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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. So I'm nearly complete with my Macross Fandub, and I'm kind of wanting to do something different than completely ripping off the original DVD cover design and DVD itself. I'm wondering if anyone would like to try something, of course, you'd get credit and a free copy of the DVD as being apart of the staff. I have some ideas of what I'm looking for in terms of options and you're also welcome to suggest your own interpretations. The guide lines are simple if yet challenging: The art must reflect either a Mikimoto style of art, or something close to it.The image must be able to fit onto a DVD cover print out, and must include a Front, Back and Spine with the following summery inside; It is the year 2009,the human race is in the middle of a three-way war with a race of giant humanoid aliens the males called Zentraedi and the females, Meltrandi . After executing a space fold that sent it and part of South Atalia Island to the edge of the Solar System, the Macross with it's 74,000 refugees make their way back to Earth. During a small skirmish with Zentraedi forces, young pilot Ichijo Hikaru rescues idol singer Lynn Minmay and their relationship develops as they're stranded somewhere within the ship. But shortly after returning to Macross City, Minmay is captured by the Zentraedi, and Hikaru and female officer Misa Hayase end up back on Earth - only to view the aftermath of the destruction of their civilization. Only a song discovered eons ago along with Minmay's voice can determine the outcome of the war. From creator Shoji Kawamori of Sousei no Aquarion, and Macross Frontier, with English Adaptation by Dark Heroes Entertainment; Macross, Do You Remember Love? Well if anyone is interested, gimme a PM.
  2. Ya know, kind of thinking about it, but wondering if anyone would like to do the "DVD Cover" it'd have to be something fairly close to Mikimotos style though. Anyone interested?
  3. could be a while. I'm going over my rough cut looking things over going "Hm, wonder why that went missing?". I'm only 21 minutes into the film and found 6 things I'm not too proud of that'll involve going back a bit or just adding on as I go. Not too mention, I can't seem to remember where I put my Flashback 2012 CD....I better find it quick!
  4. Looks and sounds great. Still got stuff left on it but it's getting there. I mean it's really getting there nicely.
  5. I think all the lines are in, sfx audio is 100% complete, Human Audio is undergoing tweeking, and I still need another edition of Zentraedi vocals to play with. Then I need to work on the theme song for the battle, and credits blah blah. I got until 10PM before I call it a night so we'll see how much I do.
  6. Human audio is nearly 95% complete. Zentraedi levels are about 75% complete. Footage is 90% complete, SFX's are 90% complete. No rough cut sadly, makes me sad. that was my goal this weekend. Might still accomplish it but it's getting pretty late.
  7. Human Audio is just waiting on Claudia for final and then a few last inserts i couldn't get in on the 2nd layer. Then I have to edit the effects, and check the volume levels. Following that I need to wait on 2 female voices, work on Badolza cause it feels to slow, but I don't think it'll need that much adjusting. Then finish off the Zentraedi and Meltrandi levels. Once voice audio is mixed in to 100%, I'll finish the SFX's track cause there's still a few pieces I wanna finish. Then I'll merge it all together with the video footage that's been edited for rough cut and give it a listen. If I'm lucky, I'll have the rough cut done by new years, then make final corrections and pump it out.
  8. CRAP! I'm having trouble finding Misa recordings for the big confessions scene near the end!!! Oh phew, found it. Knew I was missing something!
  9. Great accomplishment today. Did a large amount of voice work making one of the tracks nearly complete. Maybe 20 minutes left of footage. Right where Minmay and Misa and Hikaru have their moment in his room. Wow that sounded dirty.
  10. Well, if it's under 300, I'll pony up for it. but it better be a damn nice lookin toy.
  11. Footage wise nearly a wrap. Audio still got work to do. I know it won't be for download, those prevliages were abused horribly, so stream only in 2 fashions, slightly edited and commentary. The edited will be cut in certain areas that won't take away the story in theory. And the commentary will be hosted by Matt Clarke with me, melissa Johnson and Chris hackney.
  12. Subtitles are complete. I stuck to what's exactly in japanese text timing. So if it didn't have Japanese text I didn't sub it. Didn't see a point. The point was to try and eliminate as much of the distracting Japanese text as possible. Now I need too do end credits, once I have the remainers done.
