional sound effects. I already found more bridge sounds, but what I need are more Zentraedi and combat sounds. I found a few I can probably try and use. But I've ripped 11 episodes so far in the last 48 hours.
  7. No it'll be some ameaturish 2.0 audio. I don't have the abilities to do 5.1. I've also decided that the youtube version that'll be released upon completion will be a commentary only piece and slightly edited visually. This will make things difficult for someone to download straight off of the channel and piece together using the old 1.0 audio. not too mention the commentary will help keep the video on the channel unlike before where Bandai took it off for copy right infringement. They'll be less likely to do anything with this variation. The original unedited version will be very hard to get a hold of if I decide to release that.
  8. ok, all the background mumbo jumbo is done. So what I got left to do until it's completely done is edit some of the acoustic levels then I can move on to the rest of the movie.
  9. really? why is that? for Robotech, unless you're watching the remastered version that i think Manga Video put out is practically the same thing except music score change. Same thing with Plus, the only episode that was altered was Episode 4. Their audio tracks were practically the same thing. Oh right btw, big progress, practically done with the enviormental background stuff. So I'm doing an hour of rendering then I'll start looking at probably how I want to portion this out. I kind of want to keep things separated from Valkyries, Zentraedi, and flak sounds and explosions. That way things don't feel so compact and will help me finish things a lot faster as it wont eat up so much ram with all the audio files. I'd say the mix right now is 98% Macross authentic in some way.
  10. And yet we're getting the Colonial Marines game which will take place in the Sulanco AND Hadley's Hope on LV-426. Even the teaser trailer seemed to of suggested that there could of been some that had survived the Nuke blast. Let's not forget, Hadley's Hope lost contact weeks prior to Ripley and the Marines arriving. Who knows, maybe they would migrate into other parts of the planet and start their own colonies? I seemed to remember that the Xenomorphs tend to evolve into different states to eventual Queen proportions if needed.
  11. I'm kicking ass on this believe it or not! I'm doing the real time eating edits right now....lil sounds you're not gonna hear a lot of but are plentiful through the film. but I'll tell you what, the sound is molding really well, especially the big battle scenes in the beginning and end. They're gonna be A LOT better than the previous version.
  12. Well I'd say that'd be a good halloween flick to see if it comes late enough in the month.
  13. The Maketoys projects are looking great, I do like the nice touch of a G1 accurate Devestator, but I'm also looking forward to TFC's variation as well. Namely because TFC's figures are just about the same size as DOTM voyager class toys while Maketoys will be about Deluxe class. On a seperate note though, their prototype of RTS's Optimus Prime trailer is just amazing and I hope it comes out before the holidays!
  14. Yaaaaaaaaaa, first movie was good, I remember seeing it in a sneak peak by a co worker inviting me over to his brother's theater really early in the morning the day it came out. Second movie, it started out awesome, but it just fell to pieces so quickly after that. I'd say, probably right around the time Megatron is revived is when the movie started going to hell in my opinion. And DOTM, I've seen twice, and while it wasn't as god awful as ROTF, it certainly paled in comparison to the first film in terms of quality....but this felt like more of a grown up transformers film compared to everything else. A lot less potty humor and a bit more serious. BTW, I'm super happy that Jason Statham rumor got shot down in about a week. That kind of made me jumpy. But Hasbro wouldn't approve of a super violent dark as hell movie for their Transformers label....I think this film is about as dark as we'll ever seen I think. Now for the 4th film....I dunno I just dunno what to expect.
  15. Looks great, I'd say that'll be a buy in the end!
  16. Huh Breetai looks like Arnold right there.
  17. Well here's what Don Murphey said on his forums recently towards the fans on his thoughts for the 4th film. "
  18. I think it's to early to tell what's going on, yes there will be a 4th movie according to Don Murphy, but everything is rumor mill only.
  19. still in the same place as the last 2 years, just with some few more models and I think completed concept character sketches.
  20. Yeah over probably 5 seconds worth of reused footage......eeeeeh could care less. It sort of helped the action.
  21. Tried it, she did not like it. She isn't bias on any older Transformers though, she's starting to enjoy G1 and is going to borrow Season 1. She thinks the Unicron Triology looks like crap so she agreed with me on passing, Beastwars seems tempting but she doesn't feel ready to tackle a poop slinging Optimus. I've tried Gundam, both old and new and she wouldn't get into it cause she's not into space, she somehow thinks space is stupid ......go figure She seems picky on her anime and her robots.
  22. She became a Transformer nut shortly after the first film came out. And when she started dating me last year and saw my collection of figures she instantly fell in love with me lol. however she's more into the movie verse which IS strange. her favorite characters are Starscream, Soundwave and Bumblebee in that particular order. Infact during christmas I got her the ROTF LC Starscream and I think it almost made her cry. In her opinion, the movie wasn't as good as she had hoped, it sort of left her numb and unable to stand a second helping which we had planned after buying cinemasks. She enjoyed Nimoys performance and felt Megatron was just a poorly done character who got no love. Between Megan and Rosie, Rosie took over my girls heart, felt she had better quality of acting and sex appeal than megan did. Between the 3 movies, her favorite is still the first film by a land slide.
  23. You'd figure with the "extra footage" for the IMAX release they'd be able to explain more of certain scenes. But I left my brain at the door and set my standards pretty low from ROTF and I gotta say I went out there finding my brain how somehow melted and my senses shot. My girlfriend however spent 20 minutes crying her eyes out during the big ol' shuttle sequence before chicago.......then cried a little more during chicago....thhhhhheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeennnnnnnn went "WTF?!" near the end. So I think she was more into it then I was.
  24. girlfriend was making a big fuss cause I wanted to watch Jem on the hub lol so I got suckered with her cuteness to watch season 7. It waaaaassss......eh....there were a few chuckles but I wasn't sold yet.
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