I think what Agent One wants is for Keith to admit that there was no dialogue that mentioned anything about Supervision army software conflicting with Human software...I think thats what he wants anyways...
Myself, Ive never seen SDF: Macross (I know poor me! Let the donations begin! LOL)
As for the spherical fold thing and the SDF taking surrounding objects with it when folding above the island. We never see any Zent ships doing this, and in DYRL when Hikaru is caught in the trainer with Misa, he gets pushed away from the fold. In the earths atmoshphere I dont think we see any of the carriers, or even the water getting pushed away. So either the atmosphere did something to the fold by calming it I guess, or there are different types of folds...
Still, its a pretty interesting discussion so far
Now Ill go back to the shadows and watch