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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. I dunno, looked like Mr Wong or something from the old AEUG leadership....hard to tell.
  2. Maybe they had a reissue back in 1997 with some changes? Was Voltron 3D back in that era? Not mine. It was one solid figure, you couldn't seperate the limbs to form the lion. Tried too once, broke green lion for it. My mom threw it in the trash soon after. Maaaaaannnn awesome bath times with that toy till it was to late.
  3. Hm actually that looks better than the last 2 movies combined with some kind of hot sauce for flavor.
  4. http://www.bigbadtoystore.com/bbts/product.aspx?product=TRM10013&mode=retail here it is, 140 dollars. Been thinking about it but I dunno anything about this set at all. My voltron when i was a kid was some diecast solid figure.
  5. So here's a question, I see th at Trendmasters I think it is, re-releasing the 1997 eidition of Voltron....so much chrome and diecast. Is it worth the bookoobucks or should I invest perhaps in the Matel edition?
  6. Well, still pretty early in but I'm not digging the series. Gokaiger to me just seems hard to beat for the time being.
  7. Well somewhere I f'ed up. I lost the main firing or action button on my hot key and now it's just blank. Doesn't matter which weapon I put on my character. Any suggestions on how to get that back? maybe I need to go to sickbay?
  8. Yeeeeeeep........been busy. Work is getting the bests of me and I'm finding my time staying there in my office and playing with the new PC my boss got me. Sweet lil number with 16 gig ram 2 TB hard drive, kick ass graphic and video card and been learning how to use Adobe and making movies for the store and taking photos. Gotta say, any sort of big update on this movie has been put on the back burner.
  9. Just started playing it. It's not to bad, surprisingly easy to control. But man I got no clue how to do the whole money thing to buy stuff.
  10. Arnold needs a hair cut. And 12 less donuts. But that's me.
  11. They pretty much had no problem taking out the whole empire. Zip, Zero, Nadda.
  12. Avid took a nose dive on me last weekend. Uninstalled it and contemplating my next move. Vegas is a good investment IMO, but out of the budget for the time being.
  13. Oh..........that show is still on?
  14. Finally seeing the latest version it looks good. Once the DHE logo is up there it'll look awesome. It's a nitpick but it truly doesn't matter to me one way but the shot of minmay clip on the back cover is between frames as her hand moves downward. I don't think it'll be an issue though.
  15. It's a great start! I still need a spine and back though. It's pretty much free reign to however you want to do it. If you want to use clip art from other deals and photoshop them, or draw your own designs it's totally up to you. It's great to have a variety of designs to pick and choose from in my opinion. When I first did the DYRL project and had the remastered footage there was a folder labeled DVD art. When i looked at it I must of seen a dozen different covers that've been used from the VHS era to the current DVD designs we see in stores. My original design was the Macross in the background and Minmay on some stage circle, and then the spine and backing was a slightly altered version of the FX dvd cover I think. Also had to get rid of all the japanese context and replace it with english using very similar colors to the cover which was difficult. All in all it wasn't a horrible design but it certainly could of been better.
  16. Well looks good! Just gotta get rid of the dark horse logo lol
  17. This is actually the Dark Heroes Entertainment watermarking used in the DYRL film footage. I think somewhere I might have a really big one but it's been forever since I last checked so I don't know for sure. However this should easily suffice if you're an adobe wiz. So the cover I'm sure will look great, and I hope to see the DVD label being just as awesome too. Hopefully I'll find really good material to print this off of and make it nice and shinny.
  18. yes it would, which I'll be glad to give upon approval of the final appearance of the cover.
  19. Hikuro

    Music Covers?

    Yeah weeeeeeeellllllll I got you all beat with my work with Cristina Vee
  20. Hm, I like it for it's simplicity. But I dunno if I want to actually get this or not for the same reason. It's not like it's jam packed with awesome features and detail. It's however very show accurate in design and color in a 3D mold. I at least like the Lance figure. Big step up from the old styles.
  21. Dammit! You know I suddenly realized that about 10 years ago I created a fanfiction where there was a mars colonization and a rebelion and all that stuff. I should sue Bandai under the SOPA........oh wait it didn't pass nnnneeeevvvvveeeeerrrrrrmind. "season 2" was a good intro. I can see where there could be a movie taking place between 15 and 16 maybe?
  22. After a fun friday hanging out with the girlfriend and seeing DOTM bumblebee in person, we went home and had our movie night which was DYRL dub. She had a few bit parts in there so she was anxious to see how she turned out. First time I actually watched the movie from start to finish without pausing or having to take a break cause i've seen it so many times. Noted to myself a few things I'd want to change, but overall it was much more impressive than the first variant so long ago.
  23. I like the second option, but the synopsis color i think could be different in color or contrast it's very hard to read. But I like that variant much more than the first!
  24. No idea. So far decent. although the legs pop out of the knee ball joints very easily. This thing will require a lot of sanding to look and hold decent enough.
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