  13. Well can't say how limited Avid studios is in comparison to Adobe. I think they're about close to equal just a slightly different set up on the user interface. There were some things my office mate could find on Avid that were similar to Adobe, but other things which he couldn't cause the location to use it is very different. but in essence a lot of the stuff you can do in Adobe seem pliable on Avid. Something that does irritate me is that I can't preview the window when I'm doing special titles. So when I'm doing subtitles it's a black screen with white text. Dunno how to fix that! It'll drive me nuts in other projects. But the subtitling is a slow as hell process and it's becoming old very fast. I'm still working on the subtitle timing and got to just about the halfway point of the movie when they fold back to earth. There wont be much left for subtitling after that. Top of my head, Badolza's explanation of Protoculture, Max and Miriya's battle, and the one line death of Laplamiz. Once those pieces are complete I'll start working on the ending credit piece. I'm thinking if the resolution size is the same, use Flashback 2012, edit the beginning of it which is pretty much the same as DYRL's ending, then go bit by bit and try to reproduce the credits in the animation. That or I'll just cut that whole segment out, put in the flashback version, then credits at the fade of the animation. Which is most likely the route I'll be going. It's very likely I'll finish the footage before I'm even 100% on the audio. I still got some quirks I need to fix, and I'm missing 3 VA's. 2 of them are where I work who are interested, the other is Daniel Colin's who plays Alma in Macross Aria.
  14. Avid Studio also has some kind of a microphone with sound system for about a hundred bucks. I don't think it does much other than recording and manipulation of the wave. Although it'd be tons better than what I'm currently using as a microphone. I also got this weird issue that developed last year which is why I use 2 computers to record now. But on my laptop if I play any movie on any format and record for syncing the quality of the audio downgrades to a hollow sound. Just can't figure out why!
  15. You may wanna ask Che back in the aria fourm, Vinnie was working on a VF-4 few years back. Don't remember how far it got but I think it was non transforming during the time.
  16. great news! Got Avid Studio so I can take my time to do good things to the film. woot! even came with a green screen.
  17. I'd rather wait when the Banshee gets MG'ed or something. I don't like the bright yellow at all. and I tried to get my girlfriend to buy a Bearguy as a cute thing to get into modeling. NOPE nothing to do here she says to me.
  18. Well at least know some things about this movie: 1) It IS a prequel to Alien by evidence of the Derelict ship. 2) This WILL have something to do with the space jokey. 3) We will PROBABLY find out who truly sent that distress signal, or warning. 4) This looks like it takes place back on LV426. Remember the Jokey's seat is empty, so it's obvious the creature was still alive. Which makes me wonder again, how long ago was this suppose to be set before Ripley and crew landed on LV426? Now Ridley said there will be no Alien, at least it's been said the Alien we've all come to know. So I wonder what exactly it is suppose to be replaced with cause I remember reading it's something along the lines of gonna make ya poop your pants.
  19. didn'th ave any problems hearing him in this trailer. Otherwise I do like this trailer.
  20. They're legit. There was a blurred version of the cover not long ago. People suspected the cylinders on the ground could of been alien eggs so now it's either decoration or something else. The sets despite the giant head seem to be very similar to the resin shapes of the aliens goo or of the derelict ship. Either case I'm excited to see this!
  21. I do!
  22. Wouldn't surprise me if they're going Out of Production. Sales for these have got to be horrible with people knowingly wanting to wait until all 6 episodes become available paying probably a lot less than 40 bucks an episode. Or just getting them on torrent. Bandai really likes to charge the crap out of you for their products.
  23. That's pretty much all I can really do. The outline of the texts does a pretty good job already of blocking it.
  24. Well it's a pretty painful transition doing the subtitles to this but it's working out well for the most part as long as I stick to the Japanese text on the movie. For now, and I'm pretty happy with this method, I'm using a size 28 Arial font which is Bold and has a black outline around the text. This blocks out about 80-90% of the Japanese text depending on the amount of dailouge being put down. I'm also inserting and ending .01 of a second before and after the original text to make sure it ends appropriately. So I'm really putting in some serious effort. If I can finish this before the 30 Day mark, and this all works out how I'd like it too, I might end up buying this software cause it's become pretty handy.
  25. Although I'm almost sure it'll happen next year for a release, but I bet it'll be cab only, no trailer. I got my Encore 20 constructicons today. Anyone else noticing some missing paint applications? Like the eyes/visor areas? My hook has like a partially painted yellow right eye but nothing ont he left eye. And when forming devastator his fists spin around loosely and mixmaster keeps popping out of the leg joints. It's super damn annoying!
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