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Everything posted by Gumper

  1. I remember Pirates of Dark Water, it has some kind of flying talking monkey in it. Animation was crap even back then...I remember liking it at one point and then seeing it on TV recently and despising it totally.
  2. I think what Agent One wants is for Keith to admit that there was no dialogue that mentioned anything about Supervision army software conflicting with Human software...I think thats what he wants anyways... Myself, Ive never seen SDF: Macross (I know poor me! Let the donations begin! LOL) As for the spherical fold thing and the SDF taking surrounding objects with it when folding above the island. We never see any Zent ships doing this, and in DYRL when Hikaru is caught in the trainer with Misa, he gets pushed away from the fold. In the earths atmoshphere I dont think we see any of the carriers, or even the water getting pushed away. So either the atmosphere did something to the fold by calming it I guess, or there are different types of folds... Still, its a pretty interesting discussion so far Now Ill go back to the shadows and watch
  3. The Starcom toys were really cool, with the Magnets in the boots of the guys so they stuck to their ships even upside down!!!! The wonders of being young lol. Id completely forgotten about DinoRiders, the toys for that were cool! Bravestar as well, with his texan horse lol! Cartoons today dont match them. Cartoons I like today, Dexter, Ren and Stimpy...Family Guy (Does that count lol).
  4. I dont know if anyone will remember this, but Im sure there was a GoBots movie, where they were transported to another planet/dimension and met up with a bunch of guys called the Rock Lords? Robots/Creatures that transformed into rocks.... Its true...theres no way I dreamt that one up... MASK was insanely cool, Visionaries to...what about Centurions? Always wanted a Centurion figure but never got one Umm...Inhumanoids? was that a show. Another show I remember was a bunch of guys with cars with massive chainsaws on them, fighting against cars that had giant demolishing balls on them, but were made out of plant life.... Im only 21 and I remember all this stuff. God help the older people!
  5. The gfx are so much better then MOH. Shove every setting up to high and MOH cant compete. My only gripe with the game is that when you run around, or watch other people run around to be more precise, it looks as though theyve crapped their pants I play online all the time, am in a clan called Black Watch UK. [bW-UK] We have our own server (UK server mind) so if you guys are looking for a fun place to play then come and join in the fun www.bw-uk.co.uk
  6. someone had better tell Charlies Valkyries that Hikaru has forgotten his gun
  7. Its only £60 hehe. I might pick these up if I can find them for import over here in the Uk Never actually seen SDF:Macross, and cant fork out for the animeigo release Ah well, hopefully find them here.
  8. Gumper


    This is for all of my fellow UK residents. Epicheroes.com has asked me if I can give them a list of any MAcross toys/merchandise they can stock for us. I was asking about 1/48 Yamato's and they said if I could get them a list of items they should stock for us, that way they can service all of the Macross fans in the UK. So, write down any items you would want them to stock here and I will get it to them... If theres any interest mind you, which I hope there is.
  9. I got Cranky Beetle!!! Ill be alright as long as you dont mind waiting an age for me to get up off my back
  10. yes I am 21, and as long as my mother keeps agreeing then I will feed my Macross addiction on my birthday The thing is, I live in the UK, so Id have to pay extra shipping...can only afford one just now, so I reckon if anything Ill go with the VF-1J as I love the 1J I joined MW in about 2000 with the old forums and lurked my way through 3 years of university SO stop welcoming me to MW as a noob and instead welcome me back to MW
  11. hehe, I dont know about welcome to MW. I was on the forums every day using the old system. Was more of a lurker then a poster though. Ever since the system changed my interest in both Macross and Robotech dropped drastically. But was playing with my Yamatos the other day and kina rekindled the interest
  12. As of yet I havent purchased any of the 1/48 scale Macross items. I do have 4 other Yamato toys, a VF-11B, a VF-1A (Hikaru), a VF-1S (Roy) and the Super VF-1J (1/60) My 21st birthday is the 28th of february and Im gonna try and persuade my mother to buy me a 1/48 scale valkyrie...what I need to know is, is the 1/48 VF-1J worth it? I love the colour scheme on the VF-1J and love the fastpacks...but I also like the VF-1S, so what would you guys go for? And as a sad little side note...I got banned for one week over at RT.com....I dont even know why Didnt even get an email...woe is me
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