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About Hikuro

  • Birthday 08/02/1983

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  1. I'm going to hold off. I have enough on my plate as it is, and I got more than enough switch games and other games on other consoles to play. I'm gonna dive in hot and heavy like I said when the switch first released a decade ago. Plus this'll allow for any kind of bugs and faults to be corrected later on.
  2. Personally, The first two godzilla movies were fine, the KVG flicks though, I mean first one was okay, second was not my bag and was sorta turned off by it. I haven't seen Monarch though, mostly cause I won't sub to Apple TV stuff.
  3. Yep I remember most of all the grill like many people. We had one of the first generations of those things and it was used quite frequently for cooking burgers and sausages. Think that thing finally kicked the bucket around 2010....so almost 20 years of using that thing, can't say that about a lot of kitchen equipment these days. But he'll be missed, outstanding individual if there ever was one, boxing and off the ropes.
  4. think I had this game as a kid on a floppy disk or disks can't remember. but it does look pretty familiar. course I didn't understand how to play it at all back then.
  5. I dunno which is worse one of ya wanting to be like Riker or being like Grig! Not a bad tribute by them, some of these names I completely forgot have passed. But I do think we're all apart of a generation where the people we grew up watching are now dropping out of existence. I think when Arnold is gone, I'll probably have to take a week off.
  6. Bone Shaker and Twin Mill sort of remind me of a couple of laser rod G2 characters, can't remember their names though.
  7. I'm gonna be totally honest, and I've commented to the developer on this as well. But watching this trailer and seeing the gameplay footage reminded me a ton of LJN's Terminator 2 game from back in 1992 just with better graphics and sprite animation. I would rather have a game that was more original with a new storyline of some kind rather than just a retelling of stuff 30 years ago. It's one of the big reasons I enjoyed Resistance so much. I think we could have had a similar style of game like Aliens Infestation on the DS but with the Terminator motif that would have been a lot of fun. Have a 4 member platoon fighting in the war, uncovering the plot of unleashing the T-800 infiltrators into the resistance camps taking out high level targets and plotting the assassination of Connor. Then when all is said and done one of your squad mates ends up being a T-800 itself or something and gets you, then the game ends.
  8. I won't lie, I'm some what disappointed that the Arrowverse John Diggle didn't get to be a latern, or did he? Cause there was a whole area AFTER Arrow that I just completely stopped watching....Flash got boring and Supergirl just rubbed me wrong in a lot of ways by Season 4.
  9. yeah, Vortex looks pretty dang good. Man, I'm gonna need a really big storage tub to put away all my CW stuff and I got all of them. That kinda sucks lol. Now, I'm gonna be VERY curious how Onslaught will look. I expect that the whole lower half of his vehicle mode will be the appendages in some fashion that will just plug in when he transformers to combat truck. And we better get Blastoff as a shuttle, that disappointed me a bit that he ended up just being an Aerialbot retool.
  10. no doubt about that. I wonder if they're gonna try and squeeze him and Michelle in for the oscar's segment of actors who've passed.
  11. Santa Fe PD are now ruling their deaths as suspicious. Gas company found no evidence or problems of a gas leak, their front door was ajar, with 2 of their 3 dogs found alive and healthy. man, that is just sad.
  12. Yeah that was really out of no where, sorta. I mean he was 95, it was gonna happen sooner or later, but the means is what sucks. Very curious on what the results will be. He will be very missed.
  13. I first remember her in Adventures of Pete and Pete. Wow, didn't really dawn on me I was 5 years older than her, didn't feel it.
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