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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. I think it had more to do with Collin Ferral having to be Houser/Quaid which for some reason stuck with her as being Arnie instead. Plus, despite liking Transformers Bayverse, she's more into practical and inventive effects rather than CGI pull crap like myself when it comes to movies. It's a movie the two of us agreed is one we will pass on this summer.
  2. Girlfriend saw the trailer yesterday while he watched MIB3. She poked me asking why it was so familiar. I did my arnie voice and she snarked, looked at the screen and said "Oh god why?"
  3. Nostromos > Budget cut mining ship. Prometheus > Exploration ship. spare no expense. David 8 > Cry baby puppet. Ash > I'm gonna kill you, if it's any consolation, sorry.
  4. Well with fandango's 6 dollar ticket deal today I got tickets for the girlfriend and I to see it tomorrow evening. Best 12 bucks I'd ever spend this week I'm sure.
  5. Are you kidding me?! I gotta wait another 8 months?! FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. the animation will take a lot of getting use too, but story wise I think we're in for a treat if it can stay at this level.
  7. The thought came to mind as well since now you can do payments. But 50 bucks a month is a bit much sometimes. we're going thru an instructor at a co workers college and that's how we're getting it so damn cheap. It should be fun though, I think.
  8. That's the plan, if I can get a portable bluray drive and the program to rip it. Some good news is that my work just approved my check request and I THINK my supervisor ordered me Adobe CS6. It might be one of those deals where I have to do the video off the clock on a work PC, dunno if my laptop could take the pounding and eating of ram.
  9. Oh yeah I'm in, after seeing it's got the rated R rank, I'm so in. This'll so be worth seeing in 3D dear god ya!
  10. Hmmm yeah....that'd be pretty hard to afford. I just got a epiphone special 2 back in march and even at 150 was a hard bargain. been a long ass time since i last played but it was to nice of a guitar to pass up.
  11. Eh, almost see a mix of Victory and ZZ with the intro to Kio's storyline. Still got a lot of years left to do this whole century long story though. like another 40 years or so.
  12. I'm gonna follow his advice and not see this movie
  13. Was either him or the bowl hair cut guy can NEVER remember his name. Eh, I'm sure he'll get his too. Gundams known to screw the lil guy as well.
  14. Damn that reminds me I saw one of those at the hobby store a lil ways from here. Almost 200 bucks. It was tempting but I wouldn't have a spot for it! It's mostly likely gone now. That was a month ago i think.
  15. I'd pass on the decaling...unless you like a lot of careful application or cutting corners. They tend to kind of overlap the armor and what not. Best thing to do is to decal as you build versus at the end. Just experience on that advice. I saw a MG AGE-1....almost picked it up. ALMOST. But dunno if 62.50 is a good price for such a kit.
  16. Klingon genetic engineering!! I'm doing pretty good! I'm a captain now but it's getting a tad too repetitive in gameplay. Not too mention it feels like the leveing up becomes slower and slower once you hit Commander. seems like a lot of my time is doin fleet missions with other players versus single missions for storylines.
  17. Pass. I've passed them all after the first movie. These just should not be made.
  18. apples and oranges compared to the FE version. however when it comes to having a closed top side the RiD version takes it. I've heard there were problems with the FE editions vehicle roof top not closing at all on one side. But if you don't like the clear forearms they're pretty easy to fix up with either a red sharpie or a little primer and flat red which is what i did. Then just made a simple design on the side panels for the blue markings. All in all it was pretty easy and he's a lot more tv accurate. Ratchet though, damn, he's got a lot of work coming to him very soon.
  19. I will always enjoy the grittiness and gore factor of the 90's film. Not too mention it was one of the last hollywood films to use practical effects from stop motion, to model building. or, at least one of arnolds last.
  20. Have they ever come subbed? I think they actually confirmed it does not come subbed. And to be honest, unless it was a HK boot, I don't think any of the Blurays have ever come with subs.
  21. Been tempted on buying the LE from YesAsia, but I dunno if I can justify 230 bucks. What do you guys think?
  22. Sadly all I could get my hands on without paying right up frontn was the hybrid pack. Luckily if all comes to plan it'll arrive nearly on my birthday and that'll be a damn treat. However, if I manage to find the LE version somewhere else, then that'll be even better. But 20 bucks for 4 day shipping at CD-Japan is worth it.
  23. I think I'm going to hold everything off for some time. With the announcement of the 30th AV release of DYRL coming in the summer time, I might just wait and see if I can make a real blu ray release of the 2.0 audio. I don't know, not experienced in the manner, but it's entirely possible.
  24. Dunno about that, playing with the gore factor of it all until the end of the prison arc. I just started reading the comic series since Tuesday and as of now I'm on issue 60. been scratching my head because the TV series changed so many elements and while making some things exciting to see does tend to get boring fairly quickly. And the comic series does the same thing and tends to beat a zombie horse with a stick a bit to often on the cliches and tones of character development. In some cases characters seem way to much a like. And I dunno, maybe it's because of all the deaths in this series and the gore and characters but I start to remember back to reading Battle Angel and thinking "Damn.......this is so similar in some way."
  25. Well, I'm practically up for preordering it when ever I can get a chance. I'd love to use the footage for the 2.0 dub. I think it'd be super awesome if anything to have HD video completely restored in hires in english. Hell, having a bonus game would be rather awesome too! Hard to justify the price, but I'll live.
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