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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. Network providers drop and replace shows all the time, it's common place. The only way you get a specific channel you want is to upgrade your service to something else. Comcast did that recently by removing Spike and Hub off the basic plan and replacing them with Telemondo channels, way to piss me off. I ditched my service but my mother ended up picking it back up and upgrading to an HD plan that got more channels so she could watch Bullriding and I could get the Hub back. This type of game doesn't surprise me.
  2. So it's a bit of necroposting but I did come up with an idea I'd like to share. We know, that the file is password protected, doesn't matter which helmet scheme you pick it's protected. By choosing the no adjustment scale for printing the parts will certainly go over the page and you'll have to come up with clever ways to fix the pep pieces. HOWEVER, by selecting adjust before print when it comes on, 99% of these parts will scale appropriately to the page and yuo wont have really any problems getting everything to fit to the page. I went with this recently and I'm nearly done with my helmet. It's a very tight fit but it does work in realitive scale to the design aspect of the helmet in the anime. It should be a little large and padding will help fix that easily. It's a tight fit to place the helmet over your head and I've come up with a solution to that. I was recently inspired by the designing of the BSG helmets of the new series, there are hinge/sliders at the jaw structure connecting to the chin that slide open giving an extension to the front making it much easier to get a helmet on and off your head. I'm looking for a way to incorporate that into my helmet once the casting is done. Currently I'm still in the pep process but it's going VERY well! I've also decided that this will be divided into 2 portions, the main helmet, and the top visor. Because resin will warp light weight items, I felt I could possibly ruin the top visor if it stayed connected to the main body of the helmet. And if something fails all I have to do is repep the top visor versus the entire helmet.
  3. Digging this more now. Looks like Disney has a win right now.
  4. That was fast.
  5. Been doing some thinking on what I plan on doing should I be able to somehow rip the blu-ray edition of DYRL and optimize the english track. Here's what I'm planning on for hopefully the definitive edition; 1) Optimal Video resolution to match what the Blu-ray will pump out, but try to keep it under 8 gigs. 2) Clean up the English track a bit, add some more effects that went missing, and fix some of the vocal tracks. 3) Redo the Flashback 2012 credit sequence, add in a better credit list that matched the original video. 4) Try to do a Karaoke track for all the minmay sequences. Someone will need to show me how that works though. so volunteers are welcome. Any other suggestions?
  6. Girlfriend and I saw it lastnight.... other than that yeah, wasn't a bad film.
  7. So which super packs are the right ones for the YF-29 if I so choose to get them? Looking around online is very confusing seeing how some sites still sell the YF-29 v.1 then list the packs.
  8. Set myself for very low expectations, very low. And just reminding myself that this is NOT alien. So I might enjoy it tomorrow after work. If my girlfriend feels any better from her stomach bug she MIGHT enjoy it. If she doesn't get better, then I go alone and got no one to converse with.
  9. They've completely taken the Frontier stuff off the list that's been around since February. So doesn't surprise me if you guys been in for a long wait. I think my bank account cleared my echeck (that's just dumb....) with Nippon Yasan so with any luck I should be seeing my stuff as paid and cleared on their website tomorrow.
  10. Ordered mine just recently from there. But it's an uncleared payment. Wont clear till end of the week if I'm lucky. But good thing I decided to pay upfront on it!
  11. I ordered a Durandal and the VF-171 from Nippon Yasan yesterday. But now I'm finding out that Paypal has it listed as Unclear until sometime between Friday and Next Tuesday to clear payment. Truly a disappointment. If I can avoid this place I shall.
  12. No kidding. i just ordered mine for 305 after shipping and even that made me cry. Now I gotta wait for the damn payment clear which could take a week : / damn nippon yasan.
  13. I got a YF-29 from Nippon Yasan and preordered the VF-171. WOOT.
  14. Here's what I want to know, first it says X amount tax included, but when i look at the check out, the tax is almost 30 more dollars. What tax? I'm not a resident of their area. I shouldn't have to be any stinking tax.
  15. Hm, I'd love to see them being re-released so they were cheaper again. Last Zero toy I had was a VF-0A and iw as pissed that in 10 minutes the left bicep shattered, that was maybe 6 or 7 years ago? I'm attempting to buy another VF-0A cause it could of just been apart of that control problem once mentioned. I do miss my Vf-0S that was glorious. Not a single issue with that one.
  16. wow every single shot of Stewart really was the same damn expression 0_o I mean.....why?
  17. Hikuro

    DX VF-25G

    Does bandai even have an explanation as to why they can't meet the supply demands of the consumer or they just think there's no love for this show since it ended nearly .......5 years ago?
  18. I think it's more in scale to the CHUGS than it is for MP. Gives you more of an accurate look for what megatron should be without butterfly wings to him.
  19. Is there anyone still doing group buys of the 171 or anywhere that's not an arm, leg and possibly a brain for price?
  20. Not surprised Van Damme will be the baddie of this, seems fitting. This movie just screams it was written for every badass that has existed in old box office movies.
  21. fully honesty guys, would you pay over 300 dollars for one of these though?
  22. Pain in the ass....should of kept the preorders when I had the chance. But by god the prices were just to astronomical for me during that time. Now it's 3 times worse. Bandai needs to get off their asses and produce another set.
  23. I wont be disappointed in the least, the closest we got to a xenomorph was that wallsculpture in the trailer which hell could be cut out of the final cut. Who knows? girlfriend and I will be surely seeing this on imax though I can just about garuntee that.
  24. Was there any reason why they didn't go with smith on this? I mean it WAS rather traditional for him. I mean hell I'd of accepted one of his kids doing this I whip my tenticles back and forth I whip my tenticlesback and forth.
  25. Thanks for the vote of confidence. Glad to know the dvd dub was the cotb version and not mine lol. Although that robotechpodcaster guy still has my old works and wont give it up. I always wanted to dub the TV series properly....really I did. But there are so many schedule conflicts and casting issues, just not worth it. Still need to make my clash of the bionoids comparison so I can get the haters to just shut up between my edition and the toei version.
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